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India's UN 'yes' vote was a wrong move on Sri Lanka

we already punished Srilanka for supporting pakistan in 1971( which i still dont know why).. i dont think they will ever dare to repeat such mistakes again ... :sniper: They are too close to us..
we already punished Srilanka for supporting pakistan in 1971( which i still dont know why).. i dont think they will ever dare to repeat such mistakes again ... :sniper: They are too close to us..

LCA in tuticorin is an overkill for them don't you think!!!!!!:rofl:
There is nothing wrong with the Indian vote at the UN even if it is what SL thinks is against it. There were thousands of Tamils of Indian origin who were massacared. These had nothing to do with LTTE except for the fact that they were living in the LTTE areas.

India needs to project a clear message that India will not allow the persecution of Tamils in Lanka and follow up with enough actions to ensure that Lanka understands that China can not do ziltch in this case. The moment the message goes thru that nothing in Sri Lankan economy or system can work without the support from Indians as a nation (not Tamil and non Tamils), the honeymoon will be over anyway and the seriousness with the relationship with Indians as a whole will return and these funny statements against the Tamil parties from the Sri Lankan government will stop.

Signs of a growing spine.
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