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India's top leader saysModi's frequent foreign trips to make up for years of not being able to fly

At the risk of unleashing a torrent of abuse and personal insults,which I prefer to avoid

hardly... not only were sanghis champions in doing desi gaali-galoch, they now are going to mba colleges and learning pretend-american gaalis, like how our britani-desi, janjaweed, used in page 2.

anyone in the world visiting pdf will see what kind of people sanghis are.

Gaddafi had the largest oil reserves in Africa and a tiny local population. It did not require much genius to provide everything for free.

you make excuses and don't know history.

libya before the 1969 revolution also had oil sales but the money was going to the king ( idris ), his loyalists and the western government... people before the 1969 revolution were living in pathetic conditions but within ten years the genius revolutionaries, especially muammar, brought comforts and freedoms and rights to the people... comforts that you don't enjoy in 2015.

even nigeria is oil-rich and has population lot less compared to india, but still is as third-world as india... why??

and who asked indians to give birth to 900 million males, the highest male population in history?? most of these males are dharti pe boj.

what is the point of nationalistic indians saying india is "economic superpower" when indians die of hunger ( while no religious idol is without food ) and indians die of illness just because they don't have money... what madness it this...

karnataka state has the software industry ( india's main earner ) and had for years the mpo/kpo/lpo/whatever-po companies... yet bangalore is suicide capital of the world, banglalore is dog capital of the world, there are "honor killings", the state has farmer suicides, "moral police" got their start in karnataka etc.

go ask the fool former chairman of nasscom why he declared the grand prediction in 2009 that indian software industry will be earning trillions of dollars by 2030.

by 2030?? :lol: does he even know what is happening in the world... and what happened to his prediction now in 2015 when the bangalore/poona software industry is a big failure, with people being removed left, right and center...

but when it was earning, all the money was spent on buying western armaments... india has long become the largest importer of armaments... but to protect what internal system, i say !!! a system where farmers commit suicide because the rains failed or fell too hard?? where parents kill their own children so that the stupid mother can have a upper hand in neighborhood gossip?? where little girls are sacrificed by tantriks?? where people are discriminated or killed because of caste?? where ladies are beaten up or shot for stupid cultural reasons?? where dogs kill people and yet the next day there is a dog show?? where khap panchayats order the cutting, beheading and lynching of lovers??

haraam... haraam... haraam... what insanity is this !!!

sanghis should leave this world... leave ... leave, i say !!! go tell the idiots in isro to build a vedic spaceship and take all sanghis to brihaspati... maybe the tejo mahalaya is a ancient spaceship.

this world is for those who wish to live with human values.

It did however take some genius to flush it all down the toilet and get shot by his own people , which is what happened.

yeah?? did you not know or just ignore that 35+ militaries invaded libya by land, sea and air... and they started their operations first by sending in terrorists early 2011 and then they sent cruise rockets.

"his own people" were psychos that came from all over the world... indonesia, belgium, saudia, usa, dagestan, chechnya, somalia, afghanistan, probably india, britain, gaza, tunisia... everywhere.

libya and syria have been probably the biggest nato operations ever... biggest not only in direct military action but also in the sheer scale of the conspiracy, involving media, terrorists and intelligence.

"his own people" being helped by nato planes... :lol:


no need for description...


India does not have oil,

the saaftware and services industry, my man... though not much of it will remain in two years, forget 2030.

it does have coal and shale which unfortunately our socialist parties do not allow us to extract and sell for the benefit of the country to its full potential.

go for bio-fuel... replace the useless rice fields with sugarcane... ethanol is the way.

We make our money the hard way, from trade, from making and selling things under the most difficult circumstances using high interest loans

hard way for 68 years?? why is the interest system there at all??

and not least by working all night in call centers.

what call centers?? they have gone to philipines and eastern europe.

A person who works nights to feed his family and pays taxes from his hard earned money does not want the government then to take his share and use it to give free electricity to people who then proceed to waste it, simply because it is free. Because we make money the hard way and not by allowing foreign companies to dig holes in the dessert, we want our government to :

1. Stop stealing from our taxes.
2. Stop using our. Money to give freebies to their vote banks
3. Use our money wisely in the larger interests of the nation.

"the larger interests of the nation" must be to provide free-everything to its citizens but you people just want to be coolies... here i am saying that money system will be abolished in the immediate future ( because that is logical ), but sanghis declare that no, they want to live a pathetic troubled life and give trouble to others.

huzoor, i can't understand your system.
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..There are people..whose survival depends upon hating Modi...
They would never name the person whom they think is better than Modi..because there is none...
..Modi is the best bet for India..
..If U don't think so..just name the one who can be better than him...
..There are people..whose survival depends upon hating Modi...
They would never name the person whom they think is better than Modi..because there is none...
..Modi is the best bet for India..
..If U don't think so..just name the one who can be better than him...

me, the commie. :enjoy:

i am serious... with me as part of a socialist guiding leadership, indians for the first time in 68 years will experience true democracy and first-world comforts.
me, the commie. :enjoy:

i am serious... with me as part of a socialist guiding leadership, indians for the first time in 68 years experience true democracy and first-world comforts.
..no U r no Commi..
Commis are dead...
.Commies have been steam rolled by AAP...
..no U r no Commi..

i assure you i am.

Commis are dead...
.Commies have been steam rolled by AAP...

today, in the ongoing communist parties congress in kerala, sitaram yechury was elected as the general secretary of cpi-m.

aap is presently confused about its directions...and last month, prakash karat spoke of uniting all socialists under a single movment... from ( Prakash Karat at CPI Congress | Communist Party of India (Marxist) )...
Secondly, there is a need to strengthen the Left by broadening the scope and ambit of Left unity. In the recent period, we have taken some steps towards that. Six parties came together for joint actions against the policies of the Modi government, in defence of the livelihood of the people and against US imperialism. We have to work towards broadening Left unity further by bringing all Left parties, groups and individuals together for joint actions and united movements.

Thirdly, there is the necessity for forging greater coordination between the Left-led class and mass organizations working among different sections of the people. This should become the trigger for broader united mass movements and campaigns.

It is in this process that we will be able to rally and bring together other democratic forces for the common endeavour of defending secularism, democracy and the basic rights of the people.

Such is the enormity and the magnitude of the rightwing threat that it calls for an inspired and united response from all those on the Left. Let the 22nd Congress of the CPI be an important step in providing such a response.

Forward to Left unity!

Build a Left and democratic alternative!
i assure you i am.

today, in the ongoing communist parties congress in kerala, sitaram yechury was elected as the general secretary of cpi-m.

aap is presently confused about its directions...and last month, prakash karat spoke of uniting all socialists under a single movment... from ( Prakash Karat at CPI Congress | Communist Party of India (Marxist) )...
..Do U really compare Sitaram with Modi....:o:
..get a life..commies are dead and burried...they have lost long..long ago..even Mamta decimated them....
..so were U...
..may ur soul rest in peace...must have been hard coming in terms to the rising Modi...
..From now on, I will not take ur post seriously....
..Do U really compare Sitaram with Modi....:o:
..get a life..commies are dead and burried...they have lost long..long ago..even Mamta decimated them....
..so were U...
..may ur soul rest in peace...must have been hard coming in terms to the rising Modi...

even the western peoples talk against capitalism now... capitalism is obsolete, only kept alive by usa military might.

..From now on, I will not take ur post seriously....

says someone whose user-name is capitalist economic growth hope. :lol:
even the western peoples talk against capitalism now... capitalism is obsolete, only kept alive by usa military might.

says someone whose user-name is capitalist economic growth hope. :lol:
....yes...because the greatest commi..Deng said.."the colour of cat doesn't matter, it should catch mice"....
..Indian commies are against growth ...they are more of pol-pot .. sick men of communist world..:azn:

..Go and first learn learn communism from ur father..the chinese...and then talk about the Growth...
....Raste ke Pathar...
..Na kaam kare ge , na karne denge...:agree:
....yes...because the greatest commi..Deng said.."the colour of cat doesn't matter, it should catcha mice"....

in what context did you give this??

..Indian commies are against growth ...

define "growth".

they are more of pol-pot

pol-pot?? i know of someone else in india involved in massacre. ;)

.. sick men of communist world..:azn:

okay, i accept that indian communists were not successful like the socialists in most other societies, and failed to recreate india as a socialist society... and this failure they accept which is why they talk of reunification of all former factions of the cpi.

..Go and first learn learn communism from ur father..the chinese...and then talk about the Growth...

and this supposed growth in china, with capitalist-inspired industry and hunger for consumerism, is leading china along the path to failure.
hardly... not only were sanghis champions in doing desi gaali-galoch, they now are going to mba colleges and learning pretend-american gaalis, like how our britani-desi, janjaweed, used in page 2.

anyone in the world visiting pdf will see what kind of people sanghis are.

I see you started off by calling me a "sanghi" whatever that means. My Hindi is not the best but from the context I am assuming it means a person who believes blindly and with religious fervor (Hindu fervor perhaps?) despite evidence to the contrary. Yet, you believe with utmost fervor in socialism despite the fact that it has never worked anywhere in the world ever. I assume your dislike of interest and dogs is due to your Muslim upbringing despite all evidence that no modern Economy can work without functioning banks and some form of interest and yes sharia banks charge interest they just call it something else. So you tell me who is the " sanghi " here , me or you? It seems you have more blind belief and religious fervor than I have ever expressed.

libya before the 1969 revolution also had oil sales but the money was going to the king ( idris ), his loyalists and the western government... people before the 1969 revolution were living in pathetic conditions but within ten years the genius revolutionaries, especially muammar, brought comforts and freedoms and rights to the people... comforts that you don't enjoy in 2015.

Libya May have had oil before 1969 but oil prices skyrocketed in the 70 s . Money started flowing into oil exporting countries in the 70s . Look what free trading UAE did with their oil bonanza and then compare it with Libya and ask the locals which they would prefer.

1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the saaftware and services industry, my man... though not much of it will remain in two years, forget 2030.

I assume by your mis spelling that you find our Indian accent a subject of hilarity? And yes the "saaftware" industry is India's oil. But unlike oil, it requires skill, education, negotiation and hard work to mine. You cannot call an American company and then retreat to your palace with your Ukranian nurse. You need to keep your clients happy, upgrade your skills, negotiate deals, a lot lot harder to do.

go for bio-fuel... replace the useless rice fields with sugarcane... ethanol is the way.

Talk is cheap. president Bush did precisely that see what happened to him . The unintended consequences of ethanol production.

Unintended consequences: US ethanol revolution causes 'ecological disaster' — RT USA

"the larger interests of the nation" must be to provide free-everything to its citizens but you people just want to be coolies... here i am saying that money system will be abolished in the immediate future ( because that is logical ), but sanghis declare that no, they want to live a pathetic troubled life and give trouble to others.

Believe me we peoples do not want to be coolies, but,that is what we need to do so that we can earn a living and pay taxes to provide people like you with the freedom to sit on your couch and spout socialism. Nothing is free, what you may be getting free, I am paying for by my coolie work which you are so dismissive of. We live pathetic lives so that you can be fed and secure enough to plan revolution from the comfort of your homes.

I won't reply to the " money system is going to be abolished ". I assume it is some sort of religious prophecy, and that would have to be argued by a religious scholar not me.
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mind your language... not every member from india is a mba college idiot from bangalore or poona, pretending to be americans when americans don't themselves use such language.

edit : and i have contributed more to society in ten years than modi lovers can collectively do in 500 years.

edit : your modi and the sangh are just tools for the western bloc... the west doesn't really respect him or them. :lol:

For somebody who is sensitive about others' language, here's what you wrote about your and our own Prime Minister:

soon, modi the mass murderer will also be a hero on time cover.

Giiven all the motivations of his political rivals to hang him by his balls, the 'secular' brigade that ruled Center for 10 years and controlled all the central investigating agencies, they couldn't come up with a shred of evidence incriminating Mr.Modi. Even the highest Court in India exonerated Mr.Modi of all charges.

Now, either you prove your charges that Modi is a mass-murderer or STFU!

I really think you have no respect for Indian Judicial System or perhaps any Judicial System other than Shariah, but for f*ck's sake, come out clean for what you are! Stop hiding behind your Socialist Umbrella!
and this supposed growth in china, with capitalist-inspired industry and hunger for consumerism, is leading china along the path to failure.
now I truly have heard it all from you, China is failing... right :rolleyes:
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