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India's top leader saysModi's frequent foreign trips to make up for years of not being able to fly

mind your language... not every member from india is a mba college idiot.

look who is talking... you have the audacity to call your country's PM a mass murderer.. & asking others to mind their language? Don't be a disgraceful idiot all your life... learn to be civil when you quote someone's post, without patronizing them!
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learn to be civil when you quote someone's post without patronizing them!

go back and see who used the word "bitch".

i am a cat... understand that once and for all... cats were respected by the greatest of cultures and greatest of men.

look who is talking... you have the audacity to call your country's PM a mass murderer..

my country's pm?? :rofl:

who gave you permission to dictate choices to me, a muslim socialist?? and even in the fake-democracy system of elections, there is a great many people who did not vote for modi... this should the last time anyone says such a preposterous thing on pdf... what a fascist bunch these sanghis are !!!

there have been greater men than modi who gave speech in uno general assembly than this modi... real heroes - che guevara, fidel castro, muammar gaddafi, hugo chavez... those are world leaders.

time will tell if modi and his sanghi goons ( like pramod mutalik ) will be brought to trial in the "international criminal court" for crimes of mass murder, moral policing and forwarding the most anti-human ideology in the history of humanity.

meanwhile, watch how the german chancellor respects modi... :lol:

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mind your language... not every member from india is a mba college idiot from bangalore or poona, pretending to be americans when americans don't themselves use such language.

edit : and i have contributed more to society in ten years than modi lovers can collectively do in 500 years.

edit : your modi and the sangh are just tools for the western bloc... the west doesn't really respect him or them. :lol:

Comically high levels of delusion. You fit well in here with the rest of irrational Modi haters. :rofl:

The 'respect' of west is immaterial, their business, weapons is what matters.

my country's pm?? :rofl:

who gave you permission to dictate choices to me, a muslim socialist?? and even in the fake-democracy system of elections, there is a great many people who did not vote for modi... this should the last time anyone says such a preposterous thing on pdf... what a fascist these sanghis are !!!

If you are an Indian citizen as your flag represents, he is your PM. Some random nobody whining on a silly forum does nothing to change that, its good fodder for laughs though.

You could follow Thor and that still would not have any impact on who the PM is.

there have been greater men who gave speech in uno general assembly than this modi... modi is not worth the dust on their shoes... shoes of real heroes - che guevara, fidel castro, muammar gaddafi, hugo chavez... those are world leaders.

Who are these lil b'tches you mention as being great?

time will tell if modi and his sanghi goons ( like pramod mutalik ) will be brought to trial in the "international criminal court" for crimes of mass murder, moral policing and forwarding the most anti-human ideology in the history of humanity.

Yes, yes and who will bring them to court... the lil b'tches you mentioned? :chilli:
edit : and i have contributed more to society in ten years than modi lovers can collectively do in 500 years.

edit : your modi and the sangh are just tools for the western bloc... the west doesn't really respect him or them. :lol:
don't flatter yourself... if you really had done something meaningful.. you wouldn't have felt the necessity to advertise the same in here, seeking my sympathy & recognition.

Riding a cycle & misusing the laptop thrown at you by Akhilesh Yadav is not called contribution towards society. It's called living at the bone thrown at you by your masters.. & showing loyalty to it by degrading their political opponents!
go back and see who used the word "bitch".

i am a cat... understand that once and for all... cats were respected by the greatest of cultures and greatest of men.
Go back & check what was that quoted against! Then come & cry me a river...

my country's pm?? :rofl:

who gave you permission to dictate choices to me, a muslim socialist?? and even in the fake-democracy system of elections, there is a great many people who did not vote for modi... this should the last time anyone says such a preposterous thing on pdf... what a fascist bunch these sanghis are !!!

there have been greater men than modi who gave speech in uno general assembly than this modi... real heroes - che guevara, fidel castro, muammar gaddafi, hugo chavez... those are world leaders.

time will tell if modi and his sanghi goons ( like pramod mutalik ) will be brought to trial in the "international criminal court" for crimes of mass murder, moral policing and forwarding the most anti-human ideology in the history of humanity.

meanwhile, watch how the german chancellor respects modi... :lol:

you may want to live in denial... the fact remains that Modi is the PM of India.. & he will remain your PM for next 4 years as long as you remain an Indian citizen. Deal with that reality... not going to change no matter how hard you bleed.

& about that video of German chancellor you posted... I will say the same thing to you what I said to the one who opened a thread here on it originally... anything to make you feel good... even if it's a fraction of the whole clip to conceal the truth! just feel pity on you who try to find solace in falsehood despite knowing the reality! & I won't even bother to post the actual video.
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Comically high levels of delusion. You fit well in here with the rest of irrational Modi haters. :rofl:

get modi on the podium in the uno general assembly with me... his "famed" oratory skills will be no match to my simple words and questions of common sense... i assure his leaving the podium in 30 minutes.

The 'respect' of west is immaterial,

how can that be?? didn't a sanghi minister say in 1998 or so "usa and india are natural allies"?? :lol:

their business, weapons is what matters.

oh. what will sanghis do when money system has been abolished, or even when interest-based-economics has been abolished...

and weapons... yes, war-mongering crazies that sanghis are.

If you are an Indian citizen as your flag represents, he is your PM.

i reject modi, i reject the ideology he represents... but you can try asking obama to turn usa into sanghi-land... i am sure he will comply.

Some random nobody whining on a silly forum does nothing to change that,

so you can kindly exit from this forum.

@waz @Horus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch

i request forum management to not allow unpleasant members like mister nicky to use forum to propagate their irrational hatreds... when isis propaganda is banned, there is no reason for rss propaganda to be allowed either.

its good fodder for laughs though.

did you look at the vid i posted, of the german chancellor respecting modi?? fodder for laughs indeed.

You could follow Thor and that still would not have any impact on who the PM is.

thor?? i am no college boy so don't have time for silly films or video games.

Who are these lil b'tches you mention as being great?

what is your age, may i humbly ask??

those are heroes whose words, works and ambitions are respected and forwarded by every sensible person... and go ask your father if he worked in a bank or factory as what brought him such things as "employee unions".

also, you can go ask your masters in the white house and no. 10 downing street who those men are.

my, oh, my... these sanghis have brought india back to the oppressive time of zamindars and bonded laborers, honor killing parents,superstitions, mythologies overtaking sense, dogs killing people, capitalism running riot... insanity.

you are not at all worried about india becoming, officially, "suicide capital of the world"... to hell with 125 foreign jet planes... be concerned about humanity first.

Yes, yes and who will bring them to court./QUOTE]

the movements and questions against the sanghis have started... and modi sarkaar depend on money generated by the "it and services industry", yes?? ;)
Go back & check what was that quoted against! Then come & cry me a river...

you may want to live in denial... the fact remains that Modi is the PM of India.. & he will remain your PM for next 4 years as long as you remain a Indian citizen. Deal with that reality... not going to change no matter how hard you bleed.

& about that video of German chancellor you posted... I will say the same thing to you what I said to the one who opened a thread here on it originally... anything to make you feel good... even if it's a fraction of the whole clip to conceal the truth! just feel pity on you who try to find solace in falsehood despite knowing the reality! & won't even bother to post the actual video.

Here's the real one

get modi on the podium in the uno general assembly with me... his "famed" oratory skills will be no match to my simple words and questions of common sense... i assure his leaving the podium in 30 minutes.

Get those 'great' leaders to get you on a platform with the PM. Why aren't they even that influential?:lol:

how can that be?? didn't a sanghi minister say in 1998 or so "usa and india are natural allies"?? :lol:

Severe lack of comprehension. I see no reason to correct that.

oh. what will sanghis do when money system has been abolished, or even when interest-based-economics has been abolished...

and weapons... yes, war-mongering crazies that sanghis are.

Get back to me when your great leaders have actually abolished the system.

i reject modi, i reject the ideology he represents... but you can try asking obama to turn usa into sanghi-land... i am sure he will comply.

Your rejection is of no value. Anyone can reject anything, does not mean it makes any difference.

so you can kindly exit from this forum.

@waz @Horus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch

Silly is offensive, ok.

i request forum management to not allow unpleasant members like mister nicky to use forum to propagate their irrational hatreds... when isis propaganda is banned, there is no reason for rss propaganda to be allowed either.

Hatreds... ok.

did you look at the vid i posted, of the german chancellor respecting modi?? fodder for laughs indeed.

I don't need to look at more childish propaganda, I am too busy laughing at yours.

thor?? i am no college boy so don't have time for silly films or video games.

Your posts paint a different picture to what you claim.

what is your age, may i humbly ask??

Be more humble, then again your previous claims do not reflect an iota of being humble.

those are heroes whose words, works and ambitions are respected and forwarded by every sensible person... and go ask your father if he worked in a bank or factory as what brought him such things as "employee unions".

Clearly not. Your socialist propaganda is as irrelevant as the communist party in India.

also, you can go ask your masters in the white house and no. 10 downing street who those men are.

No I don't have any such contacts, you can ask these great men to get in touch with me.

my, oh, my... these sanghis have brought india back to the oppressive time of zamindars and bonded laborers, honor killing parents,superstitions, mythologies overtaking sense, dogs killing people, capitalism running riot... insanity.

Insanity indeed, your posts reflect that clearly.

you are not at all worried about india becoming, officially, "suicide capital of the world"... to hell with 125 foreign jet planes... be concerned about humanity first.

Your definition of humanity is of no value to me. Go teach it to someone who cares, like those great leaders you spoke of.

Finally, let me know when these great leaders get Modi in front of some court ok?

If you cannot respect the PM of the nation, then don't, but at least learn to respect the opinion of the majority of citizens of India. I have lived under the CPI rule, and those socialist scums are responsible for the degradation of life and compelled people to starve to death, even though the new Mamata bitch is no better. So when you talk about these grandiose scheme of things, you should better ask those who lived through it.
soon, modi the mass murderer will also be a hero on time cover.



modi was the only person to be denied a visa based on a little known law from 1998 on religious freedom brought in due to persecution of Chrisitans in places like Sudan and China. This was due to deft politics by congress instigated christian groups in india. Countries with absolutely no religious freedoms and where minorities are routinely persecuted have not had an impact presumably because their opposition parties don't go to the same lengths to nail leaders from other parties as we do in India. His denial of US visa was due to politicking by the congress who knew even then that they would not be allowed to continue with the mass looting of India if NM wings were not clipped. There has never been such a viscous campaign against any other leader ever. The family of rajiv gandhi who presided over the murder of 4000 Sikhs is still the most major force in india.

Why Narendra Modi Was Banned From the U.S. - WSJ

There is a lot at stake for the congress and their chamchas. Sonia gandhi is richer than the queen of England and the sultan if Brunei. She made all that wealth in the last 10 years from a poor country. The queen of England has inherited wealth accumulated over centuries. You can't blame them for trying hard to maintain the source of loot.

The Richest World Leaders Are Even Richer Than You Thought

If you cannot respect the PM of the nation, then don't, but at least learn to respect the opinion of the majority of citizens of India.

1. sorry but you should respect the wishes of those who did not vote for modi and bjp... they find bjp too regressive a party.

2. if humanity had got stuck in this game of majority vs minority, we humans wouldn't have progressed.

3. prophet jesus, prophet muhammad and lenin preached against the wrongs followed blindly by the majority... they did not say "oh, 1000 people do this, so i must be the 1001"... no, they rejected the traditional wrongs followed by the majority and set a progressive path for all humans... and 2017 will bring the 100th anniversary of the russian revolution.

I have lived under the CPI rule, and those socialist scums are responsible for the degradation of life and compelled people to starve to death, even though the new Mamata bitch is no better. So when you talk about these grandiose scheme of things, you should better ask those who lived through it.

those tea plantation workers starved to death in 2014 under modi sarkaar and modi was busy in propagating nationalism and preparing to buy western armaments.

you have not lived in libya, syria, cuba, ussr, north korea, iraq etc... you should ask the syrian member, syrian lion, about syria and why he defends the syrian system despite the western bloc media propagating against it.

i agree that it has been a failure of indian socialist groups not to have brought real socialism to india.

look at some of what libya provided to citizens before 2011...

- free electricity and water... no monthly bills.
- housing for all, to be lived rent-free, as long as one wants... no one homeless.
- free medical system ( top class )... and facility of total sponsoring treatment in foreign hospitals if needed... life is sacred.
- free education... and facility of sponsoring in foreign institutes if interested... learn for interest, not for job.
- free land to those interested in farming, with free everything need to start farming ( seed, tractor etc ).
- loan ( interest-free, of course ) of 20,000 dollars to those who wish to start a business.
- socialist justice and freedoms.
- unemployment money every month... imagine if you are doing a project... you don't need to do a job just to survive.
- other things.

top quality life... first world life.

from ( The Libya I Once Knew )... this is from 1979...
The Libyan not willing to work would receive the equivalent salary valued today of $ 7,000 USD per month.

Plus, doctors, hospitals and medicines were all for free. Nobody paid for education in a Libyan school and whoever wanted to continue their education outside the country would receive a substantially good scholarship.

It was a habit in the country that if someone did not like the car anymore, he only had to abandon the car with the key inside. This was the era of Libya.

Just to have an idea about Gaddafi's Libya, everything sold was about the same price, $3 USD. There were gigantic supermarkets, but nothing was sold at retail. Anyone wishing to buy rice, for example, would pay $ 3 for the 50 kilo bag. Everything was sold on that basis.

india is officially since 2014 the "suicide capital of the world", declared by uno no less... but the uno-who did not go deeply into the matter and see that student suicides and those because of cultural reasons, are not just suicides but "honor killing" indirectly... so india is also "honor killing" capital of the world... are you really happy with this state of affairs??

come on... why did greek socialist revolutionaries in 2014 rocket the house of the german ambassador to greece... why are the anglo nations seeing the occupy protests...

india is the most extreme case of capitalism, materialism, consumerism, traditional injustice, reactionary outlook... but doen't mean it should continue for the next ten years.

what is wrong is wrong and must be rejected... why should it matter if you will be going against the "sentiments" of the majority??
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Here's the real one

Everyone is aware of the actual video...more so are those who flaunt those trimmed version. It's nothing but an attempt to soothe the pain they are suffering due to sudden rise in the political fortune of a man they despise most. I honestly pity those who resort to these kind of juvenile tactics to escape their insecurity & frustration.
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i agree that it has been a failure of indian socialist groups not to have brought real socialism to india.

look at some of what libya provided to citizens before 2011...

- free electricity and water... no monthly bills.
- housing for all, to be lived rent-free, as long as one wants... no one homeless.
- free medical system ( top class )... and facility of total sponsoring treatment in foreign hospitals if needed... life is sacred.
- free education... and facility of sponsoring in foreign institutes if interested... learn for interest, not for job.
- free land to those interested in farming, with free everything need to start farming ( seed, tractor etc ).
- loan ( interest-free, of course ) of 20,000 dollars to those who wish to start a business.
- socialist justice and freedoms.
- unemployment money every month... imagine if you are doing a project... you don't need to do a job just to survive.

At the risk of unleashing a torrent of abuse and personal insults,which I prefer to avoid, I can't let this go. Gaddafi had the largest oil reserves in Africa and a tiny local population. It did not require much genius to provide everything for free. It did however take some genius to flush it all down the toilet and get shot by his own people , which is what happened.

India does not have oil, it does have coal and shale which unfortunately our socialist parties do not allow us to extract and sell for the benefit of the country to its full potential.

We make our money the hard way, from trade, from making and selling things under the most difficult circumstances using high interest loans and not least by working all night in call centers. A person who works nights to feed his family and pays taxes from his hard earned money does not want the government then to take his share and use it to give free electricity to people who then proceed to waste it, simply because it is free. Because we make money the hard way and not by allowing foreign companies to dig holes in the dessert, we want our government to :

1. Stop stealing from our taxes.
2. Stop using our. Money to give freebies to their vote banks
3. Use our money wisely in the larger interests of the nation.
Sitaram yechuri... top leader... :rofl: enough said about this clowns, they hurt India so many times with their idiotic nature.
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