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India's Top Five Achievements Since Independence ( 1947 )

1.That data from wherever you quoted is incorrect. There was not a single Muslim family in the refugee camps. All Muslims went to fight. IA officers entrusted with the job, notably late Brig Sabegh Singh (late Maj Gen and Shaheed e Khalistan), tried their best to convince the Hindu youth to join MB. But they drew a zero. No one was willing. They preferred to stay in the camps as refugees or doing odd jobs with friends / relations in India.

2.The reason, not realized by us then, is very simple. Bengalee Hindus are overwhelmingly Nomo Shudro / Lower Cast who believe bearing arm is not their profession. That is why there were no Bengalee regts in British Indian Army and none in IA.

3. Our minorities, including Hindus, are happy in BD. They enjoy employment, and economic well being far better than the national average. You are complex-ed; I never belittled them.

yup, you are always right. We Indians are always wrong. Perhaps we should take lessons from experts-of-everythings who roam the internet forums often. no dearth of such experts. :)
I'll share a real life instance.
Few years back, me and some people from my company went to a school for tribal children to donate some material we had collected from the township i live in. The mid day meal scheme here is run by ISKON and helped along by Brahmkumaris. On enquiry people around told us that they would love if people could come and volunteer some help (SEVA as they called), so we went back next sunday as well. I was pleasantly surprised to see a group of young ladies from mumbai doing various jobs and one of them told me that this service gives them a lot of inner peace and happiness and the group comes here often.
It was the first time in my life i realized what a huge difference can be created to society by small contributions from an individual and it need not necessarily be money. I'm sure there are many such examples in other parts of country too.
So next time your elders scold the new generation grinning " Is Desh ka kya hoga ", just smile on them. Not everything in our country is rotten.

Great share Mate.
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