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India’s ties to Pakistan mending

well India is also not on radar of China as they have other issues to deal with and they have dozens time more trade with you as compared to Pakistan
ha ha ha...japan have 6-7 time more trade with china then us...
what's going on now between both..
trade is one thing and ego clash is other..

So, India have no enemy in region, why you are wasting load of money in weapons? just stop it and start investing on mango man.
see I told you India and china feel each other as competitor..though china is much bigger economy currently but Inida also has the same potential to grow so, there is a sense of completion going in between india and china..and where ever there is competition it bring insecurity :tup:
ha ha ha...japan have 6-7 time more trade with china then us...
what's going on now between both..
trade is one thing and ego clash is other..

see I told you India and china feel each other as competitor..though china is much bigger economy currently but Inida also has the same potential to grow so, there is a sense of completion going in between india and china..and where ever there is competition it bring insecurity :tup:

Now you are defying your own logic which you used in case of Pakistan.
Now you are defying your own logic which you used in case of Pakistan.
no I am not..
I do not mean to offend you ... but ego clash will happen if two nation are economically and militarily equal. japan always had the money and backing of USA..where as pakistan neither have economy nor any firm backing from any nation..In current scenario if there is a war pak. gov. will go bankrupt and pakistan will collapse..
just sharing information

In sum, Chinese investment activity in Pakistan is quite modest. It is a negligible fraction of total Chinese outward investment of more than $250 billion since 2005 and dwarfed by Chinese activity in Indonesia, for example.[27] This should not be a surprise. Chinese outward investment is motivated more by domestic economic needs than by foreign policy goals. What the PRC deems to be strategic sectors—iron, copper, oil, coal, and gas—are materials needed to keep domestic industry humming and hundreds of millions of people employed. Farmland is similar, though it has proven more difficult to acquire. Pakistan has comparatively little in the way of any of these resources.


The Limits of the Pakistan-China Alliance

The Limits of Pakistan-China Relations

One thing i never understood that if China is not friend of Pakistan than why everybody is worried about it? Regarding investment, even kid knows the law & order situation in this period and on top of that PPP govt. - under these circumstances even Pakistani businessmen moved their business out. Chinese investors are coming back with the departure of Zardari & co.
Now you are defying your own logic which you used in case of Pakistan.

so i guess final conclusion of this debate is .......business, trade and politics /hate is two different think ,and it is practically possible for any government to keep it separate,best example is indo-china and china -japan relation (i think we all are mutually agree on this).........specially including border dispute also

so why this theory is fail in indo - pak relation

hindu and muslim is really root cause...........just curious to know about :undecided:
no I am not..
I do not mean to offend you ... but ego clash will happen if two nation are economically and militarily equal. japan always had the money and backing of USA..where as pakistan neither have economy nor any firm backing from any nation..In current scenario if there is a war pak. gov. will go bankrupt and pakistan will collapse..

LOL!!! I don't get offended because of these things, i am hearing these things since years. But yeah it's getting boring now.
so i guess final conclusion of this debate is .......business, trade and politics /hate is two different think ,and it is practically possible for any government to keep it separate,best example is indo-china and china -japan relation (i think we all are mutually agree on this).........specially including border dispute also

so why this theory is fail in indo - pak relation

hindu and muslim is really root cause...........just curious to know about :undecided:

Yeah - your conclusion is right but it fails in case of Indo-Pak and i already mentioned that in case of Indo-Pak everybody comes out holding his dick in hand (on both sides) which is not the case in other examples.
We don't like to give Most Favored Nation status to country who not let a single day go without bashing & doing propaganda against us. :angry:

China doesn't need MFN from us nor we from them. :pakistan::china:
,this would lead to better relations between the people of greater punjab,which is soon gonna be a province of akhand bharat :azn:
,this would lead to better relations between the people of greater punjab,which is soon gonna be a province of akhand bharat :azn:

LOL!!! We will enforce marshal law and kick out babus like you and confiscate all corner plots of your akhand bharat than you will come on PDF winning about evil Punjabies. So, it's better for you to become province of Greater Punjab - i will give you ministry of web surveillance.
Btw, this is the start of good news. As per Khurram Dastgir Khan, minister for commerce and textile industry, Pakistan said that the phasing out of the list of 1,209 product items of the negative list is the part of the non-discriminatory market-access which Pakistan is considering to grant to India in lieu of Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status.

Khan said: "NDMA is a unmediated reflection of what is actually going to happen. Business leaders of both the sides never said that we want this name or that name. They just want market access. It is a much better reflective term... Let us not be stranded on nomenclature and move forward."

A rose by any other name will still be a rose :)
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