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India’s Tejas programme suffers more delays

I didn't say full squardron..We didn't even have more than one production line when it was first inducted.Now production capacity is at 8 a year with one more production line added last year.Will increase further once more production lines are added.It will reach to 12 once 3rd is added on 2018.
Thank you for clarification.

He is talking about the number build including prototypes. Which is at 20.

Producing 8 air crafts per year now. Probably increase the production using Hawk assembly lines.

Going to induct 120 air crafts of Mk-1A type.
Thank you. I couldn't get that 20 figure.

So the first of these SP units ordered in March 2005 was,
according to you document, delivered on October 1st ...
2014. Hum! Quite the lead-in queue wouldn't you agree?

1st October - First Flight of LCA Tejas SP 1
The first Tejas Light Combat Aircraft from the batch of 20 ‘series production’​
or full-fledged fighters flew for about 25 minutes in Bengaluru. The flight of ‘SP1’ was piloted by
HAL’s Chief Test Pilot Air Cmde K.A. Muthanna(retd). The First Flight of SP1 was achieved within
nine months of receiving the penultimate flight worthiness certification,
called IOC-2 (initial operational clearance) in December 2013.​

Vapnope my mate, I guess you know but the initial Tejas
squadron was allowed to form around 2 or 3 aircrafts to
fit with dates more. Since there exists low numbers Sqdn
for planes like ISR in only a couple units format, it works.
Still a bit of a stretch of course but hey you've got to keep
your folk' spirit up on such long running projects.

It's a bit like a virgin saying they're the best at love making
that they've ever known. Technically, they're right!
If we only had sports competitions with one entry per event
for example, we'd have a whole nation of champions . . .

In defense of the Indians though, that thread title is mean &
misleading : after so long, could it be any later? Is calling 'em
delays still appropriate?

Oh, well! Good day both and all, Tay.
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LCA tejas designed a long time ago !

It's too small ...
So the first of these SP units ordered in March 2005 was,
according to you document, delivered on October 1st ...
2014. Hum! Quite the lead-in queue wouldn't you agree?
Delays are normal when DRDO was hell bent on using indegenous kaveri engine. But it could produce only 70kN with after burner while IAF requires 90kN one.

And it will take some time to design something from scratch, air frame to avionics. Without a joint production.

LCA tejas designed a long time ago !

It's too small ...
It is as a replacement to MiG-21. A single Engine fighter. And from the name itself, it's a Light Combat Aircraft usually used for dog fight.

It has better avionics and better maneuverability than Mig-21 and a better engine.
Delays are normal when DRDO was hell bent on using indegenous kaveri engine. But it could produce only 70kN with after burner while IAF requires 90kN one.

And it will take some time to design something from scratch, air frame to avionics. Without a joint production.

It is as a replacement to MiG-21. A single Engine fighter. And from the name itself, it's a Light Combat Aircraft usually used for dog fight.

It has better avionics and better maneuverability than Mig-21 and a better engine.

with countries around india becoming strong, i fail to see how tejas will maintain its relevance in 10 years
with countries around india becoming strong, i fail to see how tejas will maintain its relevance in 10 years
No countries grow above 10% as of now. And India is not stuck, it will grow at a faster rate than any country around.

Tejas still remains relevant, for at least 30 years. Like the MiGs.

And Fighter jets are not Mobile phones which are irrelavant and outdated after 5 years. So, please stay away from sections that are not your forte.
No countries grow above 10% as of now. And India is not stuck, it will grow at a faster rate than any country around.

Tejas still remains relevant, for at least 30 years. Like the MiGs.

And Fighter jets are not Mobile phones which are irrelavant and outdated after 5 years. So, please stay away from sections that are not your forte.

I said this before, in 5g combat, tejas has no relevance.

In fact, in 4G combat, tejas is at best used as a multirole fighter like f-16 but please tell me why F-16 can carry 6 tonnes more ordnance than tejas?
I said this before, in 5g combat, tejas has no relevance.

In fact, in 4G combat, tejas is at best used as a multirole fighter like f-16 but please tell me why F-16 can carry 6 tonnes more ordnance than tejas?
You can't read eh!?

I said, it's a replacement for MiG 21's. This is not a front line fighter Jet.

F-16 is more powerful and 4th generation fighter jet.

F-16 is a Multi-role Fighter Aircraft while Tejas is an Mutlirole LCA.

And what is 5G combat? Only US has a combat ready 5th Generation fighter. Stop the video game fantasy. Now buzz off.
You can't read eh!?

I said, it's a replacement for MiG 21's. This is not a front line fighter Jet.

F-16 is more powerful and 4th generation fighter jet.

F-16 is a Multi-role Fighter Aircraft while Tejas is an Mutlirole LCA.

And what is 5G combat? Only US has a combat ready 5th Generation fighter. Stop the video game fantasy. Now buzz off.

Then chengdu f7 is much better for value.
India got ripped off much.

dont even know if tejas can match jf17
Then chengdu f7 is much better for value.
India got ripped off much.
Come on. Stop quoting me for stupid rants.

Chengdu J-7 is chinese license build MiG-21 India uses. It's very old fighter jet.

We are replacing it with better jet like Tejas.
The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed further delays in the country’s programme to produce the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) for the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The MoD said in a statement on 4 August that state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has delivered just four aircraft to the IAF out of 40 ordered in 2005. All these aircraft were previously scheduled to be delivered to the IAF by 2017–18.

The four aircraft so far delivered are from a batch of 20 designated for initial operational clearance (IOC), while the remaining 20 aircraft were designated for final operational clearance (FOC).

The MoD said that 12 remaining aircraft under the IOC batch are at the production stage and four more aircraft, which will be used as trainers, will be produced following necessary approvals by the MoD’s Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA).

It added that production of the 20 FOC aircraft will also depend on clearance by the ADA, which has led the Tejas development programme for the past three decades.

The MoD said that HAL has undertaken a raft of initiatives to increase the production rate of the Tejas LCA.

These include, it said, HAL obtaining authorisation in March 2017 from the government to ramp-up production capacity from eight to 16 aircraft per year, and the establishment of a second manufacturing line to support “structural and equipping activities”.

HAL has also increased the number of jigs involved in manufacturing the aircraft’s front fuselage, centre fuselage, rear fuselage and wings, and reduced the manufacturing cycle time by improving supply chain management and boosting workforce.
12 years to produce 4 tejas out of 20 ordered in 2005.


if IAF suffers a 2 crashes in 72 hours, how to replenish air force aircraft
Garbage plane.
Then chengdu f7 is much better for value.
India got ripped off much.

dont even know if tejas can match jf17

Only in some public shows, the truth of Chinese tall claims blows up.

Need more videos, let me know.

At-least our Armed forces or our media doesn't hide the short comings of our developments. We are trying hard to perfect all the flaws before even furthering our production or exporting, so we are going slow.

Many of Chinese faults & crashes doesn't even come on the media & we are not copy cats who steal technology like Chinese. You push your poor quality fake products which many buyers pay the price dearly. Only temptation to buy a chinese product is the price, if not most chines products are worthless
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Only in some public shows, the truth of Chinese tall claims blows up.

Need more videos, let me know.

At-least our Armed forces or our media doesn't hide the short comings of our developments. We are trying hard to perfect all the flaws before even furthering our production or exporting, so we are going slow.

Many of Chinese faults & crashes doesn't even come on the media & we are not copy cats who steal technology like Chinese. You push your poor quality fake products which many buyers pay the price dearly. Only temptation to buy a chinese product is the price, if not most chines products are worthless
Hi RSS drone, check the crash rates of Chinese planes vs Indian owned planes. You are the most famous air force on earth for a reason. :rofl:
before pakistani or chinese threat india should take care of drdo and hal. they are much bigger threat.

the thing to realise is that no matter what you name them but these budde babu are just like any other sarkari karamchari like dda police or banks.
you funny Indian will start eating cows before 120 LCAs are inducted, its a fact
Cows, good.

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