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India's support for Palestinians a mistake: Israel

This is how it works in the current geopolitical situation. Non alignment move was just fine when India's profile was just mediocre. As your profile grows & you are visible to the rest, everyone will want you to take sides. However, it's not going to be an easy choice for India. After all India was the first non-arab state to recognise palestine & India has supported numerous Palestinian related resolutions at United Nations.
Maybe many here might not see the consequences of changing that policy overnight. Best thing for India is to be consistant with its existing policy towards Palestine.
India should throw all its support at Israel. They are long brothers. Their interst with Israel is more important than keeping good relation with the Arabs or the Iranians.
India should throw all its support at Israel. They are long brothers. Their interst with Israel is more important than keeping good relation with them to Arabs or the Iranians.

Don't worry, Indian planners are not fanboys like you... If we mess with Iran, We have the Saudi's to provide oil.. Not all Arab states/Oil exporting countries are united to the core!
If Indo-Israeli relationship was so feeble it would have been broken in during UPA-1. The Communists openly said that they would cut Indian relationship with Israel..but nothing happened.May be Congress & Army told them to mind their own business.
i think its win situation for both countries.
israel provide us better tech in various fields..where as india provides access to indian ocean as israel tested their subs there and vast indian consumer market.They can sell their products.
People need to realize that India's foreign policy doesn't have the religion string attached to it. We will support who ever we want its our foreign policy and India is a free country. India wants good relations with all countries weather it be Palestine, Israel or any other country. Israel has been supporting India for a long time and their support has been time tested so I support Israel in this matter.
Deepak123 has answered your statement.
As an Indian, i would have assumed you knew how India, Pakistan and Bangladesh came about.
Jews have been living here for thousands of years and were expelled by force and slaughtered many times, this land belongs and will always belong to the Jewish people, there will not be another expulsion.

Jews have always been mistreated and now look at the them-the Jewish lobby in the USA,Israel the first thing that comes to your mind thinking about them is their power and ability.I am an atheist but if I ever wanted to convert to a religion I'd be a Jew.
don't worry dear Israel. let us get rid of these useless congies in 2014 and we both will have a good time.
Supporting Palestine is non of our Business because these Arabs had betrayed us. My father was telling me about how these Arab states were bashing and threatening India during 1965 war and 1971 war, how our Indian delegation was insulted in Rabat during first OIC meet. We supported them and they betrayed us back, that is the reality of Arabs.

That's not true. India has on occasion been supported by various Muslim countries including Iran and Iraq. Saddam Hussain, whatever his other faults may have been, was a friend of India. See this article by B. Raman, written after Saddam was hanged in 2006 -

I weep for Saddam. He was a good friend of India and its people. He always stood by us in the best of times and in the worst of times. I remember the days after the Mumbai blasts of March,1993, in which nearly 300 innocent Indian civilians were killed by terrorists trained by the ISI. We went from one intelligence agency to another asking for help in investigating the role of Pakistan. The Americans rebuffed us. Protecting Pakistan and its ISI was more important for them than grieving for the Indians killed and helping India to bring to book those responsible. Saddam rushed to our assistance and helped us in whatever little way he can.

Who is a friend? Someone who stands by you in your hour of grief, in your hour of need. Saddam stood by us in our hour of grief, in our hour of need.

Let us weep for him.

As I am writing this, I am flooded with telephone calls. Are you not watching the TV about the execution of Saddam? Even Sunnis are supporting this, I am told. I don’t believe the TV visuals and sound-bytes. I believe the hearts of the Muslims in the streets. They are welling up with anger. I fear for the future.

The writer is Additional Secretary (retired), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, nstitute for Topical Studies, Chennai.


Of course there have been occasions when Muslims countries took steps against us also. And I am not minimising the value of relations with Israel either.
can israel give you oil? and more than 2millions indian are living in arab states

Palestine doesn't give us oil either.... it is the GCC that does and if they were ever serious about it, they'd have done something.

This was a hot debate in 70s and 80s but now today everyone is interested in seeing their own country's interests.

- GCC's interest lies in each of the 6 countries of their own; i.e. siding with US and West and living their lavish and peaceful lives.

- Israel has no bone to pick against them.

We are having good ties with both, albeit in different spheres.

So all three win.

Palestine isn't even relevant.
By that logic, Some Kashmiris are telling that they are fighting for Independence from India. Do you think India will support that?
If majority of Kashmiris want independence - sure, if minority - no. Same for Ireland, Scotland, Chechnya, etc. etc.

In any case, Palestinians lands are occupied, they are treated apartheid style, and its safe to say VAST majority wants independence. There is not even a question IF they should be free, it was suppose to be done many years ago, but Israel fiercely objects, and due to massive difference in power and influence, its obvious why "peace" process never happens there.
i think tibbet and xinxiang also want freedom to ccp govt. same balochistan also want freedom to pakistan:azn:
Supporting Palestine is non of our Business because these Arabs had betrayed us. My father was telling me about how these Arab states were bashing and threatening India during 1965 war and 1971 war, how our Indian delegation was insulted in Rabat during first OIC meet. We supported them and they betrayed us back, that is the reality of Arabs.

That has nothing to do with supporting Palestine. Those Arab countries also betrayed Palestine and have great relations with Israel.
So what? Does it stops Israel to find a peaceful resolution.... Buddy there are only 2 solution
1. Find a peaceful solution.
2. Destroy your enemy such that there is no one to fight back eternally.

I can't understand your insisting on this point. Would you go to talks with Pakistan if they are killing our citizens, rate at which Hamas does in Israel? What would you offer? Hamas would want nothing less than entire Israel. Would you be okay if it was entire Kashmir?

Talking to a terrorist organization is an insane idea.

I dont kno what has let to Indians here supporting Palestinians and the Muslim way of revolution...

but being a Kashmir pundit im well aware of all things Muslim(extremist) and there behavioral patterns.

First they kill and slaughter and when they start taking losses they start Crying a river.

I don't want to get down and ugly on all things Muslim,(extremist)

but Indians supporting Palestine need to take all facts and past history into account before making such decisions..

and as to about India's stance ...
its purely to maintian peace in the region and to facilitate diplomatic process.
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