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India's support for Palestinians a mistake: Israel

India has always been a supporter of Arafat and his PA. Support for PLO was only political and India condemned its terrorist activities. Another aspect was that Indian support was based on the fact that Arafat was a secular with commie/socialist leanings.
FYI, India has never shown any support to the HAMAS. Indian stance is a two-state theory. Its up to the parties to hammer out a peaceful agreement and settlement. We extend our wholehearted support to that.

Yes, during Arafat years.

2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Israeli soldiers were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the police station window, displaying his blood-stained hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. One of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the enraged mob. One of the bodies was set on fire. Soon after, the mob dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center as the crowd began an impromptu victory celebration.[2][3][4][5]
Regarding the bold part... I am sorry that Jews were subjected to many injustices, But at least you should not do the SAME to someone else back.

Not all issues can be resolved with a gun, Israel cannot live like this for another 100 years with the fear of terrorism...
So the land stolen from us by force, should stay with those that stole it a thousand years ago?
Israel does not live in fear and Terrorists will be eradicated, as i hope India does the same.
Dont worry...THAT part of territory is being managed ;)

watching from 10 yrs;) its getting difficult;)

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

So the land stolen from us by force, should stay with those that stole it a thousand years ago?
Israel does not live in fear and Terrorists will be eradicated, as i hope India does the same.

but we are surrounded with nuclear armed nations but israel is not
a lot of other factors too
What about the two Israeli soldiers whose intestines and eyes were ripped out by the hands of Palestinians? By their own hands they gouged their eyes while they were still alive, and thousands celebrated it.

This is from the West bank, the "Moderate" Arabs, the one's those who call them "Human".

There are many incidents which israelis have done...maybe worst than these(im not saing whatever they did was right)but it wont make any diff to you....or its not like that israeli's would stop killing palestinians.Israel should stop bullying them n the best way is to settle things peacefully.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ----------

watching from 10 yrs;) its getting difficult;)

20yrs more....n still u'll be saying THIS same thing :D ;)
watching from 10 yrs;) its getting difficult;)

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

but we are surrounded with nuclear armed nations but israel is not
a lot of other factors too
And we are surrounded by 20 or so nations that would love nothing more than for us to cease to exist.
In fact, they've tried many times at once to achieve this goal, fortunately we are strong and our faith mighty.
Regarding the bold part... I am sorry that Jews were subjected to many injustices, But at least you should not do the SAME to someone else back.

Not all issues can be resolved with a gun, Israel cannot live like this for another 100 years with the fear of terrorism...

more Jews had been expelled from Arab world than the total population of Palestinians.
So the land stolen from us by force, should stay with those that stole it a thousand years ago?
Israel does not live in fear and Terrorists will be eradicated, as i hope India does the same.

You see, You can be adamant and tell that it is your territory some 1000's of years back and show some proofs, Your opponent can also show some contradictory proofs, For eternal peace you can give some concessions... At least consider that you giving something to the beggars....

Either kill the Palestine movement completely such that there is no one to challenge Israel or go to the table and let go something to find peace... the choice is yours.
You see, You can be adamant and tell that it is your territory some 1000's of years back and show some proofs, Your opponent can also show some contradictory proofs, For eternal peace you can give some concessions... At least consider that you giving something to the beggars....

Either kill the Palestine movement completely such that there is no one to challenge Israel or go to the table and let go something to find peace... the choice is yours.
Our Prime ministers have made countless concessions and yet hatred for Jews strives in the Arab world and "Palestine".
We give and give, they take and demand more and more.
more Jews had been expelled from Arab world than the total population of Palestinians.

So what? Does it stops Israel to find a peaceful resolution.... Buddy there are only 2 solution
1. Find a peaceful solution.
2. Destroy your enemy such that there is no one to fight back eternally.
It is clear that the Jews have an older attachment to the land, but the Palestinians should also get a fair deal.

Once the final borders are agreed upon, I look forward to seeing Palestinian settlements as prosperous as Dubai, existing in peace beside Israel.

Yes, there are problems with the ideologies some people have, but such ideologies have to be delegitimized and discredited on the intellectual level, while maintaining a strong deterrent capability. Use of force alone cannot solve the ideological issues.
Our Prime ministers have made countless concessions and yet hatred for Jews strives in the Arab world and "Palestine".
We give and give, they take and demand more and more.

Make them a offer that they cannot refuse! ~ God Father!
Make them a offer that they cannot refuse! ~ God Father!
This would work if they valued life as normal human beings do, they value death.
They have openly said "We value death as the Jews value life."
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