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India's Superpower Delusions

do you know about the ind-pak history?stupid first study the history then tell your opinion.f******g chinese

lol what is this? A China-Pak Tag team? Dumbass Chinese taking as if they know subcontinent's affairs. I find it amusing that Pakistanis cry tearing their lungs out about 'oppression' of muslims in Kashmir, but when commie chinese do it in in xinjiang, it's perfectly ok. After all it is written in the quran that muslims in Kashmir are more muslim than muslims in Xinjiang, so its ok, right?

They throw some junk fighters at them, and pakistan betrays their core values. This is the worst form a$$ kissing ever.

You are seeing conspiracies when known exist.
No we are not Super Power. Neither we will be one in coming 10 years.


Of course, couple of Super Powers are damn scared of us. And that can not be denied.
That's why India is looking forward to alternate fuel, the "Nuclear Fuel".. There is lot of aggressiveness in that area but I think India need to make right use of Solar energy.. There is huge potential there - Being at equator, sun never stop shining there..

problem is that's electrical fuel, not liquid transportation fuel. You need liquid transportation fuel to haul stuff around and to construct stuff. Also global warming is gonna be suppressing your crop yields and increasing your disease burden.

Just diplomatic moves..Not a$$ kissing..India is still Iran's top oil importer after China's reduction of iranian imports.
India replaces China as Iran's top oil client | Reuters
By your childish logic china who reduced iranian imports may also seen as be US a$$ licker but its just your stupid logic and nothing more than that..
If that is @ss kissing, then what do you call this?

Mihir Sharma: India's shameful kowtow to China - Business Standard

India bows to US pressure, cuts Iran oil imports - Times Of India
See, what did I tell you all. totally clueless! You moron, read why india and pakistan are going at each other throats and come back. Stop comparing foreign relations with civilizational history, you daft!

These Chinese are even dumber than Americans!

You are seeing conspiracies when known exist.
I ain't seeing anything here except prostrating before chinese communists who are known for their high handedness in xinjiang. Way to go Islamic Republic of Pakistan! You give a new meaning to hypocrisy.
We love the Indian hypocrisy.

You guys start hundreds of China-bashing threads, and just today you guys start threads on India being a superpower.

Fact: China is nowhere close to being a superpower, despite having the 2nd largest economy in the world.

Fact: Brazil is nowhere close to being a superpower, despite having the 6th largest economy in the world.

Delusion: India, with the 11th largest economy in the world, is the only true superpower. :lol:

India is successfully surviving until now between two nuclear enemies.now you dragon think who is superpower?
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