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India's Superpower Delusions

One famous American official called Pakistan 'International Migraine'..may be thats true too.

And god bless the lady who once referred to India as.....the sick man of Asia.

and we will respond with Blasphemy Law, Shia/Ahmedi persecution, discrimination against minorities ......know what i mean.

Bring it on buster.....we are not the one's hiding behind some sick secular circus.....do you get the meaning.
Methinks thou Indian dost protest too much. Time on this forum did not start at the start of this thread. There are lots of threads started on here by Indians which suggest India is this and that. In reality well I do not want an infraction but other poster here have alluded to what you are really about.

What proves it is Indian responses they are either personal attacks on other forum members or attacks on smaller neighbouring countries. These will not make us think that you are a superpower but just delusional Indians who have been caught out
Pathetic digression from the subject......we are talking about how much they know about a country, not what they think of it.
The icing on the cake is one of them saying.....India is in China. ;)

You talk about what they think about us, then why you don't bother about what they think about you? Does it hurts so much? :rofl: BTW your post is off topic here, it does not mean anything what they think.
You talk about what they think about us, then why you don't bother about what they think about you? Does it hurts so much? :rofl: BTW your post is off topic here, it does not mean anything what they think.

Your country fellows develop an indigestion if they miss out on anything negative about Pakistan. If in any doubt, this thread is prime example of Indian's obsession with Pakistan. Rather than discussing the subject...India....the pack is keen to drag in Pakistan.....no guessing who is getting hurt and seeking shelter in digressing from the actual topic. !!
Your country fellows develop an indigestion if they miss out on anything negative about Pakistan. If in any doubt, this thread is prime example of Indian's obsession with Pakistan. Rather than discussing the subject...India....the pack is keen to drag in Pakistan.....no guessing who is getting hurt and seeking shelter in digressing from the actual topic. !!

No indian think about being super power.They may be optimistic but presently we are far away.
Most of these kind of threads are brought by paksitanis or chinese ;)
so u cant run away
More indian inferiority complex.

what inferiority complex??? pls elaborate.
Just because no one talks about Pakistan, u start bashing India? And why are u guys always come with China? Why dont take Pakistan? Or has Pakistan already become Pakistan Autonomous Region of CHina ?

Citizens of an other Super power think...Bangladesh is the Capital of India. :lol:

If thats your argument to come up in a discussion.....
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Your country fellows develop an indigestion if they miss out on anything negative about Pakistan. If in any doubt, this thread is prime example of Indian's obsession with Pakistan. Rather than discussing the subject...India....the pack is keen to drag in Pakistan.....no guessing who is getting hurt and seeking shelter in digressing from the actual topic. !!
and even after being told one hundred times that we are not and want to become a developed country before, you keep harping about the same thing over and over again, and with what a video about an ignorant lot. Very silly mentality. It shows how some ignorants believe other ignorants from the other side of the world, a country which you hate so much!
There is a bit of advice for you crazy pandas in there too. Pakistan wants to see China as a superpower , only one who can screw it up is the chinese people if they contract the same disease.

You have a great point, and I applaud your clear-headed assessment. I assume you are referring to a small number of Chinese posters on PDF who exhibit traits of a typical chest-thumper. They are the exceptions. Fortunately I can assure you that they represent the thinkig of neither the government nor the people of China. The predominant thinking remains that China has come a long way but still has a long way to go.
I am tired of hearing that India is behind China and that she will one day catch up to China. Let me tell you the Truth India is already a global superpower. Forget about G2, G8, G20, India is class by itself.

India is G1, the lone hyper-superpower in the world.

We are not behind China in the race. We have already won the race to become the world’s next superpower. We are already enjoying our Superpowerdom, superpowerhood, and supoerpower status, thank you very much Bloomberg editors.India has the fastest growing economy in the world with over 10% annual growth rate, the world’s largest middle class consumers with over 1 billion people, the world’s largest and greatest democracy, and a huge foreign reserve that is second to none.

It makes no sense to talk about India’s future. India is the Future. We will rule the world. India is shining.

Let me tell you a few more facts about our Great Country India:

1>India Largest Democracy in the world-: Population: 1.2 Bn. India’s population will surpass china’s by 2030. India has the largest middle class in the world –> Population superpower.

2>India the most industrialized country. India produced the cheapest car, the Tata Nano. India’s IT industry is second to none. Industrial superpower.

3> India never lost a war in its 8000 years history. War superpower.

4> India never invaded other country in history. Peace Superpower.

5>Largest english speaking nation by 2010. The world’s biggest back office. world’s largest skilled workforce. World’s largest working age population. People superpower.

6> over 800 movies made anuualy–bollywood overshadows hollywood, Movies superpower.

7> 6 Miss Universe / Miss world titles in last 10 years: Beauty superpower

8>Per capita income US $9550 ; 2% live in poverty, literacy levels at 88%. India has the world’s largest number of millionaires and billionaires: economic superpower!

9>The Indian Diaspora
38% of Doctors in AMerica are Indians
36% of NASA employees are Indians
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians
28% of IBM employeesare Indians
17% of Intel employees are Indians
13% of Zerox employees are Indians

intellectual superpower!

10>India will eventually become world’s largest economy in 2083–Goldman Sachs

11>India is fastest growing GDP’s in the world, averaging over 10% growth since 1990.

12>India’s GDP will exceed that of Italy in 2020, France in 2020, Germany in 2025 and Japan in 2035 — USA in 2050, China in 2082 –Goldman Sachs

13>India’s Foreign exchange reserves history
1990-91 $40 billion
1995-96 $200 billion
2001-02 $600 billion
2002-03 $760 billion
2003-04 $1000 billion
2004-05 close to $1500 billion
2006-10 over $ 3000 billion

14>Indian Economy
Robust hyper growth of manufacturing, agriculture and services
Low external debt, low deficit, high trade surplus

299 Fortune 500 companies outsource IT work to India
Increased disposable income, increased wealth
Large emerging affluent middle class

15>Indian Aviation
Air deccan–1 st low cose domestic carrier
Most international carriers now target India for network growth and profitability
$5 bn capital infusion in govt owned carriers
Airport privatization

16>India will be the second fastest growing travel and tourism market over 2005-2014 at 8.8%– WTTC

17> Size of indian tourism is 330 million as of 2004

18>Indians going abroad as of 2004
Singapore — 375,658
Saudi Arabia — 373,636
UAE — 336,046
Kuwait — 293,621
Thailand — 280,641
Bahrain — 268,383
USA — 257,271
China — 213,611
U.K — 205,065
Hongkong — 193,705
NewZealand — 16,862

19> India growth projections
1999 — 2.7%
2000 — 3.4%
2001 — 3.6%
2002 — 4.2%
2003 — 4.5%
2004 — 5.9%
2005 — 6.9%
2006 — 8.0%
2007 — 9.4%
2008 — 11%
2009 — 12.8%
2010 — 15%
2011-2050 — 16.8%

20> Drivers of outbound growth
Increased charter operations
Upper middle income group will remain largest segment
potential consumer pie will grow to 300 billion
Age group of 15 to 49 likely comprise 62%
Self-employed who account for over 40% will emerge as
high potential target market
Holiday finance will become popular

21> Over 500 million Indian’s will travel overseas by 2020 — WTO

22> india discover water in moon, space superpower

23> 15 indian awarded Nobel prize.

24> Indian Prime Minister Nehru gifted the UN Security Council Seat to China, and now India is the leading candidate for the permanent member, winning endorsement from USA, Great Britain and Russia. Diplomacy Superpower
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