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India's Superpower Delusions

ATLAST u accept that your country was a PART of India.. :)

No doubt Pakistan was part of Indian continent, but for only 200 years. :lol:
Guess who ruled both of us in this period? BRITISH

Who failed to keep Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Burma after the rule? INDIA. :rofl:
Pakistan is 5x times bigger than Bangladesh. Don't know how your math works....

While we may have broken 1 piece, India broke into 4 pieces: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma
Please remember history :rofl:
Difference- you did not defeat us to create Pakistan. It was created because a group kissed up to the British and never fought for independence. A shameful , backstabbing way I would say. On the other hand, we defeated Pakistan, captured its 91k soldiers and liberated it's majority of population from the brutalizing minority
Difference- you did not defeat us to create Pakistan. It was created because a group kissed up to the British and never fought for independence. A shameful , backstabbing way I would say. On the other hand, we defeated Pakistan, captured its 91k soldiers and liberated it's majority of population from the brutalizing minority

You never defeated Pakistan, you just capitalized on a civil war. :no:
No doubt Pakistan was part of Indian continent, but for only 200 years. :lol:
Guess who ruled both of us in this period? BRITISH

Who failed to keep Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Burma after the rule? INDIA. :rofl:
Yes you guys dropped from the sky before that.. there are threads read and come back.. you guys are just average forced converts of the many invasions.. simple
You never defeated Pakistan, you just capitalized on a civil war. :no:

Oh shut up already :rolleyes:

You never defeated Pakistan, you just capitalized on a civil war. :no:
Same way you guys capitalized cuban missile crisis in 62, if u claim it a victory so do we. Also, we defeated them in 1965 and 1998.
Same way you guys capitalized cubam missile crisis in 62, if u claim it a victory so do we. Also, we defeated them in 1965 and 1998.

Actually it was INDIA who started the 1962 war. Firstly by hosting our largest separatist group in 1959, then with the Forward Policy in 1962. Both of which occured before the Sino-Indian war, so you clearly started it.

In 1962, China was just coming out of the worst famine in Chinese history (1959-1961). Not to mention that we had BOTH the superpowers (USA and USSR) as our sworn enemies at that point, having just fought directly against the Americans in the Korean war, and against the Soviets in the Sino-Soviet split.

India tried to attack us when we were at our weakest point, since they thought we were collapsing with starvation and famine, and we couldn't fight back. Then when you got smashed, you ran to the USA and the USSR for help. Despite both the USA and the USSR being our sworn enemies at that point, neither one came to help you. :lol:

India pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India
superpower: yes true it not a tag u can simply buy.

now come to reality, all those pakistanis who say this is a wet dream need to think a little more realistically. a country off 1.5 billion when 100% developed would churn out undoubtly the worlds largest economy economy of country is just a factor of population and the more ppl u have the bigger ur economy will be. it will be 3 times the size of america and almost the same size as china or bigger.

now the economists relate this to india being a superpower. i dont think so. superpower has to dictate others what to do and what not. india is not interested. we only care about our interests. economic size will not make india a superpower it will be the foreign policy.

and considering the fact that even after being fully developed india will still be a low income country, india will never have an agressive policy. so yes this is a wet dream of the economists who write such articles.

Its more difficult to develop an economy when there is not enough jobs for the people. With too many young people and not enough jobs, this is just a recipe for perpetual poverty.

Pakistan is 5x times bigger than Bangladesh. Don't know how your math works....

While we may have broken 1 piece, India broke into 4 pieces: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma
Please remember history :rofl:

I disagree, India never existed until independence from Britain. The country of India is just the same name as the Indian sub-continent. But the nation of India is not the same as Indian subcontinent.
Actually it was INDIA who started the 1962 war. Firstly by hosting our largest separatist group in 1959, then with the Forward Policy in 1962. Both of which occured before the Sino-Indian war, so you clearly started it.

In 1962, China was just coming out of the worst famine in Chinese history (1959-1961). Not to mention that we had BOTH the superpowers (USA and USSR) as our sworn enemies at that point, having just fought directly against the Americans in the Korean war, and against the Soviets in the Sino-Soviet split.

India tried to attack us when we were at our weakest point, since they thought we were collapsing with starvation and famine, and we couldn't fight back. Then when you got smashed, you ran to the USA and the USSR for help. Despite both the USA and the USSR being our sworn enemies at that point, neither one came to help you. :lol:

India pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India
we did not start the war, the political decisions threatened China and they wanted to Punish India and China ***** footing at a time when the powers could not look at us for all the obvious reasons.
we did not start the war, the political decisions threatened China and they wanted to Punish India and China ***** footing at a time when the powers could not look at us for all the obvious reasons.

LOL, India hosted our largest separatist group in 1959, and carried out the Forward Policy against us in 1962.

Both of which happened BEFORE the Sino-Indian war.

Unless you have a time machine, it was you who provoked the war. Right when China was in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and collapsing from starvation.
We barely give a flying fuk about India's superpower delusions , the fact is you are "trapped" between two nuclear powers , a fact that is more visible than the Indian delusions of being a superpower. Its YOU who are insecure not us !

Did an Indian start this thread? Wasn't it you who started it? So who is the insecure one here?
India has a very good team to market itself to the world. 'incredible ' and the inverted 'I' as an '!' were brilliant ideas for branding India as a tourist destination. On the other hand, pakistan's tourism caption is "Pakistan- the heart of Asia" with a heart logo which looked like it was for a hospital ad.How pathetic is that? No wonder the ad campaign went nowhere just like their tourism industry.

Instead of trying to attract tourists, India should market itself to private aid agencies, churches or organization so they can go to India and do community service. I'm certain that many poor in India can benefit from some Americans coming over to dig a well, sanitary assistance, medical assistance, education assistance, neonatal care, and nutritional assistance. Once India is up to par in its infrastructure and hospitality standards, then in can worry about getting tourists.

If Indian is a tourist attraction, the word of mouth is more important than any other advertisement. A guy from work just returned from India and he swear that he would never go back there again because the place is just so backward and disgusting. This does not create a good image for tourism. And any one that had been to India will just roll their eyes when they see another article about Indian superpower.
LOL, India hosted our largest separatist group in 1959, and carried out the Forward Policy against us in 1962.

Both of which happened BEFORE the Sino-Indian war.

Unless you have a time machine, it was you who provoked the war. Right when China was in the middle of the worst famine in our history, and collapsing from starvation.
Provoking is a point of view, you guys got provoked and insecure. Attacked at the most opportune time.. so that's that.
Its more difficult to develop an economy when there is not enough jobs for the people. With too many young people and not enough jobs, this is just a recipe for perpetual poverty.

yeah but india is the place where one of the largest amount of jobs are being created and is the fastest growing automobile market.

the new manufacturing policy further enhances the manufacturing of the country. i wont go into details but india being the worlds largest economy is inevitable. the only thing that can stop is a nuclear attack all over the country or a collapse of the entire nation, which is not happening. but being a superpower depends on the leadership and foreign policy of the time. i personally dont think neither india nor china wanna take the headache of being the world dictators.

Instead of trying to attract tourists, India should market itself to private aid agencies, churches or organization so they can go to India and do community service. I'm certain that many poor in India can benefit from some Americans coming over to dig a well, sanitary assistance, medical assistance, education assistance, neonatal care, and nutritional assistance. Once India is up to par in its infrastructure and hospitality standards, then in can worry about getting tourists.

If Indian is a tourist attraction, the word of mouth is more important than any other advertisement. A guy from work just returned from India and he swear that he would never go back there again because the place is just so backward and disgusting. This does not create a good image for tourism. And any one that had been to India will just roll their eyes when they see another article about Indian superpower.

oh come on stop bsing. i know where this is coming from.
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