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India's Super Sukhoi Su-30MKI to get Su-57 Technology


Sep 20, 2014
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Russians officials have confirmed to Indian media at Army 2018 defense show being held in Kubinka near Moscow that they have received a list of pieces of equipment, that India wants it to part of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI upgrade package and they have agreed to most of the demands made by India which give India’s frontline Sukhoi Su-30MKI a 5th generation edge since many of the technology asked by India will come from the Su-57 5th generation fighter which India rejected.

Buzz around is that X-band N036 Byelka (Squirrel) AESA radar found on Su-57 will replace the powerful but, aging NO-11M Bars PESA-MMR that currently equips the Su-30MKI. X-band AESA radar will enhance situational awareness for the Su-30MKI Pilot without external help.

X-band AESA radar is also fine-tuned to hunt for low-observable aircraft which have incorporated stealth elements from a far greater distance than current radars which will give Su-30MKI Pilots enough time to engage adversary who is hiding behind stealth to attack first. New Radar also incorporates better Datalink capabilities and comes with advanced low terrain avoidance system which will now allow Su-30MKI Pilots to fly even lower to remain under the land-based radars for Strike missions.


Second key element coming from the Su-57 platform is advanced 101KS ‘Atoll’ infrared search and track sensor. IRST onboard Su-57 is considered one of the finest of the sensors for detecting and engaging stealth targets from afar. IRST, when engaged, can keep the aircraft electromagnetically silent and doesn’t need inputs from its X-band AESA radar to engage a target and is also immune to all kind of electronic warfare jamming thus can come handy in the heavy defended airspace.

X-band AESA radar and 101KS-V IRST sensor will allow Su-30MKI Pilots to detect and even engage the stealthiest aircraft around. Many of other Su-57 systems will also make into Super Sukhoi upgrade but it is yet to be confirmed Both systems will be crucial to keep Sukhoi Su-30MKI technologically relevant till 2050 when they are up for retirement.

Interesting ....It means 40 More sukhoi are joining IAF !
While this article is focused on IRST and AESA... negotiations are on for new missiles, electronic warfare equipment and some other next gen capabilities which were developed for SU-57... Engine upgrade is also on cards...
Next upgrade package will also have some Indian components...

Current government want to freeze all the upgrade requirements before going for negotiations with Russia...
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