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India's Rupee: Asia's Worst-Performing Currency

Thanks for not banning that Boson guy by the way, Asim.

For the Indians here to use racial slurs like "chink" towards your Chinese guests, surely deserves a second, third, and fourth chance before being banned.

He got two infractions for each use... First time offenders get 2 strikes by the system. The infraction system then starts to get stricter and stricter. Leave that up to us and our automated systems.
How did it start to improve?

Anything special or just reaping in the benefits of the harvest season now?

Indian rupee didn't improve, the US dollar weakened due to federal reserve doing QE infinity (printing money to buy bonds and mortgages) so the Indian rupee got a bounce.

EVERY major currency had gotten stronger against the US dollar ever since QE infinity was introduced

Make no mistake about it, the Indian fundamentals are getting weaker and weaker as the deficits are growing and debts are accumulating at a faster pace plus growth is slowing (growth is shrinking if you ignore the manipulated government figures).

Don't think for one second the rupee is stronger because people are confident in the Indian growth story, it's got nothing to do with India, it's all about the dollar being printed into oblivion thus every major currency is going up against the US dollar.

These Indian members are utterly clueless why the rupee has strengthened.

The rupee will get weaker because once the QE effect dies down, the fundamental forces takes over and the rupee will fall EVEN against the depreciating US dollar.

Indian economy is in a right ole mess, inflation is still very high despite the tight monetary policies, growth is falling apart, Indian fiscal situation is deteriorating to a point where credit ratings agencies are warning Indian rating will be cut to junk status.
The Indian economy is in a grim state and I'm being diplomatic here.

Indian economy is projected to have a budget deficit higher than Greece in 2013, yes you heard that right, even worse than GREECE!!!!

India is the only country that makes Greece look solvent in comparison.
Indian rupee didn't improve, the US dollar weakened due to federal reserve doing QE infinity (printing money to buy bonds and mortgages) so the Indian rupee got a bounce.

EVERY major currency had gotten stronger against the US dollar ever since QE infinity was introduced

Make no mistake about it, the Indian fundamentals are getting weaker and weaker as the deficits are growing and debts are accumulating at a faster pace plus growth is slowing (growth is shrinking if you ignore the manipulated government figures).

Don't think for one second the rupee is stronger because people are confident in the Indian growth story, it's got nothing to do with India, it's all about the dollar being printed into oblivion thus every major currency is going up against the US dollar.

These Indian members are utterly clueless why the rupee has strengthened.

The rupee will get weaker because once the QE effect dies down, the fundamental forces takes over and the rupee will fall EVEN against the depreciating US dollar.

Indian economy is in a right ole mess, inflation is still very high despite the tight monetary policies, growth is falling apart, Indian fiscal situation is deteriorating to a point where credit ratings agencies are warning Indian rating will be cut to junk status.
The Indian economy is in a grim state and I'm being diplomatic here.

Indian economy is projected to have a budget deficit higher than Greece in 2013, yes you heard that right, even worse than GREECE!!!!

India is the only country that makes Greece look solvent in comparison.

Too much of HyperBola Bullshit. Thank you
Don't be so sure.

May be or may be not.......you can wish only.....:azn:
Boson, how do you think the Rupee's exchange rate will respond to this? :lol:

Standard & Poor's warns India of a downgrade to junk category - The Times of India

Soon going to be junk.

Since S&P as well as Fitch warned that if India's growth rate and fiscal/budget deficit does not improve, India will be downgraded to junk.

And India's growth rate did not improve, it is now at around 5%. :wave:

Mr Dragon...your fire is coming out from wrong hole.......you are refereeing old news.....can't you see Rupee appreciated 10% within a month.....yes.. India growth rate gone down...I dont think China growth rate has gone up in that period....Keep dreaming about Junk you will be given that one day
Rupee is again attaining its rightful place with close to 52 Rs/$ ..........

Next you'll feel ashamed when some one calls you a "chinese".
From now on u will be mighty proud when you r call "stinky":victory:[/I]

Anyway, I cited the link to show what BBC thinks .... what much of the world thinks.
Ur daddy's media....what about ur uncle's Sammy???????????:whistle:

Anyway, a weak ego makes you paranoid... the less said the better.
Do u have any? oops u r senile....so :blah:
PKR is the most screwed up currency in the world,

If you want to buy/sell INR u ll get a quote like 52.72/52.82

but if you want to buy/sell PKR,the quote ll be like 88/92.

This is a real fact,don't try to fight it.

That tells the real story.
With high trade deficit; High current account deficit, devaluation pressure, low capital inflows, low growth and high inflation etc. It doesn't surprise the readers.

Didn't some Indian name this the 'Hindu rate of growth'

I don't know who said that but that's what they used to call it.
I'm not joking or insulting.
Just stating the facts.
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