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India's Role in Quetta Bombing: A Conspiracy Theory?

This is increasing becoming the default response on both side -blame the other for its own failings like such blasts & killings.
R&AW is a glorified police department. There is no comparison between ISI and R&AW. ISI is a quasi government in itself. Nobody in the right mind can think that R&AW has the capacity to do such thing.
Really? You found a guy on Twitter with 200 odd followers and decided to quote him?

Why don't say further that is Indian and happy like all of your kind ?
RAW's planning in Baluchistan is not hidden. Catching an Indian naval commander officer is not an ordinary thing.
In our region Sri Lankan Tamils and Taliban has started this tradition.

Well Finally Indians got guts to become SUICIDE BOMBERS.

I wonder how many virgins are promised to them :azn:
Why don't say further that is Indian and happy like all of your kind ?
RAW's planning in Baluchistan is not hidden. Catching an Indian naval commander officer is not an ordinary thing.
Guys, really.. Do you expect to do what you do in Kashmir and not expect India to do something in your backyard. Not saying that India would be involved in terror strikes like these, but sowing discontent, enabling disturbances, using proxies. Providing Moral and diplomatic support to your separatists in Balochistan and Sindh. Absolutely. Countries have been doing that for centuries before the terms like terrorism were even formulated. Most of the cold war between USSR and USA was fought in this battlefield and not in open wars. And as they say, "If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen"

we will go on killing each other till some better sense prevails.
We have, its your "monkey"

Whatever helps you sleep at night, The fact that there is more sectarian violence in Pakistan than most parts of the world just clearly re-butts that theory.


The bombing was also claimed by the regional branch of the Islamic State, according to the Amaq news agency, which is affiliated with the militant group. If confirmed, that would be a first attack by the group in Pakistan — though the claim may be related to the fact that in the past, the Jamaat-ul Ahrar splinter group has expressed support for the Islamic State.

Even as militant attacks have been down sharply across Pakistan as a whole in the past two years, Baluchistan Province, where Quetta is the main city, remains violent.

For more than a decade, Baluchistan, a rugged and resource-rich province bordering Afghanistan and Iran, has been wracked by a separatist war, ethnic and sectarian violence and militant intrigue. Those fault lines come to a point in Quetta, a city of more than one million.

Still in denial?


And here you are still chest beating yourself its India and RAW :disagree::disagree::disagree:

As i have said before "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink'
We expect from India even more than Quetta blast.

Guys, really.. Do you expect to do what you do in Kashmir and not expect India to do something in your backyard. Not saying that India would be involved in terror strikes like these, but sowing discontent, enabling disturbances, using proxies. Providing Moral and diplomatic support to your separatists in Balochistan and Sindh. Absolutely. Countries have been doing that for centuries before the terms like terrorism were even formulated. Most of the cold war between USSR and USA was fought in this battlefield and not in open wars. And as they say, "If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen"

we will go on killing each other till some better sense prevails.
It was play of British Raj and I appreciate both India and Pakistan that they have played well this game of Raj.
It could had been stop in very beginning but now it has gone beyond the limits. Such disputes can only be settled in bloody wars.
I have no doubt that a horrible bloody war is coming near future.
We expect from India even more than Quetta blast.

It was play of British Raj and I appreciate both India and Pakistan that they have played well this game of Raj.
It could had been stop in very beginning but now it has gone beyond the limits. Such disputes can only be settled in bloody wars.
I have no doubt that a horrible bloody war is coming near future.
It could be bloody war,but after the war Pakistan wont be there ,may be India wont we there as we know it today,still you know you wont get Kashmir,then why start a war which you cant win.
It could be bloody war,but after the war Pakistan wont be there ,may be India wont we there as we know it today,still you know you wont get Kashmir,then why start a war which you cant win.

Pakistan won't India would start that war.
Who would be there and who would not be, only days after war will tell.
Going by past trend, this might well be a Pakistani fake account.

And maybe the Pakistani agencies themselves conducted that blast in Balochistan in order to implicate india and raw in it. Right?

*salutes @ indian apologizers*
Pakistan won't India would start that war.
Who would be there and who would not be, only days after war will tell.

Simple math's of land mass, smaller area with high density of human population are easier to take down. The sheer vastness of India will severely set you back. Lets say you launch and manage one strike one of our cities, sure we will suffer millions of death. But from our nuclear tirade, rest assured Pakistan will be wiped off the face of the earth with few nukes. Furthermore there will be more chance for the people of India to survive the nuclear fallout than Pakistanis ever will. Logic my friend logic! not useless rants!
And maybe the Pakistani agencies themselves conducted that blast in Balochistan in order to implicate india and raw in it. Right?

*salutes @ indian apologizers*

Dear Chap,

If Mumbai can be a "False Flag" operation by Raw and Kasab a closet RSS operative, then The Quetta blast is definitely ISI's idea of taking revenge by conducting it's own false flag operation.


See how it feels when your guys spout shit, deny and gloss over brutally stark evidence and ridicule terrorist attacks over here
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And maybe the Pakistani agencies themselves conducted that blast in Balochistan in order to implicate india and raw in it. Right?

*salutes @ indian apologizers*

I dont believe that. But there is no implication of India in this blast, leaving out sound bytes from dumb politicians. Similar clamor was heard when Peshawar school episode happened which later turned out to be false just like all the tamasha and drama of Pakistan dossier to UN etc highlighting India's role
I dont believe that. But there is no implication of India in this blast, leaving out sound bytes from dumb politicians. Similar clamor was heard when Peshawar school episode happened which later turned out to be false just like all the tamasha and drama of Pakistan dossier to UN etc highlighting India's role

That sounds logical. I agree.

But considering that KPK's unrest is not as aggressively funded and logistically backed by raw as Balochistan's unrest is, I would support a conspiracy theory of india's involvement in Balochistan blasts, instead of KPK's.

When we say india is involved in terrorism in Balochistan, it does not mean that raw is directly involved in it. Funding, or politically supporting the militants is what is implied.
Oh boy! This PhD in 'Conspiracy Theories', the OP Riaz Haq, (or whatever his real name is) deserves the Nobel prize for dishing out crap at regular intervals.

He points fingers at RAW for the suicide blast in Quetta! The question is: Is it possible for RAW to motivate a Pak Muslim terrorist to commit suicide by blowing himself up for Hindu Ajit Doval? Lol! This fellow is funny.

If it's true, I wanna know how the RAW and 007 Doval do it! It's simply amazing!
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