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India's rise as a superpower has China on edge

In fact we indians are enjoying how much you chinese people hate India. You hate us more even that of pakistani people. Atleast most of pakistani posters like Imran, Bilal, Aryan, and many more post some new links, new reasons and very reasonable posts.

While all chinese posters post is poverty, High IQ and same links of economist in everythread with emotional and racist outbursts

You don't deserve the hatred from us.

You people pretty much keep annoying us everyday.

That's why we need you people to keep us together and to boast our testosterone.
In fact we indians are enjoying how much you chinese people hate India. You hate us more even that of pakistani people. Atleast most of pakistani posters like Imran, Bilal, Aryan, and many more post some new links, new reasons and very reasonable posts.

While all chinese posters post is poverty, High IQ and same links of economist in everythread with emotional and racist outbursts

Actually, it is the other way around. :lol:

Here is an article from the New York Times:

New York Times - India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice

MUMBAI, India — It seems to be a national obsession in India: measuring the country’s economic development against China’s yardstick.

At a recent panel discussion to commemorate the 20th anniversary of India’s dismantling parts of its socialist economy, a government minister told business leaders to keep their eye on the big prize: growing faster than China.

“That’s not impossible,” said the minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, who oversees national security and previously was finance minister. “People are beginning to talk about outpacing China.”

Indians, in fact, seem to talk endlessly about all things China, a neighbor with whom they have long had a prickly relationship, but which is also one of the few other economies that has had 8 percent or more annual growth in recent years.

Indian newspapers are filled with articles comparing the two countries. Indian executives refer to China as a template for development. Government officials cite Beijing, variously as a threat, partner or role model.

But if keeping up with the Wangs is India’s economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.
China is a 3rd world and a developing nation, no question about that. In fact, we say this so often that people think we are making excuses for getting a break on carbon emissions.

Do you even know what 3rd world means?

The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either capitalism and NATO (which along with its allies represented the First World), or communism and the Soviet Union (which along with its allies represented the Second World). This definition provided a way of broadly categorizing the nations of the earth into three groups based on social, political, and economic divisions. Due to many of the 3rd and 2nd world countries being extremely poor, it became a stereotype such that people commonly refer to undeveloped countries as "third world countries". Third world countries included most of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
Do you even know what 3rd world means?

The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either capitalism and NATO (which along with its allies represented the First World), or communism and the Soviet Union (which along with its allies represented the Second World). This definition provided a way of broadly categorizing the nations of the earth into three groups based on social, political, and economic divisions. Due to many of the 3rd and 2nd world countries being extremely poor, it became a stereotype such that people commonly refer to undeveloped countries as "third world countries". Third world countries included most of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

You're talking about the old Cold War era definition of that word, which was where it originated.

Nobody uses it in that sense anymore, I've never heard anyone calling China a "second-world country" for a long time.

The common usage of that word in the modern day often refers to either developing or underdeveloped countries.
You're talking about the old Cold War era definition of that word, which was where it originated.

Nobody uses it in that sense anymore, I've never heard anyone calling China a "second-world country" for a long time.

The common usage of that word in the modern day often refers to either developing or underdeveloped countries.

Read the final couple of lines from the excerpt I posted.
Read the final couple of lines from the excerpt I posted.

That is in reference to "undeveloped" countries, whereas the dictionary definition I posted above includes "developing" countries.

And what is your point anyway? Do you actually disagree with anything I said, or are you just nitpicking at the semantics?
China can carry on doing it's dirty job passively for decade to come for sure but for doing it actively window is shutting down rapidly.Since India has started to reciprocate to those passive moves passively, it may trigger all out war like situation in 2013-2015 time frame.Beyond 2016 it will be difficult for China to contain Indian clout anywhere in the world.

That's pretty wrong, it will be even more handy for China to contain India by 2016 in the reality.

Can't imagine how India will get dwarfed by the China of 2016, let alone the China of 2020.
Actually, it is the other way around. :lol:

Here is an article from the New York Times:

New York Times - India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesn’t Notice

Ya thats like a benchmark thing. Do you know what benchmarks are?
Like You have set your benchmark as American standards same way we have set our own benchmarks.
For development our benchmark is China
but for government our benchmark is Democracy.

On pdf it is actually same, on any indian thread all chinese posters come and spew their venom.
It is so much venom that indians here are started liking pakistani as their friends.

You should not deny that most chinese posters in pdf hate India. I know general populace in China is not like few posters here.
Ya thats like a benchmark thing. Do you know what benchmarks are?
Like You have set your benchmark as American standards same way we have set our own benchmarks.
For development our benchmark is China
but for government our benchmark is Democracy.

On pdf it is actually same, on any indian thread all chinese posters come and spew their venom.
It is so much venom that indians here are started liking pakistani as their friends.

You should not deny that most chinese posters in pdf hate India. I know general populace in China is not like few posters here.

Again, it's the other way around. :lol:

Most Chinese posters come to this forum and are friendly to Indians (I was as well, you can check my old posts). We never hear any anti-India stuff from our media, at least not until a few months ago.

Indians on the other hand, have this huge complex about their loss in 1962 and cry about it at every opportunity. The Indians come here, to a PAKISTANI defence forum, to cause problems and attack other members. Why else would an Indian join a Pakistani defence forum?

The Chinese members here are just responding to the hatred of the Indian members. As that New York Times article said correctly, we would usually just ignore India.
Again, it's the other way around. :lol:

Most Chinese posters come to this forum and are friendly to Indians (I was as well, you can check my old posts). We never hear any anti-India stuff from our media, at least not until a few months ago.

Indians on the other hand, have this huge complex about their loss in 1962 and cry about it at every opportunity. The Indians come here, to a PAKISTANI defence forum, to cause problems and attack other members. Why else would an Indian join a Pakistani defence forum?

The Chinese members here are just responding to the hatred of the Indian members. As that New York Times article said correctly, we would usually just ignore India.

Whatever I have seen for last year I am saying that chinese members hate india. Even some new members with 10-20 posts start posting poverty posts and most beloved High IQ.

Indians come in pakistan defence forum to share views and get new perspective of things.

If Indians have to bash everybody they could do by joining other national forums it would be much easier to bash in own environment rather than in hostile environment where antiChina threads get closed in one day while anti India threads go on for weeks or months.
Whatever I have seen for last year I am saying that chinese members hate india. Even some new members with 10-20 posts start posting poverty posts and most beloved High IQ.

Indians come in pakistan defence forum to share views and get new perspective of things.

If Indians have to bash everybody they could do by joining other national forums it would be much easier to bash in own environment rather than in hostile environment where antiChina threads get closed in one day while anti India threads go on for weeks or months.

kid check the very first post of ours apart from Hongwu you will get a clear picture why we join as peace but then all calling you have inferior complexity, everything has a reason
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