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India’s Nuclear Arsenal Takes A Big Step Forward

I wish this forum paid a little more attention to Indian military developments and its implications than our own. The mind share on these forums with OSINT collection and analysis could be very useful to PK strategists. I know it is fun to talk about our own capabilities, but there is more value to understanding the adversaries moves. Wishing for a greater balance on this forum and more focus on Indian moves.
Everyone knows about India's ambition but the media surprisingly or un-surprisingly is more discreet and quiet on it especially relative to Pakistan. India perhaps haslaid down all the preparatory work if it wants to rapidly expand it's nuclear capability and warheads. The logistics and facilities are all done near completion. The motivation can also be to compensate for China's own nuclear posturing where it is expanding it's program at a fast pace. We can observe that in India's missile tests which are almost in balanced ratios towards Pakistan and China.

Pakistan is focusing more towards retaining current capabilities and improving them while getting a sea-based nuclear capability ready. The full spectrum deterrence has in both vertical but horizontal too which are sea, land and air. Many of the plans also get slowed when funding is tight but most of priority programs continue at normal pace.

India has entered into new phase of weapon development. Agni 1 P is a new generation missile with MIRV capabilities with maneuverable warhead with wich Aircreaft carrires can also be targeted by twiking it. Prahar is also one such missile with quasi ballistic trajectory. They follow Zig zag path to reach target at hypersonic speed to deceive BMD systems. In their terminal phase, they beheave like hypersonic cruise missile. Pralay in particular is made to target targets on other side of mountain to neutralize the terrain location advantage of enemy. India had Brahmos for this role but pralay can do that work with 20 % cost with 5 time bigger payload. I foresee pralay used in coastal defense role as well. Agni 1 prime will be treated for carrier killer role. This is the reason why they are noticed so widely in the world.
Everyone knows about India's ambition but the media surprisingly or un-surprisingly is more discreet and quiet on it especially relative to Pakistan. India perhaps haslaid down all the preparatory work if it wants to rapidly expand it's nuclear capability and warheads. The logistics and facilities are all done near completion. The motivation can also be to compensate for China's own nuclear posturing where it is expanding it's program at a fast pace. We can observe that in India's missile tests which are almost in balanced ratios towards Pakistan and China.

Pakistan is focusing more towards retaining current capabilities and improving them while getting a sea-based nuclear capability ready. The full spectrum deterrence has in both vertical but horizontal too which are sea, land and air. Many of the plans also get slowed when funding is tight but most of priority programs continue at normal pace.

Its centrifuge facility for nuclear sub program,, Everything is not for the bomb.

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