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India’s new bridge in Himalayas could potentially reignite China border dispute

@Nilgiri I wonder how many he sold of his family to get to internet or arrange a ticket to Singapore).

No, no. You don't get it. I will never harm my own family but I will gladly traffic the women in your extended family to any country of your choice. There's a difference. :yahoo: I thought you Sami's were fast learners.

Its the guy spawning like 10 accounts per week here...with all kind of flags and egos and personalities.

I have only one account, you fool. This is the only one I have ever created on this forum. But I don't blame you: gaauti Indians like you will not believe the Truth if it came and bitcj-slapped them.

He has no life out there (either one person or its some socially-in-touch group), so he wants to make a life in here....his oxygen being replies from people (by taking some predictable extreme position on something) and baiting them...sometimes using 2 - 3 accounts in same thread to do it.....and it seems the main anchor one is the "im muslim honestly!" bart simpson one.

For someone with 25,000 posts, you're surely a pea-brain. I don't consider this paragraph worth refuting. Good luck with your brain farts. Imagine me in whatever shape you want to.

Its best not to try understand it, just let each one wear out its due ,
First sensible statement you made so far. I'm not going to reply to any of your absurd comments in this forum. You seem to be a low IQ person not worth my time. I will only react if you and your faggot buddies blame-game me: it's called RETALIATION.

But sane people should read between the lines...(and you can find your own way to have fun at it's expense in the appropriate zing! time)

I wish I could describe you as sane. You have given no evidence so far.

Easiest way for most part (the meaty useless trolling blab) is to use a filter in post count/account age yourself (and ignore button if you really need it)..

Good. Teach it all the Sami's here: your gaauti buddies should know the techniques. I don't want any of you to comment or reply on my threads. I am not dying to interact with you gaautis unless it's for retaliation. You are all well advised to stay away from me because I will burn all your holes.

but it has finite time (and hopefully interest - for its own sake) just like rest of us in the end.

You wish, but I am here to stay. Like it or not, I will be a constant eyesore for you and all your gaavti buddies here.

Will be interesting to see which accounts do reach say the 500 post threshold or 1000 post threshold with fair enough positive rating ratio etc. Survival of the fittest!

That's pathetic on so many levels. You (despite being an Indian) measure your self-worth by 25,000 posts written in a Pakistani forum. I don't think I can ever beat that, nor do I want to. Good showing. You can suck your record and blow it.

Fortunately, my aim is not to reach any post threshold. I have got a million things to measure my self-worth by. You have no other it seems.

Have a nice day.
View attachment 627275
You know folks what that is?
This was a Stamp issued in 1974 by USSR to show the strong ties with India and to celebrate things....
But after that we ceased the existence of the Soviet Union....And divided it into pieces. :partay:
"We?" As in Pakistan? Hahahhahahaha. I really want to see a Pakistani text book where they teach such stuff.

This picture is too old, and there is this picture in the news in 2006.
"We?" As in Pakistan? Hahahhahahaha. I really want to see a Pakistani text book where they teach such stuff.
Ahhahhhaha....It means you don't know anything....So sweet of you.:D
This an SSG brig with the Soviet Forces roasted behind.
images (3).jpeg
EX PM Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Visiting training camps of Mujahideen,They were trained to get the hell out of The Red Army.
images (1).jpeg
images (2).jpeg
images (4).jpeg

It means you don't know much about The Cold War.
Ahhahhhaha....It means you don't know anything....So sweet of you.:DView attachment 627371 This an SSG brig with the Soviet Forces roasted behind.
View attachment 627370 EX PM Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Visiting training camps of Mujahideen,They were trained to get the hell out of The Red Army.
View attachment 627372 View attachment 627369 View attachment 627368
It means you don't know much about The Cold War.
Lol. No. It means you know nothing about Glasnost and Perestroika. As I said, one really needs to see a Pakistani textbook to enjoy modern South Asian fiction and myth
Ok . One can be practical or one can be emotional all or non type. Practical examples.. Europe was a battlefield for a thousand years but they settled their quarrels with compromises. Example of emotional ones .. Middle East cluster****
If after befriending China the entirety of our military is shifted to your country many many start to think with less emotion. Then South Asian will also prosper like ASEAN.

There is no logic in abandoning your own people to be abused, tortured, raped, and killed by the enemy .

Pakistan will fight for eternity for Kashmiris' right to live in peace and security. There is no emotion to it.

It is the right thing to do.

There is not going to be war between India and China because both nations are historically trading/merchant nations not expansionist powers like Rome or England.

You need to learn about Hindutva and Savarkar's fascist ideology which directly influences RSS (the parent to BJP.)

They will keep promoting wars against Indian neighbors, when they cannot find an external enemy, they will find an internal one.

Chinese attempts to find commonality is futile, as aside from Pakistan, they view China as the biggest threat and are woefully aware of their inferiority in that regard.
You are on PDF, if you don't want to engage Pakistanis, maybe find another place.

Yes sir, I am on PDF to engage with Pakistanis and Indians of my choice (not women selling types), and I am fortunate that site owner has provided us an option to ignore people.

If you want to be reasonable, please quote me and we can discuss, till then, disengage respectfully.
Lol. No. It means you know nothing about Glasnost and Perestroika. As I said, one really needs to see a Pakistani textbook to enjoy modern South Asian fiction and myth
The fact of the matter is we were one of the force multiplier behind the scenes. It is just a curtain for some guys like you so that you can die in peace.
The fact of the matter is we were one of the force multiplier behind the scenes. It is just a curtain for some guys like you so that you can die in peace.
Lol. You were the mules thru which the Americans, Israelis and Saudis routed money and weapons to the Afghan Mujahideen. And that entire war was a very small factor in the collapse of the SU which had more to do with internal politics and Gorbachev's failures.

In reality, forget defeating the Soviets - for 70 + years you have been salivating about Kashmir and have lost so much territory already. Not to mention, you are living off alms.
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Lol. No. It means you know nothing about Glasnost and Perestroika. As I said, one really needs to see a Pakistani textbook to enjoy modern South Asian fiction and myth

And yet they fell apart when Bush Jr gave them an ultimatum. I wonder why those bravehearts didn't pick up those guns and destroy the remaining superpower in the same manner as they did the USSR. Instead they sold out their Afghan brothers :D
And yet they fell apart when Bush Jr gave them an ultimatum. I wonder why those bravehearts didn't pick up those guns and destroy the remaining superpower in the same manner as they did the USSR. Instead they sold out their Afghan brothers :D
Actually a surprising number of them believe this nonsense. The end of the fight against the Russians was the beginning of the 1989 jehadi movement in Kashmir. 30 years later after failure to get anything - you would hope realization has dawned.

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