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India's Massive presence on Social Media & its effects on Kashmir cause


Feb 28, 2019
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I’m actually baffled about Kashmir. The Oppression in the region is beyond worrying but something new caught my attention while I was looking for some news regarding Kashmir. I’ll sum it up in this thread.

India’s dominance over social media is alarming. FB rapidly removes content propagating the Kashmir cause or highlighting the Indian atrocities in the region. YouTube does the same. Some videos against India are removed even before they are properly indexed in the search.

Similarly with google images. If you look for it you’ll hardly fine 10% of what it actually should be. Images of victims of pellet guns disappear. Although, the most interesting thing is their social media approach.

The narrative of the state is paddled by journalists & celebrities. Easily the two most influential set of people in any country?! Once a narrative is built up here it’s also repeatedly backed by the cluster of media channels running in the country available in all languages.

Furthermore, more than 326 MILLION Indians are on social media. Already under a specific influence they cater out the same narrative. Westerners, global politicians and celebrities have their posts/tweets flooded by them easily.

Search India or Kashmir, top searches would be coverage from them. So anyone interested in this issue easily buys their narrative so people are convinced or either completely unaware of atrocities in Kashmir.

To further worsen the mess for the poor Kashmiris, Arab Muslim world doesn’t have free media. Pakistan’s media is horrible at international coverage. None of our channel is capable of reaching to foreign audience. Indus news may do it if they survive. Your ARYs & GEOs are garbage

Globally the Indian narrative is easily flooded. More to their govs assistance their tech is great. They utilise all digital media tools to monitor their image and counter anti India narratives with Tonnes of stealth (fake) accounts. All these accounts appear authentic

A completely win-win situation for them. Hence this becomes one of the reason why people are so unaware of the plight of Kashmiris.
Indians in general are a very self fellatio bunch and are intolerant to outside opinion critiquing their country. Therefore they are never going to listen anything other than their positive opinion. More so now that they are fired up in fascism, its like 1930’s germany.
That's because the web has now become a tool and is heavily monitored and censored.
It is because Internet as we know it is is increasingly in hand of few entities who have certain views and they strictly control what is allowed to be spread on social media

Investor Groups >
> Elect Indians in CEO/CTO roles or directors
> They have in return hired army of Indian programmers
> Heavy outsourcing

A similar structure also exists in many Banks which call themselves multi national
The question then arises... What are we doing and what can we do in realistic terms?

Plus what role can our hackers play? They seem to be mysteriously silent.
These companies employ too many Indian programmers.

Why isn't China flexing its cyber power over all English speaking social media... Surely , they can do something to help China and its allies...
Like counter the recent HK propaganda going on against China on english media and forums.
What matters is what happens on the ground.

Know this...no one will help the kashmiris, Pakistanis or muslims. Not even muslims.

We fight and we fight alone. Period
Bro us Pakistanis are only seeing this now. But in 2013s when I first moved to US I saw a very unsual video from an egyptian muslim brother.

He did a simple google search "Egypt" in Egypt. The result was tourism/business/recreation etc.
Bu then he did that search in America. The result shocked him. The results were protests, people getting blown up etc.

at the hands of jews and anti muslim handlers is the culprit.
I’m actually baffled about Kashmir. The Oppression in the region is beyond worrying but something new caught my attention while I was looking for some news regarding Kashmir. I’ll sum it up in this thread.

India’s dominance over social media is alarming. FB rapidly removes content propagating the Kashmir cause or highlighting the Indian atrocities in the region. YouTube does the same. Some videos against India are removed even before they are properly indexed in the search.

Similarly with google images. If you look for it you’ll hardly fine 10% of what it actually should be. Images of victims of pellet guns disappear. Although, the most interesting thing is their social media approach.

The narrative of the state is paddled by journalists & celebrities. Easily the two most influential set of people in any country?! Once a narrative is built up here it’s also repeatedly backed by the cluster of media channels running in the country available in all languages.

Furthermore, more than 326 MILLION Indians are on social media. Already under a specific influence they cater out the same narrative. Westerners, global politicians and celebrities have their posts/tweets flooded by them easily.

Search India or Kashmir, top searches would be coverage from them. So anyone interested in this issue easily buys their narrative so people are convinced or either completely unaware of atrocities in Kashmir.

To further worsen the mess for the poor Kashmiris, Arab Muslim world doesn’t have free media. Pakistan’s media is horrible at international coverage. None of our channel is capable of reaching to foreign audience. Indus news may do it if they survive. Your ARYs & GEOs are garbage

Globally the Indian narrative is easily flooded. More to their govs assistance their tech is great. They utilise all digital media tools to monitor their image and counter anti India narratives with Tonnes of stealth (fake) accounts. All these accounts appear authentic

A completely win-win situation for them. Hence this becomes one of the reason why people are so unaware of the plight of Kashmiris.

India is only copying Israeli and Chinese model of employing armies of hacker bots to quell voices of dissent.
they are more in number they have more money and their majority is dumb and easy to manupilate.even on pdf if your observe closely ull find indians in sync ull feel they are not posting their opinion rather they are propogating a narrative they will all post the same thing just different words!
Remember Indian culture is very subservient and the British cultivated the civil service there to that effect during their rule.

As a rule Indians are well versed in sciences & computing but really lack any sociological or awareness of social sciences - its basically like the US after 9/11 - ready to believe anything the government says.
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