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India's Massive presence on Social Media & its effects on Kashmir cause

Truth is one thing; social media management is quite another.

Brother dont get taken in by the number of trolls on social media, just because they make a lot of noise doesnt mean they will prevail. Pakistan cannot win in the numbers game on social media. The best bet is to present the truth, assuming you are on the right side, and eventually people who seek the truth will see it.
Brother dont get taken in by the number of trolls on social media, just because they make a lot of noise doesnt mean they will prevail. Pakistan cannot win in the numbers game on social media. The best bet is to present the truth, assuming you are on the right side, and eventually people who seek the truth will see it.

On social media, there is no truth, just my side and your side, and everyone assumes that they alone are on the right side of just about any issue.
On social media, there is no truth, just my side and your side, and everyone assumes that they alone are on the right side of just about any issue.

On the surface yes you are absolutely correct but thats mostly true when you get in to semantics with trollers :) IMHO, and in my little experience with social media, I believe in stating the facts and leaving it at that. Feeding the troll frenzy is a waste of time and will in any case not make the troll army stop.

So to answer the question on how would you deal with the Indian troll army IMHO I would state the facts and leave it at that. The troll army will not be silenced, in fact no matter what you say to them it will not silence them and 1 insult will result in a 100 insults and so on. Those who come to social media to read about facts will find them. People are not stupid, they have the ability to see from right and wrong, if and when they open their minds to it.
On the surface yes you are absolutely correct but thats mostly true when you get in to semantics with trollers :) IMHO, and in my little experience with social media, I believe in stating the facts and leaving it at that. Feeding the troll frenzy is a waste of time and will in any case not make the troll army stop.

So to answer the question on how would you deal with the Indian troll army IMHO I would state the facts and leave it at that. The troll army will not be silenced, in fact no matter what you say to them it will not silence them and 1 insult will result in a 100 insults and so on. Those who come to social media to read about facts will find them. People are not stupid, they have the ability to see from right and wrong, if and when they open their minds to it.

A fair comment in theory, but just see what happened to PDF on Twitter as an example of actual practice (not only PDF's handle, but also many other stalwarts here).
Indians in general are a very self fellatio bunch and are intolerant to outside opinion critiquing their country. Therefore they are never going to listen anything other than their positive opinion. More so now that they are fired up in fascism, its like 1930’s germany.
That's how the country slowly turning into shitzzhole.

Very good observation. But, all Pakistani need to counter this Indian campaign.
A fair comment in theory, but just see what happened to PDF on Twitter as an example of actual practice (not only PDF's handle, but also many other stalwarts here).

Well brother I dont follow PDF on twitter but I understand what you mean. Social media freedom is such a huge debate globally and there are no easy answers on how to manage it. Rather than get disheartened and disillusioned I would rather stick to discerning the facts, ultimately thats what matters.
Why isn't China flexing its cyber power over all English speaking social media... Surely , they can do something to help China and its allies...
Like counter the recent HK propaganda going on against China on english media and forums.

In mainland China there are not many people who can speak English fluently .. Me either ...

I'm sorry we can't help you ...

I once recommended some English-speaking forums (PDF included) to my friends and classmates, but none of them were involved in the end. The feedback from most people is that they have difficulty reading the articles in these English forums ...

(It may represent how most Chinese feel about English forums. :hitwall:
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Well brother I dont follow PDF on twitter but I understand what you mean. Social media freedom is such a huge debate globally and there are no easy answers on how to manage it. Rather than get disheartened and disillusioned I would rather stick to discerning the facts, ultimately thats what matters.

And world opinion would seem to suggest that the Pakistani viewpoint is not finding the traction one would hope for, for some reason. Clearly what is being put forward by Pakistanis is not working and a better strategy is needed. Getting banned on Twitter and other major social media is not the way to do this, obviously.
What matters is what happens on the ground.

Know this...no one will help the kashmiris, Pakistanis or muslims. Not even muslims.

We fight and we fight alone. Period
Bang on. They'll get out message when we plant our flags in Srinagar.
Indians in general are a very self fellatio bunch and are intolerant to outside opinion critiquing their country. Therefore they are never going to listen anything other than their positive opinion. More so now that they are fired up in fascism, its like 1930’s germany.
Not to worry we all know how it ended for Germany!
There is a significant portion of the internet that does not speak English and are thus not inclined to Indian propaganda.

Those Pakistanis who are multilingual speakers in other languages besides English must do what we can to put forward our view points where the Indians haven't set foot in.

For example, in the most popular Japanese internet forum, I posted Pakistan's view point and the plight of the Kashmiris in Japanese language and received several messages of support from Japanese people on Kashmir.
Why isn't China flexing its cyber power over all English speaking social media... Surely , they can do something to help China and its allies...
Like counter the recent HK propaganda going on against China on english media and forums.
Most of the chinese still dont speak english. hard to spread propaganda without having the context or knowledge of language. BTW they already have a heavilyyyyyyyyyyyyy controlled internet. I dont know how you blame India, seeing how china is explicity censoring anything and everything.
Not surprising when you consider more indians have access to smart phones than toilets.
Remember Indian culture is very subservient and the British cultivated the civil service there to that effect during their rule.

As a rule Indians are well versed in sciences & computing but really lack any sociological or awareness of social sciences - its basically like the US after 9/11 - ready to believe anything the government says.

They're not too well versed in the Sciences, Computing or Mathematics. The evidence for that is that 1.4 billion indians cannot even invent 0.001% of what the White and East Asian races have invented. Also, indians have a low racial IQ:


We need to start posting FACTS and not follow the retarded indian narrative.......:disagree:
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