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India's Maoists are no rag-tag rebels

According to the latest interrogations of arrested top Maoist leaders by Indian intelligence, the rebels have succeeded in raising a army of their own right in the heart of the country that is fortified with AK- 47 assault rifles and an array of deadly weapons and arms.
*Sarcasm on*
Thank you China for supporting the Maoists ideologically, and arming them to the teeth with weapons and training! You are a civilized nation setting a glorious example on how to conduct international relations!
*Sarcasm off*

Sadly, your aim of splintering India will undoubtedly fail. The Communist Party of China is, as usual, living in a fool's paradise.
No, not the same. Capitalism is what made countries like the U.S rich. Capitalism is the ideology that is making China rich as we speak.

The alternative is Socialism and it hasn't worked ANYWHERE. Name 1 country in existence today that is well developed and established due to Socialism? There isn't one.

It simply doesn't work. Trying to say Capitalism doesn't work because a group of people did something wrong is like saying Pakistan is a failed stated because someone robbed a grocery store.

It's ridiculous and doesn't make sense.

I doubt you even know what capitalism actually is.

It is reported in "Western Media"

You don't need to keep reporting a story over and over and over again unless you have something new to report.

The financial crisis isn't the fault of the capitalist ideology. It's the fault of greedy banks who took risks that were too high.

My country is a capitalist nation, we were untouched by the financial crisis, just like many other countries.

There's also Zimbabwe, Uganda, Congo... there are more starving capitalist nations than successful capitalist nations. On the other hand, there's only one starving socialist nation today, North Korea, and whether they're actually socialist is up for debate. The current thought in China is that they're a feudal monarchy, and not socialist.

Japan was not a capitalist nation. They had a command economy where Ministry of Industry gave orders to gigantic corporations that had heavy political connections, had heavy protectionism, and used the population as a testbed for experimental products before they were sold overseas. Japan had much more in common with the Soviet Union than it did with the US.

It is impossible for capitalism to let a non-developed nation become developed, after other nations have already developed, Only a command economy or semi-command economy can do that.
India already tried socialism and it failed for our country. People never cared for profit of the company. Unions and their followers believed that working less and having more salary.

Only some old generation people still have faith in socialism otherwise new generation Indians don't give a damn about it. Our economy was screwed by 1991 and economic reforms only brought prosperity.

When anyone criticize poonjiwaad(capitalism), I always feel awkward and vintage about it.
Maoists are right in their demands for a better living..but their actions are certainly out of order.Saying that,the government hasn't been good at tackling this menace.

I thought their ultimate aim is to overthrow democracy and install Communism in India.
There's also Zimbabwe, Uganda, Congo... there are more starving capitalist nations than successful capitalist nations.

Their problems aren't because of capitalism.

It is impossible for capitalism to let a non-developed nation become developed, after other nations have already developed, Only a command economy or semi-command economy can do that.

Not true. Capitalism in a nutshell is the concept private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit or income by individuals or corporations.

No command is needed.
Keep your idiotic ideologies to yourself . No one wanted your advice about what is right and what is wrong , Now go and lick your master's leg .

I Support Moaism or any other form of communism , This land mafias are not going to control the indian tribal areas , it beolngs to indian people .they are resource reach areas .
I just dont like there strategy , and they have very bad public relation .
Their problems aren't because of capitalism.
Not true. Capitalism in a nutshell is the concept private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit or income by individuals or corporations.
No command is needed.

Our country has changed a lot when we switched to market economy in 1991. Socialism and communism are the failed concept.
Learn to read. :lol:

'No evidence of Chinese support to Insurgents and Maoists.'

'No evidence of Chinese support to insurgents and Maoists' - Indian Express

They have f*ck-all to do with China. (And in case you haven't noticed, China is now capitalist.)

I saw a documentary on the Maoists, they know nothing about ideology, they just say that "it's either this or starving to death".

And they are mostly illiterate. Obviously if they are illiterate in their own language, then they can't read Chinese either. Let alone grasp the concepts from reading about Chinese ideology.

Most of the maoist commanders and leaders are well educated, with a liking for brutal Mao ideology. it is the foot soldiers who are poor illiterate tribals .
They want to do the same long march, cultural revolution and great leap forward to make the lives of people a hell, if they don't die in the process.

Keep your idiotic ideologies to yourself . No one wanted your advice about what is right and what is wrong , Now go and lick your master's leg .

I Support Moaism or any other form of communism , This land mafias are not going to control the indian tribal areas , it beolngs to indian people .they are resource reach areas .
I just dont like there strategy , and they have very bad public relation .

Give me an example of where communism has succeed and made people's lives better.
I can't believe there is still people in the world who believe in ideology doctrines such as marxism, maoism etc,

Socialism is crap, it simply doesnt work.

This is because this sort of trash is spread with false promises in regions that have been wrongly neglected by the government. Since they did not take the initiative to develop infrastructure and education in those particular areas, people there are illiterate and gullible, doing manual work such as farming, herding etc. These guys have not come out of 1970s and therefore they are easy to fool.

Communist trash use and abuse this weakness and now having put the areas under their brutal control (it is forced and people in those areas are forced to give protection money-mafia-style to these Maoists).

Now when the government wants to develop those areas with roads and rail and other construction stuff, these maoists blow it up because if development even now starts, their agenda will be lost.

Communists/Socialists/Leftist etc variety are a threat to the modern world and must be dealt with full force and extreme prejudice.
Keep your idiotic ideologies to yourself . No one wanted your advice about what is right and what is wrong , Now go and lick your master's leg .

I Support Moaism or any other form of communism , This land mafias are not going to control the indian tribal areas , it beolngs to indian people .they are resource reach areas .
I just dont like there strategy , and they have very bad public relation .
Yes, comrade. The People's Republic of India will be a great nation. The brahmin regime must go.
Yes, comrade. The People's Republic of India will be a great nation. The brahmin regime must go.

Thank you. Brahmin regime is gone.So i assume People's country called India is a great nation...

BTW when are chinese people getting rid of Dictators ??
*Sarcasm on*
Thank you China for supporting the Maoists ideologically, and arming them to the teeth with weapons and training! You are a civilized nation setting a glorious example on how to conduct international relations!
*Sarcasm off*

Sadly, your aim of splintering India will undoubtedly fail. The Communist Party of China is, as usual, living in a fool's paradise.
:lol: Our Maoists are much closer to splintering india than india's proxy Tibetans are close to splintering China! Maoists are now joining with UFLA and Dravidian separatists to deal the indian union a death blow.

What the hell is taking India so long to send in the military!!?? In the US if one of the right wing militias even dared to start an armed uprising the military would be sent in by president who would invoke the Insurrection Act. What is India waiting for until they take more territory or launch a major offensive in India? They need to send in their full military might to crush the Maoist if not it will get even worse down the road.
india is already fighting with their full armed forces (Kashmir Rifles). As usual, india is deceptively hiding this fact, that's why so many indian soldiers have been killed by Maoists. Now the Maoists are fortified with Chinese infantry weapons and heavy machine guns. Soon they will "go regular" and start wearing uniforms, riding in Type 96 tanks.
What the hell is taking India so long to send in the military!!?? In the US if one of the right wing militias even dared to start an armed uprising the military would be sent in by president who would invoke the Insurrection Act. What is India waiting for until they take more territory or launch a major offensive in India? They need to send in their full military might to crush the Maoist if not it will get even worse down the road.

Because there is no consensus in India that sending military is the best way to fight insurgency.
Apart from being considered immoral and unethical to use armed forces against poor and illeterate people, many are also highly skeptic that they can win the war on hearts and minds of people.

Maoist firepower is highly exaggerated. The key is the terrain in which they fight, and local knowledge is essential in fighting them. Armed forces do not bring any of those skill. Lastly Indian army does not want to get bogged down in another internal conflict like J&K.

State and central police forces are best agencies to deal with this. They need logistics and intelligence support which are provided by other agencies.

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