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India's longest river bridge ; India can now swiftly move Troops and Battle Tanks to China Border

If this bridge can be taken out by chinese missiles,china's key roads into tibet can similarly be demolished by brahmos.So thats not even a point.IAF has advantage over PLAAF in tibet due to altitude.
This is mainly to mobilize quickly in a crisis,in a war ,bridges and roads on both sides will be gone.
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India avoided building border infrastructure because it was afraid that China would use the roads and rail to invade India. That was a wise decision. If there is a war between India vs China, it will be India that destroy this new bridge to halt Chinese advances, possibly even with NE refugees on it.

India will destroy this bridge first to halt Chinese advances.

Now that you are found so intelligent, let me know if there is any so called Chinese infrastructure that connects the Indian ones apart from the Check posts that we have on either sides. Chinese and Indians cannot invade each other with land based heavy machinery unless through obvious routes(which would be the prime targets at war anyways) due to basic geography.

China will if not now will need India tomorrow to sustain its growth Economically. And basic common sense teaches you not to disturb your future tense at the cost of present and pas tense.
You are thinking too much, you are basically nothing in our mind.

We know that and dont give a middle finger on it. What you quoted was for the master's pet.

And its the millionth time when pakistani armchair generals have hit a military target inside India or nuked India; on pdf lol :lol: :rofl:

Next time we must celebrate the Platinum Jubilee for Nuking India on PDF by these arm chair warriors.
guess the Chinese will either blow the bridge up of be marching on it if war breaks out.[/QU
guess the Chinese will either blow the bridge up of be marching on it if war breaks out.
the world doesnt revolve around the china bro get out of the china infatuation
they have been touched in a wrong way not so distant past and will be again
guess the Chinese will either blow the bridge up of be marching on it if war breaks out.

Wow genius, you just outsmarted the Planners. Congrats :) . If to read by your lens, then god save anything that you created on your land.
If this bridge can be taken out .by chinese missiles,china's key roads into tibet can similarly be demolished by barhmos.So thats not even a point.IAF has advantage over PLAAF in tibet due to altitude.
This is mainly to mobilize quickly in a crisis,in a war ,bridges and roads on both sides will be gone.
Yes infrastructure will be the first target for any side to slow down mobilisation. But people here ingore this simple fact as if Chinese side of infra is protected by some kinda feild that is un penetrable for Indian armed forces. I would rater be happy for people living in the border areas as it will give easy access to people of those areas to all of assam and mainland India and will also boost tourism in Assam in coming future.

Wow genius, you just outsmarted the Planners. Congrats :) . If to read by your lens, then god save anything that you created on your land.
Wow genius, you just outsmarted the Planners. Congrats :) . If to read by your lens, then god save anything that you created on your land.
they took Aksai Chin from you when you guys surrendered so hence the assumptions

And lets not kid our self here you temple educated and feed indian, your army is the laughing stock of the world if the PLAA want they can march on any bridge near your border with them.
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they took Aksai Chin from you when you guys surrendered so hence the assumptions

lol !! May be you would like to revisit the history. Its a disputed land though administered by China. Chinese could only make out a disputed territory from our surrender, but when Pakistan surrendered we carved out an entire nation ! The difference is exponential.
lol !! but when Pakistan surrendered we carved out a nation ! The difference is exponential.
really you dumb indian
What happened in 47 when we carved and gutted 3 nations out of your Hindustan :omghaha::omghaha:

IOK up next !
You carved out nothing. You attacked Kingdom of J&K. Just some princely states before it was legally acceded to India. So don't play that it's already debunked 1000times
lol now you indians will deny actual history hilarious
we carved out 3 nations out of india in 1947 check anywhere u want
really you dumb indian
What happened in 47 when we carved and gutted 3 nations out of your Hindustan :omghaha::omghaha:

IOK up next !

Unless you want to say that It was Pakistan Muslim League and not INDIAN Muslim league. :crazy: and it was the British unless you have some super secret sensitive classified information with you. Well At least you needed an adjective before my nationality to insult me but all I need to do is call you a Pakistani !!
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