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India's longest river bridge ; India can now swiftly move Troops and Battle Tanks to China Border

China never cares for a country which can not even produce their own weapons.
Echoing words said by generals doesn't make it true! China can unleash chaos on India by its hybrid warfare capability, and saying stuff like "India is prepared" or "India is serious about it's sovereignty" doesn't change it.

Thats why low level proxy war is being waged against Indian armed forces because in full scale war Indian Armed Forces can do full damages to the enemies.
Thats why low level proxy war is being waged against Indian armed forces because in full scale war Indian Armed Forces can do full damages to the enemies.
Okay. Picture this. China declares war on India. They simultaneously wipe out Indian cyber personnel from the cyberspace AND deny India access to their satellites, effectively cutting at least half of India from the world. At the same time, they are firing missiles containing nothing but a shockwave generator, using them for Electronic Warfare. Now a part of India is deprived of electricity and technology top. Great! To top that off, COMINT and SIGINT is denying the General Headquarters intelligence and communication from the front line. UCAVs are actively striking on Indian positions, causing havoc.
You see this plan? That is called hybrid warfare. And this plan is flawed, yes. But I'm sure that the ones created by the Chinese generals will not be. There's a reason that it is part of the Big 3.
Okay. Picture this. China declares war on India. They simultaneously wipe out Indian cyber personnel from the cyberspace AND deny India access to their satellites, effectively cutting at least half of India from the world. At the same time, they are firing missiles containing nothing but a shockwave generator, using them for Electronic Warfare. Now a part of India is deprived of electricity and technology top. Great! To top that off, COMINT and SIGINT is denying the General Headquarters intelligence and communication from the front line. UCAVs are actively striking on Indian positions, causing havoc.
You see this plan? That is called hybrid warfare. And this plan is flawed, yes. But I'm sure that the ones created by the Chinese generals will not be. There's a reason that it is part of the Big 3.

Indian Armed Forces are even having ground base radars system and as i have said you even earlier that Indian Armed forces doesnt under estimate our enemies capabilities but if our enemies are under estimating Indian Armed Forces capabilities then our enemies are trying to be over smart.

Our sateillites are in different orbits including the higher orbit and ISRO Scientists, Indian Armed Forces and Indian Military Intelligence agencies are well aware how to protect National Assets.
Indian Armed Forces are even having ground base radars system and as i have said you even earlier that Indian Armed forces doesnt under estimate our enemies capabilities but if our enemies are under estimating Indian Armed Forces capabilities then our enemies are trying to be over smart.

Our sateillites are in different orbits including the higher orbit and ISRO Scientists, Indian Armed Forces and Indian Military Intelligence agencies are well aware how to protect National Assets.
So you didn't read what I said? Your radar systems will go haywire, thanks to EW. Your data from satellites will be intercepted, thanks to COMINT. Sorry, but India =/= China. Not yet.
So you didn't read what I said? Your radar systems will go haywire, thanks to EW. Your data from satellites will be intercepted, thanks to COMINT. Sorry, but India =/= China. Not yet.

SAMYUKTA is a joint programme of DRDO and Indian Army. This programme is software and integration intensive and meant for indigenous development of an integrated EW system covering 1.5 MHz � 40 GHz. A stand-alone jammer (SAJ) after completing evaluation in the factory, has been evaluated in the field by users and inputs from this evaluation are being incorporated in electronic counter measure (ECM) for non-com segment, in all three frequency bands namely low, mid and high bands. With this development, ECM for non-com segment, has been completed and entities are under evaluation. The system comprises vehicles having the capabilities for surveillance, interception, monitoring, analysis and jamming of all communication and radar signals

DRDO have already invented ECCM

Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) is defined as actions taken to ensure friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum against an EW threat. Thus ECCM is the art of reducing the effectiveness of an EW threat
so that the cost of effective EW becomes prohibitive for the enemy.

ECCM is mostly concerned with techniques which are embodied in the design of electronic equipment(e.g., radar and its constituent parts like receiver, transmitter, etc. ) while ECM usually requires a separate item or unit of equipment
which operates in its own right and not as an adjunct to another system.

Most of the ECCM techniques are based on the characteristics of transmitted radar pulse, which in turn,depends upon the radar parameters like power, frequency, PRF, pulse length, antenna gain, antenna polarisation,
antenna scan, receiver's probability of intercept, etc.
India is least worried about a country that produce knockoff weapons.
In a sense all new things are knockoff of the old ones, US learned from Germany, Japan learned from US... The matter is are you capable to make them through learning or you never learn. See how US learned in its less than 300 years history from others.
SAMYUKTA is a joint programme of DRDO and Indian Army. This programme is software and integration intensive and meant for indigenous development of an integrated EW system covering 1.5 MHz � 40 GHz. A stand-alone jammer (SAJ) after completing evaluation in the factory, has been evaluated in the field by users and inputs from this evaluation are being incorporated in electronic counter measure (ECM) for non-com segment, in all three frequency bands namely low, mid and high bands. With this development, ECM for non-com segment, has been completed and entities are under evaluation. The system comprises vehicles having the capabilities for surveillance, interception, monitoring, analysis and jamming of all communication and radar signals

DRDO have already invented ECCM

Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) is defined as actions taken to ensure friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum against an EW threat. Thus ECCM is the art of reducing the effectiveness of an EW threat
so that the cost of effective EW becomes prohibitive for the enemy.

ECCM is mostly concerned with techniques which are embodied in the design of electronic equipment(e.g., radar and its constituent parts like receiver, transmitter, etc. ) while ECM usually requires a separate item or unit of equipment
which operates in its own right and not as an adjunct to another system.

Most of the ECCM techniques are based on the characteristics of transmitted radar pulse, which in turn,depends upon the radar parameters like power, frequency, PRF, pulse length, antenna gain, antenna polarisation,
antenna scan, receiver's probability of intercept, etc.
And how much of these are in service?
Why you want to know Indian Armed Forces Military assets ??? :disagree::disagree:
To justify the claim that it has entered production and is in service, of course. If I wanted to spy, I wouldn't be doing it on a public forum.
To justify the claim that it has entered production and is in service, of course. If I wanted to spy, I wouldn't be doing it on a public forum.

Internet has become to hack state assets of Republic of India. Indian Military IT professionals are even aware of the locations from where this hackers are operating.
In a sense all new things are knockoff of the old ones, US learned from Germany, Japan learned from US.

There is a difference between learning and copying. That's why Russians were reluctant to sell S-400 to China, until they investigated and realized it's too hard to copy.
The notorious cases of are still there, in plenty.
See how US learned in its less than 300 years history from others.
Factually wrong on the contrary US was a country full of 'others'. Irish, English, Italian, Spaniards and came the Jews so it's quite natural they developed in such a way.

US had enough knowledge on weaponry during the Germans, Jew scientists helped the Americans a lot in the field. Hitler was too dumb to recognize it.
How do you think the world war was fought. It was fought with British Intelligence, American weapons and Russian man power. Against Germany, not with German copy paste weapons. Though there was attempts to design Nazi model aircraft and weapons.

Also it's a lame argument saying the Americans copy, so we can copy too.
Internet has become to hack state assets of Republic of India. Indian Military IT professionals are even aware of the locations from where this hackers are operating.
If I were a hacker, I would've hacked an email of a DRDO employee or such. Or hacked an Indian military website, traced its IP address to a computer and hacked the computer. Or send a Trojan Horse at a number. I wouldn't be commenting for information at a public forum. This makes no sense whatsoever.
There is a difference between learning and copying. That's why Russians were reluctant to sell S-400 to China, until they investigated and realized it's too hard to copy.
The notorious cases of are still there, in plenty.

Factually wrong on the contrary US was a country full of 'others'. Irish, English, Italian, Spaniards and came the Jews so it's quite natural they developed in such a way.

US had enough knowledge on weaponry during the Germans, Jew scientists helped the Americans a lot in the field. Hitler was too dumb to recognize it.
How do you think the world war was fought. It was fought with British Intelligence, American weapons and Russian man power. Against Germany, not with German copy paste weapons. Though there was attempts to design Nazi model aircraft and weapons.

Also it's a lame argument saying the Americans copy, so we can copy too.
People copy from each other that's how the world develops, first you copy and then you innovate and make new things on your own. If you can't, don't blame others advancing faster than you. If you don't even bother to try, you will be stuck where you are for ever.
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