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they are under development and you know generally china dont publish its defence news openly

I agree...infact this was the first time I saw these long range Chinese AAMs and was unaware of them so when you posted the pics..I thought probably they have revealed it this time with all the info.;)
I agree...infact this was the first time I saw these long range Chinese AAMs and was unaware of them so when you posted the pics..I thought probably they have revealed it this time with all the info.;)

even i was suprised when i found it but still there is something in chines under the picture might be our chines members will help in translation
BTW in addition to Kh-100, two more types of AAMs of similar range are supposed to be under development to be integrated with FGFA ..can any one dig something on that...?

BTW Su-30 with Kh-100 and Brahmos will surely create havoc in the opposition..dont ya think..?;)
These long range AAMs are also under development-

'Izdelie 810' - Range upto 400 km.

Izdelie-180' – solid-fuel R-77 derivative with range -110-140 km. With active and passive radar, homing on jammer.

'Izdelie-180PD' is air-breath R-77 derivative having a range -250 km
Kh-58- anti-radiation missile with a range of 120 km

Kh-58UShKE- an improved version of the Kh-58E anti-radiation missile featuring an increased range of up to 245 kilometers.
Ohmfg anti radiation missile with 258km range??!!Guys do we have this thing?(k58 Ushke)
^^we will get these with PAK-FA....
FGFA with these and ASTRA-2...JUST IMAGINE...
Same thread on PDF mods plz merge

There are problems in the missile, thats y the missile is still not operational

Accuracy:- Its specially esigned to kill AWACS......so dedecting Aircraft or missile and shooting is very difficult.

Speed:- Speed is less then 4000 KM and destroyed in air by an interceptor missile or Air craft..... not only that it can be destroyed from SAM missiles.

Accuracy about 40-60% to reach the taret.

Firing 2 of these at the same time will assure a good chance for a hit. AWACS are slow and have a very large heat signature.
^^ He is just jealous...dont reply to trolls..
BTW will our AMCA able to fire both russian and western Missiles..??
These long range AAMs are also under development-

Izdelie-180' – solid-fuel R-77 derivative with range -110-140 km. With active and passive radar, homing on jammer.

'Izdelie-180PD' is air-breath R-77 derivative having a range -250 km

Jha , that means
When i said instead of R77 and R73 for Mig35 in MRCA thread , Russians have offered RVV-MD Archer (R74) + RVV-SD Adder to us . It was not just talk by TRV-Moscow but reality .

R-77, R-73 Missile Upgrades Emerge | AVIATION WEEK

The RVV-SD and RVV-MD already appear to be part of Russia's bid for India's medium multirole combat aircraft competition. Both designations were included by MiG on a presentation covering MiG-35 Fulcrum armament during Air Show India in February.

The basic R-77 is known as the Article 170, and the RVV-SD includes the upgrades associated with the Article 170-1 designation. The 170-1 development has been underway for some time, and testing is believed to have been carried out. The RVV-SD is in effect the export variant of the 170-1.

According to information released by the company, the missile is 15 kg. (33 lb.) heavier than the basic R-77/RVV?AE, weighing 190 kg. rather than 175 kg. Maximum range claimed is increased to 110 from 80 km. (68 from 50 mi.). The missile is also slightly longer at 3.71 meters (12 ft.), rather than the 3.6 meters of the basic variant.

Hmm we must buy Mig35 in addition to MRCA with these .

'Izdelie-180PD'[/B] is air-breath R-77 derivative -
Air breathing , Hmmmm Russian METEOR I guess

Izdelie-180' – solid-fuel R-77 derivative with range -110-140 km. With active and passive radar, homing on jammer.
Both active & passive (ECCM control) - Russian true Amraamski
Jha , that means
When i said instead of R77 and R73 for Mig35 in MRCA thread , Russians have offered RVV-MD Archer (R74) + RVV-SD Adder to us . It was not just talk by TRV-Moscow but reality .

R-77, R-73 Missile Upgrades Emerge | AVIATION WEEK

Hmm we must buy Mig35 in addition to MRCA with these .

'Izdelie-180PD'[/B] is air-breath R-77 derivative -
Air breathing , Hmmmm Russian METEOR I guess

Izdelie-180' – solid-fuel R-77 derivative with range -110-140 km. With active and passive radar, homing on jammer.
Both active & passive (ECCM control) - Russian true Amraamski

We have to buy Mig-35 to get these...? Su-30 not enough...
However if we are forced to buy another fighter then why not Su-35...??
And how do we know that IAF doesn't possess these already..?:what:
We have to buy Mig-35 to get these...? Su-30 not enough...
However if we are forced to buy another fighter then why not Su-35...??

Bcoz rumors are IAF may order mig35 , along with MRCA .

And technically -
Integration with BARS needs to be done ( So probably not in service , last batch we purchased was in 2004 . Only with current 42 more deal we will be getting new missile . )

These missile needs AKU-74,78 type of catapult for external carriage like Mig,su
or UVKU-74,78 type of catapult for Internal hardpoint . I doubt MKI have those currently .

By the way AWST magazine mentioned R74 firing by mi35

Never heard IAF may order Su35 . We can always upgrade our su30mki to near su35
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