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India's liberal heart: Citizenship for Hindu refugees quadruples under Modi

Your poor memory is due to poor genetics. No point in blaming me for your poor inheritance. :lol:

Nope, nothing to do with memory - everything to do with the lack of importance of plebeians

So you didn't knewt Maharasthra was part of Nizam state? about it till i posted the map.Gandu.
Yeah i know what kind of education you have, getting buggered in church choir by padres.Yeah AP is a joke, only for you, chutiye :omghaha:
Padres illiegitimate choir boy, you are a Christian that is well established now.I can understand your butthurt for your Minority groups in Pakistan.Oh how does that feel to have your church burned? or desecrated? These Evangelists got their arses whooped in Bharat,that too by their own fellow Minority mullahs, they went crying bohoo and played the Persecution card.:laughcry:

Hahahahaha - of course I knew about it you retard. LOL - make up your mind - at times, in your mujra worldview - I am a Muslim, at times I am Ahmedi and now I am a Christian. LOL - what's next - Druze? Hahahaha - you are not a true Hindu - yes - your AP is a laughing stock - the GDP of AP is probably in the same range as the GDP of Bombay. That's a freaking joke. But we Indian Hindus still enjoy your antics.
Nope, nothing to do with memory - everything to do with the lack of importance of plebeians

Hahahahaha - of course I knew about it you retard. LOL - make up your mind - at times, in your mujra worldview - I am a Muslim, at times I am Ahmedi and now I am a Christian. LOL - what's next - Druze? Hahahaha - you are not a true Hindu - yes - your AP is a laughing stock - the GDP of AP is probably in the same range as the GDP of Bombay. That's a freaking joke. But we Indian Hindus still enjoy your antics.
I care the least for a minority like you issuing Certificate of Hinduness for Telugu people.:rofl:
Instead of this long, continuous, inconsequential ramblings of yours let me end the matter here.

Hindus have no sympathy for Minorities who fought with us to form Pakistan,let them rot there,they deserve it.Let them reap the karma.No they won't be allowed to come here in Bharat.If anyone is foolish enough to give asylum to those who forsaked us for Pakistan for Minority Appeasement, there will be huge repercussions, which no government nor even the Army can handle.The government is sensible and it knows what Hindus could do if they are pissed off.Could any Government stop Babri Masjid Demolition?
Just to remind you of what you are up against. ;)

I don't have any sympathy for you Minority Abrahamics who cry rivers of blood for killers of Hindus..If you like Abrahamics so much migrate to Christian or Islamic countries.Bharat is Hindu Rasthra, here we rule.

Case closed.
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I care the least for a minority like you issuing Certificate of Hinduness for Telugu people.:rofl:
Instead of this long, continuous, inconsequential ramblings of yours let me end the matter here.

Hindus have no sympathy for Minorities who fought with us to form Pakistan,let them rot there,they deserve it.Let them reap the karma.No they won't be allowed to come here in Bharat.If anyone is foolish enough to give asylum to those who forsaked us for Pakistan for Minority Appeasement, there will be huge repercussions, which no government nor even the Army can handle.The government is sensible and it knows what Hindus could do if they are pissed off.Could any Government stop Babri Masjid Demolition?
Just to remind you of what you are up against. ;)

I don't have any sympathy for you Minority Abrahamics who cry rivers of blood for killers of Hindus..If you like Abrahamics so much migrate to Christian or Islamic countries.Bharat is Hindu Rasthra, here we rule.

Case closed.

No one gives a flying f... what a bunch of retards from AP think - you are a liberated people - a dog living in a kennel provided by the owner might think he owns the kennel - but he does not. But he guards it fiercely. That's what we real Indian Hindus think of AP. We will give asylum to whom we deem fit; we believe in the secular fabric of this nation. We have given refuge to Zoroastrians and Jews as well - we are a great civilization whose greatness has been its secular and tolerant fabric - a bunch of rabid dogs are not going to change that. Now get back to your mujra.

Case closed.
No one gives a flying f... what a bunch of retards from AP think - you are a liberated people - a dog living in a kennel provided by the owner might think he owns the kennel - but he does not. But he guards it fiercely. That's what we real Indian Hindus think of AP. We will give asylum to whom we deem fit; we believe in the secular fabric of this nation. We have given refuge to Zoroastrians and Jews as well - we are a great civilization whose greatness has been its secular and tolerant fabric - a bunch of rabid dogs are not going to change that. Now get back to your mujra.

Case closed.
You can try your mental gymnastics and asylum giving to Sekoolars,When UPA comes into power(like maybe after next 20 years perhaps), even they would be kicked on their arses by Hindus for doing that.By the next 20 years Hindutva will have achieved its objectives as planned.

This is our Rule.This is Hindu land.We gave asylum to outsiders and paid a heavy price in past, no more outsiders especially the Abrahamics they are pests which eat away the very foundation.

Secular fabric has been smashed to smithereens this election when MODI was elected, didn't you hear your Sekoolars cry Sekoolarism in danger if Modi wins,We shown Bharat what a combined Hindu vote bank looks like,All the Minority vote banks which Sekoolar parties pandered to earlier were smashed in one election.Secularism became a Cuss word in this elections,so much that Sekoolar parties stopped uttering it , now they use Pluralism and Tolerance,Those will also fall in future.
Tomorrow there will be a Huge Hindu vote bank as more Hindus unite to become one single entity and will vote only those parties which look after Hindu rights and issues and no Sekoolar party cannot ignore it for being labelled Anti-Hindu party in the land of Hindus.

You are minority why bother about Hindusgo eat,sleep,work and go home, leave the running of this country to Hindus(Oh yes the communal ones not the Sekoolar ones).
Even your Sekoolar friends have joined Hindutva side in hordes after election, the momentum has been achieved for Hindutva there is no stopping of it now.Those who try to stop will be dragged on streets and will face the Hindu public ire,just like the momentum during Ram Mandir issue.Try and stop us!
You say you are from MH, try going against Shiv Sena which is a branch of Sangh Parivar and Hindutva.:lol:
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You can try your mental gymnastics and asylum giving to Sekoolars,When UPA comes into power(like maybe after next 20 years perhaps), even they would be kicked on their arses by Hindus for doing that.By the next 20 years Hindutva will have achieved its objectives as planned.

This is our Rule.This is Hindu land.We gave asylum to outsiders and paid a heavy price in past, no more outsiders especially the Abrahamics they are pests which eat away the very foundation.
Secular fabric has been smashed to smithereens this election when MODI was elected, didn't you hear your Sekoolars cry Sekoolarism in danger if Modi wins.We shown Bharat what a combined Hindu vote bank looks like,All the Minority vote banks which Sekoolar parties pandered to earlier were smashed in one election.Tomorrow there will be a Huge Hindu vote bank, and no Sekoolar party cannot ignore it for being labelled Anti-Hindu party in the land of Hindus.
You are minority why bother about Hindus,go eat,sleep,work leave the running of this country to Hindus(Oh yes the communal ones not the Sekoolar ones).
Even your Sekoolar friends have joined Hindutva side in hordes after election, the momentum has been achieved for Hindutva there is no stopping of it now.Those who try to stop will be dragged on streets and will face the Hindu public ire,just like the momentum during Ram Mandir issue.Try and stop us!

Firstly, stop calling yourself Hindu. By shouting from the rooftops, you are not going to become one. A crow can never become a peacock even if it dons a few of its feathers.

Secondly, come back and make these useless points when India amends its constitution and becomes a theocracy. Which is never going to happen. Till then, live by the rules of your masters.
Firstly, stop calling yourself Hindu. By shouting from the rooftops, you are not going to become one. A crow can never become a peacock even if it dons a few of its feathers.

Secondly, come back and make these useless points when India amends its constitution and becomes a theocracy. Which is never going to happen. Till then, live by the rules of your masters.
LoL People don't need to be told that sun has risen, they will realize it themselves,We are the new Dawn, The Age of Hindutva has started in 2014.A minority is now issuing Hindu certificates now thats funny.

Secularism was introduced by Indira Gandhi in 1974 Emergency when the opposition was in Jail,Secularism came by proxy and it will be gone the same way.

Btw, show me where is Sekoolarism in the Preamble of Constitution?
This is how the Constitution will look like in future,with Sekoolarism erased from it.We just tested the waters this time in Republic day by posting this Preamble and received positive responses from Hindus, this will be implemented in Future.Wait and watch
Bharat will become Hindu Rasthra,that is the goal of Hindutva ,Sangh Parivar and all the Ministers in BJP are its products.
You cannot stop a population of 1 Billion Hindus from claiming their right to Hindu Rasthra.The plan is already in motion.What could you do when Babri Masjid fell? you could only watch in your TV's and Homes.Same will be the case here. :omghaha:
For how long will you peddle Sekoolarism to only Hindus.We have gotten tired of it.
Those who said BJP and MODI will never win in this lifetime are eating crow,we will make those people eat crow who predicted that Bharat will never be a Hindu Rasthra.
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LoL People don't need to be told that sun has risen, they will realize it themselves,We are the new Dawn, The Age of Hindutva has started in 2014.A minority is now issuing Hindu certificates now thats funny.

Secularism was introduced by Indira Gandhi in 1974 Emergency when the opposition was in Jail,Secularism came by proxy and it will be gone the same way.
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Btw, show me where is Sekoolarism in the Preamble of Constitution?
This is how the Constitution will look like in future,with Sekoolarism erased from it.We just tested the waters this time in Republic day by posting this Preamble and received positive responses from Hindus, this will be implemented in Future.Wait and watch
Bharat will become Hindu Rasthra,that is the goal of Hindutva ,Sangh Parivar and all the Ministers in BJP are its products.
You cannot stop a population of 1 Billion Hindus from claiming their right to Hindu Rasthra.The plan is already in motion.What could you do when Babri Masjid fell? you could only watch in your TV's and Homes.Same will be the case here. :omghaha:
For how long will you peddle Sekoolarism to only Hindus.We have gotten tired of it.
Those who said BJP and MODI will never win in this lifetime are eating crow,we will make those people eat crow who predicted that Bharat will never be a Hindu Rasthra.


It is amazing how illiterate you people are...but considering the backwardness of your region, I am not surprised. Chu...it is astounding that I have to repeatedly educate you . I feel I've joined "Teach India” for the mentally challenged. What does the current preamble state? That is the only legal preamble that counts. Not that legally the preamble is a part of the constitution - it is to be taken into account only when there is an ambiguity. There is no ambiguity in the case of secularism - when done with your mujra, go and read Article 15 and Article 25 of my country's constitution. You are living in my country - you better start abiding by the rules.

Lol. And you are not Hindu - let alone speaking for a billion Hindus, you have no right to speak for anyone.

It is amazing how illiterate you people are...but considering the backwardness of your region, I am not surprised. Chu...it is astounding that I have to repeatedly educate you . I feel I've joined "Teach India” for the mentally challenged. What does the current preamble state? That is the only legal preamble that counts. Not that legally the preamble is a part of the constitution - it is to be taken into account only when there is an ambiguity. There is no ambiguity in the case of secularism - when done with your mujra, go and read Article 15 and Article 25 of my country's constitution. You are living in my country - you better start abiding by the rules.

Lol. And you are not Hindu - let alone speaking for a billion Hindus, you have no right to speak for anyone.

LoL the Preamble shown on Republic Day was a Test drive.Future will have much more such changes.We are slowly conditioning the public to the changes(Pavlovian/Respondent Conditioning),When the real thing comes in Public, No one would raise a voice nor even bat an eyelid.It will be smooth,peaceful, You won't even know when and where we hit.

Keep denying it is, good for us,it keeps the Sekoolar parties distracted and diverts the attention away from the real work we are doing. ;)
When the changes are complete in History,Education of Next Generation, by that time a whole new generation would become Hindutva generation and we would have placed all our people in right places.Then Checkmate.Constitution will be changed to Hindu Rasthra.The Nehru Era is gone, Hindus will no longer be duped by Sekoolarism or the lies you Sekoolar people peddle,we will assert our rights and even fight and kill for it.

As i said before,i don't need certificates from a Minority Abrahamic follower about my Hinduness.
When Sangh speaks,Hindus listen, that is the truth.Ram Janmabhoomi is a example of what Sangh can do.
LoL the Preamble shown on Republic Day was a Test drive.Future will have much more such changes.We are slowly conditioning the public to the changes(Pavlovian/Respondent Conditioning),When the real thing comes in Public, No one would raise a voice nor even bat an eyelid.It will be smooth,peaceful, You won't even know when and where we hit.

Keep denying it is, good for us,it keeps the Sekoolar parties distracted and diverts the attention away from the real work we are doing. ;)
When the changes are complete in History,Education of Next Generation, by that time a whole new generation would become Hindutva generation and we would have placed all our people in right places.Then Checkmate.Constitution will be changed to Hindu Rasthra.The Nehru Era is gone, Hindus will no longer be duped by Sekoolarism or the lies you Sekoolar people peddle,we will assert our rights and even fight and kill for it.

As i said before,i don't need certificates from a Minority Abrahamic follower about my Hinduness.
When Sangh speaks,Hindus listen, that is the truth.Ram Janmabhoomi is a example of what Sangh can do.

LOL - bas mujra karke bhaukta reh - tab tak sit like a good boy and obey how your masters have shaped India. If it is a problem, get out. Your dreams as fantastic as those of morons in UK wanting to impose Sharia there - LOL. You will continue to be a laughing stock for real Hindus. Hahahahahaha...
LOL - bas mujra karke bhaukta reh - tab tak sit like a good boy and obey how your masters have shaped India. If it is a problem, get out. Your dreams as fantastic as those of morons in UK wanting to impose Sharia there - LOL. You will continue to be a laughing stock for real Hindus. Hahahahahaha...
As for those in UK wanting to impose a sharia, they are far from achieving a majority in politics.
We already have achieved Majority in Lok Sabha Elections 2014, we hold over 338 MP seats in Lok Sabha and we are ruling the Country.Either continue to close your eyes and wish NDA is not ruling Bharat or keep your eyes shut for another 20 years.
It is our rule now and we will implement the points mentioned in BJP manifesto. You can go complain to Congress about it,we don't care.
You have a sort of complex . Like i said i don't care for Certificates from a Minority grouping like yours. ;)
We know the Hindus are on our side and we will include more in the coming years, till All Hindus become one entity.Do what you can :P
As for those in UK wanting to impose a sharia, they are far from achieving a majority in politics.
We already have achieved Majority in Lok Sabha Elections 2014, we hold over 338 MP seats in Lok Sabha and we are ruling the Country.Either continue to close your eyes and wish NDA is not ruling Bharat or keep your eyes shut for another 20 years.
It is our rule now and we will implement the points mentioned in BJP manifesto. You can go complain to Congress about it,we don't care.
You have a sort of complex . Like i said i don't care for Certificates from a Minority grouping like yours. ;)
We know the Hindus are on our side and we will include more in the coming years, till All Hindus become one entity.Do what you can :P

Abe gavaar gadhe

The BJP is not the Bajrang Dal. We are the ones who elected the BJP to power this time - true Hindus. Fringe elements like you who claim to be Hindus don't matter. As it is in your screwed up state you probably elected more people from your clownish regional parties. As I said, you can bark as much as you want - the kennel will belong to the owners, not to the dog.
Abe gavaar gadhe

The BJP is not the Bajrang Dal. We are the ones who elected the BJP to power this time - true Hindus. Fringe elements like you who claim to be Hindus don't matter. As it is in your screwed up state you probably elected more people from your clownish regional parties. As I said, you can bark as much as you want - the kennel will belong to the owners, not to the dog.
Abe chutiye, BJP is part of Sangh Parivar,Which has many organizations like Hindu Vahini,Bajrang Dal,VHP,Shiv Sena,RSS etc..The core ideology of Sangh Parivar is Hindutva, ask BJP to distance itself from Hindutva or Sangh Parivar for a moment and see how it falls down like a house of cards.

What is this fringe elements? BJP won UP in Lok sabha on Hindu Polarization and Hindutva card.Do you think they are that naive to piss them off?
The Mother is Sangh Parivar and BJP is a child of that family along with others.
Abe chutiye, BJP is part of Sangh Parivar,Which has many organizations like Hindu Vahini,Bajrang Dal,VHP,Shiv Sena,RSS etc..The core ideology of Sangh Parivar is Hindutva, ask BJP to distance itself from Hindutva or Sangh Parivar for a moment and see how it falls down like a house of cards.

What is this fringe elements? BJP won UP in Lok sabha on Hindu Polarization and Hindutva card.Do you think they are that naive to piss them off?
The Mother is Sangh Parivar and BJP is a child of that family along with others.

LOL - yes - keep telling yourself that while voting for the TDP or the YSR faction. Leave the BJP to those Hindus who actually have them as elected representatives in our secular Parliament. Who represents you - Owaisi? Hahahahaha. Or some other buffoon from your state? LOL.
LOL - yes - keep telling yourself that while voting for the TDP or the YSR faction. Leave the BJP to those Hindus who actually have them as elected representatives in our secular Parliament. Who represents you - Owaisi? Hahahahaha. Or some other buffoon from your state? LOL.
Hyderabad was won by BJP you moron.
Sekoolar Parliament? i thought it ended the day when BJP was elected according to Sekoolar Parties.
Bandaru Dattatreya of BJP represents Hyderabad as MP, he is the
The Minister for Labour & Employment iN Modis Cabinet
. Idiot.
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