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Radar and ASW wise India got the hands on the best tech. and are trying to indigenize and start the R&D from here.

Radar is Israeli. Sonar is crappy compared to that of Type 052D. Kolkata is nothing but foreign components pieced together, just like Tejas, radar is Israeli, engine is America, missiles are Israeli and Russian. Type 052D uses Chinese made QC-280 turbines, Chinese radars, Chinese sonars, Chinese missiles and weapons systems. :rofl:
They're non-comparable.

052D is in the class of Arleigh Burke, both are amongst the best in the world.

Overall speaking 052D is inside world's top 3, at least top 5, in its category.

Kolkata? well, a Chinese 054 A can smoke Kolkata at any day of week, easily!

Not every similar shells or weight classes are comparable. It depends on what are inside the shells!

NONE of Kolkata's key technologies is produced by India.

ALMOST ALL of Kolkata's key technologies are, and worse still "will be", imported 2nd or 3rd rate systems.

ALL of 052D's key technologies are produced by China.

ALMOST ALL of 052D's key technologies are amongst the best in the world.

Kolkata VS 052D comparison is actually an insult to the Chinese ship.

Kolkata VS 052D is like a wanna-be child vs a Mike Tyson.

What is 052D?

A single 052D at its full potential with right missile setup can send the entire Indian destroyer&frigate fleet into the bottom of Indian Ocean.

See @Thəorətic Muslim . Told you so. It was just the matter of time.
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Right now, Aegis has the inferior radar compared to the Type 052D.
Would you kindly spill some beans on how? I haven't been in touch with the seas for months, flying these days.
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Aegis uses SPY-1D PESA. Type 052D uses Type 348A AESA which are a lot bigger.

The Type 346A AESA radar and the hot/cold launch versatile VLS will be the key technologies to be also used on the Type 055 platform.

So the Type 052D is basically a test platform for the coming Type 055.
while sitting on a chair how easy is it to say...kolkata class's sonar is crappy :lol: :rofl:
source?? brainfart??

Sonar is crappy . Kolkata is nothing
hmmm ok :) we were just waiting for your enlightened post.....means u have put so much efforts to study kolkata...when u chased it with your fisshing boat just to know sonar is crappy.......and its nothing :)
actually ur boat had DSI :) and kolkata doesnt :(
Both look Ugly as hell :-/
Man, this isn't a beauty contest!! :tongue:

These ships are aggressive killers!

Pls let Indian fans have some pleasure...
The CIWS on 052D has changed from 730 to 1030, that Indians have no idea about...
Pls let Indian fans have some pleasure...
The CIWS on 052D has changed from 730 to 1030, that Indians have no idea about...
Type 730 it self is pain for the enemy 1030 is overkill i guess.
If these two ships get together and have a baby.....that'll be pretty solid ship :cheesy:
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