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India's heaviest satellite GSAT-10 launched successfully

Troll :lol:

On serious note..
SUPARCO has been buildinf satellites for many years now.
But doesnt have launching capability.
for years???

you build a satellite on Chinese platform..........big difference:rofl:
mate I have nothing against DRDO , what i m saying is that there is general perception among Indians (mainly on PDF) that ISRO is the best govt. organisation in India (b'coz of kudos it brings to India). Yes DRDO has done great work in it's own field & i m proud of that, We need DRDO as much as we need ISRO, but DRDO should get more autonomy & budget as the ISRO gets.

BTW, every missile program of DRDO (not just A-5) has it's roots in ISRO's tech. ISRO developed the tech. for launch vehicle which is obviously dual-use tech. so could be used to develop our missiles of DRDO. IGMDP (integrated guided missile development project) was itself built on the success of ISRO's rocket technology. IGMDP was started in 1980s, headed by Dr. Abdul Kalam who was earlier heading the ISROs SLV-3 program.

What i just want to convey is that ISRO is more professional organisation than DRDO since the former is governed by scientists while latter is more in the hands of politicians than scientists.

Isro is also the end user and takes pride in its rockets and satellites. DRDO is not the end user, its the army and they only like perfection even if its done for the first time by DRDO, although for foreign maal, they can buy crap on the name of delays.

WHy do you think, DRDOs missile program is so successful? Only because the lack of foreign alternatives and so lack of kick backs. Prithvi was an experimental satellite, that too a crude one, even then it was inducted. We learned and further developed Agni 1,2 ..etc. Now you see world class missile like Shourya and Agni series, all that because of the learning that came from Prithvi project.

When you trying something for the first time, there are bound to be failures, but for army and air force everything should be perfect from the beginning.









Points raise b you are right. but when it comes to defense, no one wants to take chance. But we do ignore foreign maal malfunctioning than the mall prepared by DRDO and HAL. You can failt at Chandrayan, it won't matter lore than if you fail at developing certain missile.

Reason being is their track record too. Also ISRO gives more out of the money allocated to them where as DRDO and HAL has frequent cost overrun.

Foreign weapons fail but the failure rate is relatively very low considering indigenous ones. Leave, Mig-21, Gorshkov, Harrier etc.

The Problem face by DRDO is they are working on so many project at one time .
Once they finish the army or Airforce comes up with new requirement for the system .
Isro have very good record compare to DRDO because ISRO only take care of Space technology and DRDO is Jack Of All trade but master of none.
The Problem face by DRDO is they are working on so many project at one time .
Once they finish the army or Airforce comes up with new requirement for the system .
Isro have very good record compare to DRDO because ISRO only take care of Space technology and DRDO is Jack Of All trade but master of none.

They're doing so many projects with a limited budget.

Their main area of expertise is developing new missiles and they've proven they're good at it. And getting better by time.

The different laboratories are maturing. Some way ahead of the other.
ISRO is now working on 6 ton satellite based on I600k bus. More transponders, more bandwidth and fewer satellites required.

If India build such a satellite, would Glsv mkIII be able to launch it.

ISRO is now working on 6 ton satellite based on I600k bus. More transponders, more bandwidth and fewer satellites required.

If India build such a satellite, would Glsv mkIII be able to launch it.
If India build such a satellite, would Glsv mkIII be able to launch it.

If India build such a satellite, would Glsv mkIII be able to launch it.

This sat is just 3600 kg to GTO
Mk3 can launch 4-5 tonne to GTO
Arian V launch 28.09.2012(1st video very informative)

we can see many Indians(probably of GSAT-10 team!! :victory:)

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