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India's heaviest satellite GSAT-10 launched successfully

Delay is always better than an unsuccessful flight, it's better to delay the launch vehicle by 1 or 2 years & assure a near 100% successful launch than to launch the MK3 early having a probability of success just 40-50%, this will be just to satisfy our ego & launch will be just seen as a grandstanding in front of the world, believe me u would had given more abuses to ISRO if they had launched Mk3 around 2010 but the vehicle would have exploded in Bay of Bengal, shattering the hard work of thousands of people who have worked over it (also a waste of crores of Indian taxpayers money) + imagine what would have been the impact on prestige of India in the eyes of the world.

I think ISRO is doing great job, it's just that we have to be more patient. If only China is the measuring scale we are following than i m afraid that we are digging our own graves.

I agree technologically Isro has brought India ahead. They built great rockets, scramjet engines, gagan navigation system, cryogenic engines and soon civilian gps, and semi cryogenic engines. But dude thats all they built in last 50 yrs. Something Russia and USA built in 10 yrs including manned moon mission.

Isro has created a top notch satellite industry in India. But in rocket payload it is the lowest in 6 major space powers and moving tooo slow.
I find Isro booring atleast DRDO, gets more lime light and coverage in media. :D
GSLV is still developing and we have limitation of payload weight too.

Its an important mission and we can't wait for our own rocket. practical approach.+
Why not self launch this time?

ISRO, don't have the capability, GSAT 10 is the heaviest satellite that ISRO has made weighing 3.5 tonnes, while PSLV (ISRO's workhorse) can only launch a 1 tonne satellite while the GSLV (still unproven) can launch only 3 tonne satellite, for launching a satellite like these ISRO is building GSLV Mk 3, which will be the heaviest launcher of India till date but still in nascent stages.
GSLV is still developing and we have limitation of payload weight too.

Its an important mission and we can't wait for our own rocket. practical approach.+

Hopefully one day we will do it on our own would be a real confidence booster. Soon :tup:
Happy to see India is designing such complex satellite that last for 15 yrs. :cheers:

Not very happy that it was launched by Europeans. My patience is running out now, and Isro is just keeps delaying. They said in 2003 mk3 will lift off in 2008 then 09 then 10 then 011 then 012 then 013.

In the beginning of the year they say it will be launched this year end, when end comes they say is ready to be launched early next year in first quarter and this way they have trolled us for last 5 yrs.

Enough is enough :hitwall:

So do you believe any more Indian prediction of futures?
Hope, DRDO and HAL learns something from it.
These are the reasons that while every Indian is proud of ISRO, they are somewhat ashamed of both DRDO & HAL (all 3 being a GOI organisations).
Do you think Agni V is made by ISRO ? You dont have right to speak about DRDO . It has been supporting Indian Armed Forces since its birth by providing weapons and R&D in weapons . When GSLV fails you wont criticize ISRO but when a DRDO project fails because we need DRDO badly . ISRO is directly under PMO while DRDO is in the control of MOD . All the thing ISRO need to do is make a vehicle and payload . DRDO too does that , make a missile , make a payload . But it has many tasks to do with . Although they have been divided among various R&D labs , still it needs resources .
So do you believe any more Indian prediction of futures?

GSLV is still developing and we have limitation of payload weight too.

Its an important mission and we can't wait for our own rocket. practical approach.+

very right
We are talking about success ratio and less talk more work .

I don't say DRDO and HAL are not good but they can certainly learn things from ISRO.

ISRO developed own projects faster than other organization even when all were in sanv\ction list, ISRO and DRDO.

We are talking about success ratio and less talk more work .

I don't say DRDO and HAL are not good but they can certainly learn things from ISRO.

ISRO developed own projects faster than other organization even when all were in sanv\ction list, ISRO and DRDO.
Why not self launch this time?
We dont have the capability to lift this heavy sat?
BTW this is not the first lunch by europeans nor will be the last. ISRO maintains satellite making and launch vehicle business separate, the heaviest satellite are launched outside till launch vehicle capability matches up.
But its always the launch vehicle that is trying to catch up with the satellite weight.
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