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India's heaviest satellite GSAT-10 launched successfully


Mar 5, 2012
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BANGALORE: India's advanced communication satellite GSAT-10 was successfully launched early today on board Ariane-5 rocket from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana.

GSAT-10, with a design life of 15 years is expected to be operational by November and will augment telecommunication, Direct-To-Home and radio navigation services.

At 3,400 kg at lift-off, GSAT-10 is the heaviest built by Bangalore-headquartered Indian Space Research Organisation. It was ISRO's 101st space mission.

Arianespace's heavy lifting Ariane-5 ECA rocket launched GSAT-10 about 30 minutes after the blast off from the European launch pad in South America at 2.48 am, prior to which it injected European co-passenger ASTRA 2F into orbit.

GSAT-10 is fitted with 30 transponders (12 Ku-band, 12 C-band and six Extended C-Band), which will provide vital augmentation to INSAT/GSAT transponder capacity.

It also has a navigation payload - GAGAN (GPS aided Geo Augmented Navigation) -- that would provide improved accuracy of GPS signals (of better than seven metres) to be used by Airports Authority of India for civil aviation requirements.

This is the second satellite in INSAT/GSAT constellation with GAGAN payload after GSAT-8, launched in May 2011. :smokin:

India's heaviest satellite GSAT-10 launched successfully - The Economic Times
good to see indian communication satellite with GAGAN paylode on it. i was thinking a dedicated satellite for navigation & expecting them to be launched by 2014.

this news would have brought more joy if it would have launched by Indian GSLV Mk II. desparately waiting for GSLV to get successful.
Great news. We shouldn't delay our satellite progress for sake of Indigenous rockets.

Hope, DRDO and HAL learns something from it.
Great news. We shouldn't delay our satellite progress for sake of Indigenous rockets.

Hope, DRDO and HAL learns something from it.
There is difference between ISRO and HAL+DRDO.

In case of ISRO the end user of it sats and launchers is itself so failure if any can be declared as so -so much percentage successful mission as happened with chandrayan.Now in case of HAL and DRDO end users are security forces who will not accept any weapon system made by them until it shows 100% success rate of course this percentage of success can be relaxed for foreign toys by the forces....:P

Like ISRO which which is direct stake holder in its programs indian security forces are not direct stake holders in hal/drdo programs except for the navy to some extent.hence you have lot to hear about failures of hal/drdo and very less failures from isro.
Great news. We shouldn't delay our satellite progress for sake of Indigenous rockets.

Hope, DRDO and HAL learns something from it.

In ascending order i would rate the 3 agencies as:


Now, DRDO has it's headquarters at New Delhi while HAL & ISRO has it's headquarters at Bangalore.

For God sake, free our scientists from the clutches of Politics of New Delhi & shift the DRDO headquarters to Bangalore & than u will see DRDO & ISRO competing for the top position :)

+ ISRO (under department of Space) is more autonomous an organisation than either of DRDO & HAL (directly under MOD).

These are the reasons that while every Indian is proud of ISRO, they are somewhat ashamed of both DRDO & HAL (all 3 being a GOI organisations).

Points raise b you are right. but when it comes to defense, no one wants to take chance. But we do ignore foreign maal malfunctioning than the mall prepared by DRDO and HAL. You can failt at Chandrayan, it won't matter lore than if you fail at developing certain missile.

Reason being is their track record too. Also ISRO gives more out of the money allocated to them where as DRDO and HAL has frequent cost overrun.

Foreign weapons fail but the failure rate is relatively very low considering indigenous ones. Leave, Mig-21, Gorshkov, Harrier etc.
Happy to see India is designing such complex satellite that last for 15 yrs. :cheers:

Not very happy that it was launched by Europeans. My patience is running out now, and Isro is just keeps delaying. They said in 2003 mk3 will lift off in 2008 then 09 then 10 then 011 then 012 then 013.

In the beginning of the year they say it will be launched this year end, when end comes they say is ready to be launched early next year in first quarter and this way they have trolled us for last 5 yrs.

Enough is enough :hitwall:

Points raise b you are right. but when it comes to defense, no one wants to take chance. But we do ignore foreign maal malfunctioning than the mall prepared by DRDO and HAL. You can failt at Chandrayan, it won't matter lore than if you fail at developing certain missile.

Reason being is their track record too. Also ISRO gives more out of the money allocated to them where as DRDO and HAL has frequent cost overrun.

Foreign weapons fail but the failure rate is relatively very low considering indigenous ones. Leave, Mig-21, Gorshkov, Harrier etc.
That rule is only implemented for the indegenous products not the foreign one.How many times india got the problem with the foreign toys.there were news reports T-90s being night blind,problems with pinaka etc...but how many times did forces react the way they they used to react when there use to be even minor problem with indigenous product arjun nag etc.
Happy to see India is designing such complex satellite that last for 15 yrs. :cheers:

Not very happy that it was launched by Europeans. My patience is running out now, and Isro is just keeps delaying. They said in 2003 mk3 will lift off in 2008 then 09 then 10 then 011 then 012 then 013.

In the beginning of the year they say it will be launched this year end, when end comes they say is ready to be launched early next year in first quarter and this way they have trolled us for last 5 yrs.

Enough is enough :hitwall:

You can not rush success, so just be more patient. It will be launched by India indigenous rocket on day.
In ascending order i would rate the 3 agencies as:


Now, DRDO has it's headquarters at New Delhi while HAL & ISRO has it's headquarters at Bangalore.

For God sake, free our scientists from the clutches of Politics of New Delhi & shift the DRDO headquarters to Bangalore & than u will see DRDO & ISRO competing for the top position :)

+ ISRO (under department of Space) is more autonomous an organisation than either of DRDO & HAL (directly under MOD).

These are the reasons that while every Indian is proud of ISRO, they are somewhat ashamed of both DRDO & HAL (all 3 being a GOI organisations).

Yes every India is proud of ISRO, but I would like if you visit to kargil and see how the foods developed by not so worthy drdo is helping them stay alive.

India never had floating casinos to refit, we also never had the luxury to copy su-27s and su-33. World after 1998 looked at us with skeptical eyes and no company wanted to cooperate with us. We always had to build things on our own or with minimum help or industrial support.

I believe that DRDO will be a bohemoth defence organisation within a decade, with the speed they are going ahead and making joint ventures. Their industrial partnership is at all time high. They are bringing entire production to India of electronics and navy ships in collaboration with companies and navy.

On the other hand Isro is launching 3 rockets per year, something what China and Russia do in 1 month. :coffee:

Only 1 hal designed and built aircraft is inducted into airforce. Rest is all production of foreign planes. Even then they are unable to have sufficient tot. Sending engines to russia for repair is one example.:hitwall:

Foreign weapons fail but the failure rate is relatively very low considering indigenous ones. Leave, Mig-21, Gorshkov, Harrier etc.
if Gorshkov would have been DRDO's project i would have been scrapped by just saying its being TD.
Happy to see India is designing such complex satellite that last for 15 yrs. :cheers:

Not very happy that it was launched by Europeans. My patience is running out now, and Isro is just keeps delaying. They said in 2003 mk3 will lift off in 2008 then 09 then 10 then 011 then 012 then 013.

In the beginning of the year they say it will be launched this year end, when end comes they say is ready to be launched early next year in first quarter and this way they have trolled us for last 5 yrs.

Enough is enough :hitwall:

Delay is always better than an unsuccessful flight, it's better to delay the launch vehicle by 1 or 2 years & assure a near 100% successful launch than to launch the MK3 early having a probability of success just 40-50%, this will be just to satisfy our ego & launch will be just seen as a grandstanding in front of the world, believe me u would had given more abuses to ISRO if they had launched Mk3 around 2010 but the vehicle would have exploded in Bay of Bengal, shattering the hard work of thousands of people who have worked over it (also a waste of crores of Indian taxpayers money) + imagine what would have been the impact on prestige of India in the eyes of the world.

I think ISRO is doing great job, it's just that we have to be more patient. If only China is the measuring scale we are following than i m afraid that we are digging our own graves.
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