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India's government hints at national ban on cow slaughter

We are not your home country bub.

Don't worry.

BTW just in case you didn't know:

His name is Khan, he wants a ban on cow slaughter across India

what is this guy ? shemale of hindu mudlim gender :lol:

are youn being sarcastic are do you mean it ?

i am not indian so i had to ask

What sarcasm?

It is a genuine concern of mine like any other sane minded citizen of this country to see them fascist forces colluding with the government to derail the very principles of diversity and secularism that India stands for

You want proof?

Have a look :
His name is Khan, he wants a ban on cow slaughter across India

^ just imagine the plight of minorities they are forced to support such atrocities on themselves for the fear of their lives. This is where we're headed :(
Pakistan should reach out to India for getting the all of the cattle's to Pakistan.
What sarcasm?

It is a genuine concern of mine like any other sane minded citizen of this country to see them fascist forces colluding with the government to derail the very principles of diversity and secularism that India stands for

You want proof?

Have a look :
His name is Khan, he wants a ban on cow slaughter across India

^ just imagine the plight of minorities they are forced to support such atrocities on themselves for the fear of their lives. This is where we're headed :(

any joe can change his name to khan. dress up like a shemale and say he is against cow slaughter.

no muslim would be a cow Bhakt

good day
What i speak, what i drink, what I eat, how I behave,whatever I do can hurt others beliefs.

Their belief is based on what I believe and what i do and its brittle, fragile and very vulnerable.
If you don't care you can export the cattles to us......The price of beef in China is a little high and we need some cheap sources.
I have been telling this for over thousand times here and i repeat INDIAN DEMOCRACY DIED ON MAY 16 2014 - WHAT YOU SEE NOW IS A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED TOTALITARIAN REGIME

Even god can't save us now

Oh dont over react, they can be removed in the next election if the people feel the need. Look what happened in Delhi....so please calm down and have a beer!
Misleading title.
Beef is not banned and will not banned.Only cowslaughter banned.
The state here refers to the Indian state. It is a directive principle, just like the one on the uniform civil code. The point is that such a law is allowed under the constitution though under a non-religious reason. The states should challenge any national law, if made, in the supreme court.
Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland don't have any law for banning cow slaughter
PTIMar 10, 2015, 06.00PM IST


NEW DELHI: Five states including Kerala and Arunachal Pradesh and the union territory of Lakshadweep do not have any law for banning cow slaughter, Parliament was informed today.

Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland are the other three states that do not have such law, according to the details furnished by the Minister of State for Agriculture Mohanbhai Kundariya in a written reply to Lok Sabha.


There are 24 States and 5 UTs that have legislation on banning or restricting slaughter of cow and its progeny.

"Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate," the Minister said.

Kundariya also informed that "the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill, 1995 has been assented by the Union of India and the same has already been conveyed to the State government of Maharashtra."

The Centre's approval to the amendment bill empowered the Maharashtra government to ban cow slaughter in the state.

Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland don't have any law for banning cow slaughter - timesofindia-economictimes

OMG thats a hindu false flagger in the pic!!!!

What sarcasm?

It is a genuine concern of mine like any other sane minded citizen of this country to see them fascist forces colluding with the government to derail the very principles of diversity and secularism that India stands for

You want proof?

Have a look :
His name is Khan, he wants a ban on cow slaughter across India

^ just imagine the plight of minorities they are forced to support such atrocities on themselves for the fear of their lives. This is where we're headed :(

Tu beta ja Bangladesh chale ja, you can live peacefully there, and kill as many cows as you want! Reverse pole valt kar le!
so he is multi mode ?

No harm in respecting the sentiments of the majority isn't it?

I personally won't mind if Hindus don't want beef slaughtered in our country. We anyway have yak meat in Sikkim and buffalo meat in parts of our region.

Afterall, they accommodate so much more from all other communities.

Minorities' festivals are allowed to be freely celebrated here (no need for human chains here you see :D), our holy places are given grants out of the Hindu temple's funds many times, all minority festivals are given the equal status and are given holidays as it is for the majority Hindu community.

Whether Eid, Guru Nanak Jayanti or Buddh Purnima or Christmas, all are respected and celebrated freely and are given off.

If we cannot accommodate even this much for our Hindu brothers and sisters, then it is wrong on the behalf of all minorities isn't it? :)
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