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Indian sponsored terrorism in the region is the major cause of instability in South Asia.

I hope at some point in time these people wake up and realize that neighboring countries can not have endless patience and at some point in time are bound to fight back.

Then all those low level insurgencies running in India might get a whole new meaning.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Indians!

Coming rich from pakistani.. majority countries asking, Pakistan to take steps against terrorism from its own soil.
Its very shameful that Pakistan allowed its territory to be used against Afghanistan. I think Pakistan has now realized that USA doesn't want a peaceful Afghanistan would rather have a puppet Government to push its interests in the region and undermine the regional powers, India is a great helper of USA for doing that.
Pakistan is now playing a neutral role by not attacking any (native) stack holders in Afghanistan, and pushing them for peace. While India supports the occupation of Afghanistan and is in cahoots with USA to destabilize an already unstable region.
No, Pakistan is not playing a neutral role. You are supporting US led forces in Afghanistan and have diplomatic relations with the so called "Northern Alliance" govt. or the so called "mayor of Kabul" at the cost of Talibans. You are allowing the USA to drone the talibans in your country and kill its leaders and commanders. Pakistan and India are on same side along with US on Afghanistan unless you are playing a double game.
Pakistan and India are on same side along with US on Afghanistan unless you are playing a double game.

Playing single game is futile, every country plays double games. Secondly Pakistan's objective is a peaceful Afghanistan empty of occupiers. You may not agree with Pakistan's approach but its objective is right.
India has been financing/training/arming Mukti Bahini, LTTE, BLA, TTP etc for more than half century.

India is the country who unleashed the evil of suicide bombings in the region.

This terrorist nation must be stopped, before the whole region goes up in flames...
why you dragging your feet taking action against TTP? US / India always ask your Army to take action against TTP but your army dragging feet? Why? IS TTP more powerful then PA?
While CPEC is massively over-hyped and a false miracle cure for Pakistan's ailments, nevertheless there are some headaches which it will cause which are worth noting:

1. People of Balochistan have no stake in these projects, and their colonization by Punjab will only intensify.
2. While India should have no problem with the development of Gilgit-Baltistan, but CPEC will only serve as a pretext for Chinese military presence.
3. Same goes for Gwadar - China wants it as a naval base and that's nothing to be happy about.
4. It will temporarily feed into Pakistani delusions that they are not internationally isolated and that their economy can be sustained while simultaneously following the "war of thousand cuts" - again something not desirable for India.

I have ZERO belief, unlike many Indian members here, that an economically viable Pakistan is good for us. Of course, neither should Pakistan be allowed to totally collapse - that would be an even bigger headache.

There is a reason China follows a particularly vexatious policy towards India - it tries to calibrate actions so that Pakistan can always be used to trouble India, and yet never acts in a manner whereby there is outright war. Just enough to retard India's growth, but not enough for all-out war which will burn everything.

India needs to fine tune a similar policy with Afghanistan, Balochistan, KPK/FATA, Karachi and AJK/GB as lynchpin.

indians also said Pakistan becoming nuclear weapons state is a over-hyped idea and not even a miracle can achieve it. At the end of the day you and other Indians are just foreigners who are not aware of the ground realities in Pakistan. I just came back from Pakistan a few months ago and I have seen with my own eyes the good the successful initiation of CPEC has already done. All over Pakistan there are world class infrastructure and industrial projects going on that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago. That is unprecedented and it is the 1st time that has happened to us in our entire history.

Before you and your kind come on PDF and start criticising Pakistan please solve your severe indian problems 1st. You are not in a position to criticize us. Remember Pakistan is not the nation that has at least 40% of the ENTIRE world's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. It is your nation and race that does:


Nor does Pakistan have over 600 million people openly defecating in public everyday because they don't have access to a toilet:


Please look at your nation and race before you try to criticize others.
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indians also said Pakistan becoming nuclear weapons state is a over-hyped idea and not even a miracle can achieve it. At the end of the day you and other Indians are just foreigners who are not aware of the ground realities in Pakistan. I just came back from Pakistan a few months ago and I have seen with my own eyes the good the successful initiation of CPEC has already done. All over Pakistan there are world class infrastructure and industrial projects going on that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago. That is unprecedented and it is the 1st time that has happened to us in our entire history.

Before you and your kind come on PDF and start criticising Pakistan please solve your severe indian problems 1st. You are not in a position to criticize us. Remember Pakistan is not the nation that has at least 40% of the ENTIRE world's most severely malnourished and extreme poor. It is your nation and race that does:


Nor does Pakistan have over 600 million people openly defecating in public everyday because they don't have access to a toilet:


Please look at your nation and race before you try to criticize others.

Look, there is no criticism at all. I made a simple point. You can believe what you like. If it comforts you to believe that Pakistan has had any other agenda apart from being an impediment to India since independence then feel free. That will not change anything.

My reasoning is that since Pakistan exists to make trouble for us, there is a problem if it is in any shape to do so. Therefore, the need to ensure Pakistan's economy suffers. You would reason in the same manner I am sure.
Look, there is no criticism at all. I made a simple point. You can believe what you like. If it comforts you to believe that Pakistan has had any other agenda apart from being an impediment to India since independence then feel free. That will not change anything.

My reasoning is that since Pakistan exists to make trouble for us, there is a problem if it is in any shape to do so. Therefore, the need to ensure Pakistan's economy suffers. You would reason in the same manner I am sure.

Pakistan's existence has got nothing to do with India. Pakistanis nowadays have no connection to and know nothing.of india. Pakistan's existence is to preserve it's people's unique racial heritage, culture, religion and way of life. And to be able to practice these without interference or oppression from outsiders.

From a Pakistani POV, India is a foreign, peculiar and very alien nation to us. The only thing about india that concerns us is to be able to militarily combat it. That's it. Absolutely nothing else.
Endless patience? Fight back? As opposed to constant interference? A trail of espionage dating back to supporting the Mizo secessionist movement in 1966 (hint: there was still an East Pakistan then)?

The low level insurgencies in India will remain low level; it is beyond the scope and capacity of a steadily weakening country that hopes to win the CPEC lottery ticket to create turbulence in far-off distant places. Especially one that is the hot favourite for being the next to being declared a terrorist state.

So Joe, what do you think, will there always be same set of people serving in Pakistani establishment?

Do you think if the Indian terrorism in Pakistan crosses a red-line, at some point in time, when geopolitical environment becomes suitable, some govt in Pakistan will not want to pay India back in the same coin?

Do you think Khalistanis, Dalits, Chrisitans, Muslims, Maoists, Naxals and several dozen other p!ssed off people in India will not welcome some foreign support if they get it?

So best course of action for India is to stop sponsoring terrorism in the region, which is going back to 50s and 60s (as a result of one such blatant support East Pakistan became Bangladesh). Right now Ajit Devil, Modi, Manohar, Swami and co can boast about some "victories", but if it continues the region is bound to go up in flames....

PS.: At least India should have some guts to stop playing "victim card".

taliban did not raise a finger against osama bin laden

Neither did USA, when it needed OBL to fight against Soviets.

Just like all those terrorists fighting in Syria for Americans right now.

why you dragging your feet taking action against TTP? US / India always ask your Army to take action against TTP but your army dragging feet? Why? IS TTP more powerful then PA?

Oh boys, do you even do some research before typing?

TTP and BLA are enemey number one of Pakistan who has been trained/financed/armed by Indians in Afghanistan.

Guess where are all those Fazllulah's, Bugtis and co are hiding after getting their a$$es spanked? Right, in all those Indian "cultural centers" in Afghanistan.
There is no point in tagging me in threads if you are both asking the questions and providing the answers.

So Joe, what do you think, will there always be same set of people serving in Pakistani establishment?

Do you think if the Indian terrorism in Pakistan crosses a red-line, at some point in time, when geopolitical environment becomes suitable, some govt in Pakistan will not want to pay India back in the same coin?

Do you think Khalistanis, Dalits, Chrisitans, Muslims, Maoists, Naxals and several dozen other p!ssed off people in India will not welcome some foreign support if they get it?

So best course of action for India is to stop sponsoring terrorism in the region, which is going back to 50s and 60s (as a result of one such blatant support East Pakistan became Bangladesh). Right now Ajit Devil, Modi, Manohar, Swami and co can boast about some "victories", but if it continues the region is bound to go up in flames....

PS.: At least India should have some guts to stop playing "victim card".

Neither did USA, when it needed OBL to fight against Soviets.

Just like all those terrorists fighting in Syria for Americans right now.

Oh boys, do you even do some research before typing?

TTP and BLA are enemey number one of Pakistan who has been trained/financed/armed by Indians in Afghanistan.

Guess where are all those Fazllulah's, Bugtis and co are hiding after getting their a$$es spanked? Right, in all those Indian "cultural centers" in Afghanistan.
There is no point in tagging me in threads if you are both asking the questions and providing the answers.

I didn't tag you in this particular thread.

You can verify it, :-)

I just replied to your post.
Pakistan's existence has got nothing to do with India. Pakistanis nowadays have no connection to and know nothing.of india. Pakistan's existence is to preserve it's people's unique racial heritage, culture, religion and way of life. And to be able to practice these without interference or oppression from outsiders.

From a Pakistani POV, India is a foreign, peculiar and very alien nation to us. The only thing about india that concerns us is to be able to militarily combat it. That's it. Absolutely nothing else.

Maybe you are referring to a section of ordinary Pakistanis - that they don't care about India and go about their everyday lives. But their concerns have no impact on the actions of the Pakistani state, which is totally anti-India. And since the actions of the Pakistani state, from terrorism and drug smuggling to nuclear proliferation negatively impacts the lives of Indian citizens, it must be curtailed.

It is not nice when powerless civilians suffer due to the actions of the ruling elite, but that is the ultimate outcome of any response to the Pak establishment.
While CPEC is massively over-hyped and a false miracle cure for Pakistan's ailments, nevertheless there are some headaches which it will cause which are worth noting:

1. People of Balochistan have no stake in these projects, and their colonization by Punjab will only intensify.
2. While India should have no problem with the development of Gilgit-Baltistan, but CPEC will only serve as a pretext for Chinese military presence.
3. Same goes for Gwadar - China wants it as a naval base and that's nothing to be happy about.
4. It will temporarily feed into Pakistani delusions that they are not internationally isolated and that their economy can be sustained while simultaneously following the "war of thousand cuts" - again something not desirable for India.

I have ZERO belief, unlike many Indian members here, that an economically viable Pakistan is good for us. Of course, neither should Pakistan be allowed to totally collapse - that would be an even bigger headache.

There is a reason China follows a particularly vexatious policy towards India - it tries to calibrate actions so that Pakistan can always be used to trouble India, and yet never acts in a manner whereby there is outright war. Just enough to retard India's growth, but not enough for all-out war which will burn everything.

India needs to fine tune a similar policy with Afghanistan, Balochistan, KPK/FATA, Karachi and AJK/GB as lynchpin.

I totally disagree with you here. First of all let me tell you about me. I am ethnic Irani baluch from my mother side and Sindhi from my father side so you can't call me Punjabi for what I am about to say.
In Gawader, 70% of workforce is baluch and as the corridor develops baluchs will definitely benefit. Those opposing Pakistan govt are only those who are uneducated and has been raised to serve their sardars. Only handful of educated baluch are part of it and I personally believe that Indian involvement will destroy their cause. Only few days ago BLF killed zikri baluch leaders. In a bid to fight Indian war now Baluchis are killing fellow Baluchis. Soon every baluch resisting pakistan will realize that India is not sincere with them and only want to cause damage to Pakistan on the cost of baluch lives. Contrary to Indian belief, 80% of baluch don't want freedom from Pakistan. All they want is that they get their rightful right under constitution.
I also don't agree with you that India doesn't need financially viable Pakistan. If India resolves Kashmir dispute today it will benefit India the most. India is in severe need of energy and all this foreign investment will mean nothing if there is now oil and power to run the country. That's why modi is begging every other country for nsg membership and that's why tapi gas line and chahbahar port is for. If you have friendly Pakistan you can built crude oil pipeline from Iran via Baluchistan and Sindh to jam nagar refinery and to other sources. Just imagine how much cost and time India will save.

Maybe you are referring to a section of ordinary Pakistanis - that they don't care about India and go about their everyday lives. But their concerns have no impact on the actions of the Pakistani state, which is totally anti-India. And since the actions of the Pakistani state, from terrorism and drug smuggling to nuclear proliferation negatively impacts the lives of Indian citizens, it must be curtailed.

It is not nice when powerless civilians suffer due to the actions of the ruling elite, but that is the ultimate outcome of any response to the Pak establishment.

You are wrong here too. This show how little Indian know about Pakistan and Pakistanis. You see we ordinary Pakistanis feel threatened when Indian media starts attacking Pakistan whenever any attack occurs inside India or is still underway. So naturally an ordinary Pakistani feels threatened and look to Pakistani Army as their savior. If ordinary Indians start to question their media, govt and army just like Pakistanis did after bin laden raid many such problems will be solved.
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