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GDP Adil Khan Niazi

Sep 22, 2016
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Nobody could have expected that India’s Prime Minister would have used the occasion of celebrating his country’s 69th anniversary of independence to provocatively talk about the state of Baloch affairs in Pakistan. Modi went out of his way to say that some members of this ethnic group “thanked [him], have expressed gratitude, and expressed good wishes for [him]…expressed appreciation for Prime Minister of India, for 125 crore countrymen”. This was an obvious suggestion that the Pakistani Baloch have more loyalty to India and identify its citizens – and not Pakistan’s --- as their “countrymen”, which was a premeditated infowar attack meant to incite further discord within the country just a week after a suicide bomber killed dozens of members of this community in a high-profile attack. Modi’s surprisingly aggressive and very clear intimation that he supports Baloch separatism in Pakistan is bound to lead to a problem sooner than later in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchistan right next door, which just so happens to host the Indian-financed port of Chabahar that forms the crucial and irreplaceable terminal for the North-South Corridor. This presents a developing threat for Iran and Russia, both of which are depending on stability in and around Chabahar to ensure the long-term strategic viability of the ambitious transcontinental corridor that will eventually connect South Asia with Western Europe by means of their transit territory.

Working Against The People

India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), its version of the CIA, has been actively working to destabilize Balochistan for decades, and one of its key operatives was even caught in the region earlier this year and admitted to preparing terrorist attacks there. Despite India’s red-handed involvement in stirring up trouble in the province, New Delhi officially refused to admit that it had anything to do with events there, which makes Modi’s patently obvious appeal to Pakistani Baloch separatists all the more unexpected and totally contradictory to the country’s previous public stance on the issue. It’s unmistakable that the Indian “deep state” (permanent military-intelligence-diplomatic bureaucracy) intends to escalate tensions inside of Pakistan as ‘payback’ for the protests that have been rocking Indian-administered Kashmir for the past month and a half, and the country’s media is all too eager to assist, having gone overboard in their characteristic jingoism by even comparingBalochistan to Bangladesh. Modi and his subservient favor-currying media outlets thereby discredited all legitimate local grievances that the Baloch might have peacefully held against Islamabad, such as complaints about the lack of provincial infrastructure and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s (CPEC) focus on Punjab, but resolving these issues was never India’s intention to begin with.

The View From New Delhi

India doesn’t want Balochistan’s infrastructure development and standard of living to improve because this would then solve its local problems and make it more of an integrated and stable part of Pakistan. Instead, Modi’s speech and the cascade of hyper-nationalist commentary that came out of the Indian press were meant as a signal to the RAW-backed groups in Balochistan to begin preparing for the commencement of Hybrid War, hoping that Pakistan will fall for the bait of militantly overreacting and creating a larger self-perpetuating cycle of violence that would descend into a quagmire with time. From India’s perspective, more conflict equals less development, which leads to more anti-Islamabad distrust that ultimately turns into a sequence of serious problems for the viability of CPEC. This Chinese-led project is India’s number one target, and New Delhi is totally against it for two reasons: firstly, CPEC goes through Gilgit-Baltistan, which Indian nationalists such as Modi claim as their country’s own despite it being internationally recognized as an integral part of Pakistan and peacefully administered by it for nearly seven decades already; and secondly, because a non-Indian-controlled Chinese route to the Indian Ocean would compete with New Delhi’s hegemonic plans to make the entire ocean rimland its undisputed sphere of influence.

Carving Out “Blood Borders”

In pursuit of the RSS/BJP hyper-nationalist goal of stopping CPEC, which coincidentally aligns perfectly with the US’ own grand strategy, India is ‘going for the kill’ and wants to dissolve Pakistan’s territorial integrity suspiciously along the exact same lines as Ralph Peters’ 2006 “Blood Borders” geopolitical blueprint. This document was originally penned for the US’ Armed Forces Journal and is notorious for mapping out “How a better Middle East would look”, which disgracefully justifies war crimes to promotion of this agenda by nonchalantly quipping that “ethnic cleansing works”. As part of the divide-and-rule strategy that he lobbies the American “deep state” to adapt, a “Free Baluchistan” is carved out of Pakistani and Iranian territory, mirroring exactly what New Delhi is trying to do against Islamabad and foreshadowing precisely how this will inevitably end for Tehran as well. If Modi follows Peters’ suggestion in seeing to it that “Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier tribes would be reunited with their Afghan brethren” – something which he also appears to be working towards in having included the people of Gilgit in the same provocative lines that he did the Baloch during his Independence Day speech – then this means that the Indian leader is aiming for nothing less than the full and existential dissolution of Pakistan as the ultimate asymmetrical weapon for destroying his hated enemy once and for all and putting an immediate stop to CPEC.

The Threat To Iran And Russia

There’s no doubt that the destructive processes that India is working to catalyze in Pakistan have the very real risk of quickly making the cross-border jump to Sistan and Baluchistan, thus endangering Chabahar and presenting a very real threat to Iran and even Russia. Modi and RAW’s active encouragement of Baloch separatism in Pakistan is a clear, foreseeable, and preventable danger for the North-South Corridor that they’re both basing their future long-term economic strategies on. There’s no guaranteed way that Baloch separatism in Pakistan wouldn’t rebound into Iranian Baluchistan and lead to an uncontrollable situation that eventually threatens Chabahar. This would be even more the case if Balochistan ever successfully became independent of Pakistan, since it would be natural for the Kurdish-like ultra-nationalist entity that emerged from its violent independence struggle to want to unify with its ethnic and confessional brethren next door in Iran. India is hoping that this could be contained and controlled just like it was with Bangladesh, but the international context, nature of war in general, and specific situation are altogether different. Additionally, the US, which has a desire to asymmetrically attack Iran and Russia by undermining their economic stability and long-term future outlook, will do everything in its power to bring the Pakistani Baloch destabilization across the border and into Iran, from where it would create a problem for Chabahar and indirectly affect Russia’s segment of the North-South Corridor by extent.

Iranian Collusion

The resultant scenario of Sistan and Baluchistan’s destabilization and the challenges that this could make for Chabahar are so obvious that it’s unbelievable that India would ever fantasize about supporting the trigger event of Baloch separatism in Pakistan in the first place, especially as it’s now investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the North-South Corridor. The only two possible explanations for this are that India is either so full of geopolitical hate against Pakistan that it doesn’t even see that it’s ‘cutting off its nose to spite its face’, or that it’s plainly aware of how risky this gambit is but is going forward with it anyhow. It’s more than likely that a blend of the two is what’s behind India’s irresponsible actions in Pakistani Balochistan, but there’s no way that the wise Iranian diplomats, conditioned as they are by thousands of years of experience, don’t see the writing on the wall and foresee their country violently suffering from the blowback brought about by “Modi’s Adventures In Wonderland”.

It’s very odd that Iran hasn’t condemned the latest outbreak of violence in Kashmir, despite the Ayatollah having adopted a very strong stance on this issue in the past. It’s even stranger still that the Iranian Foreign Ministry appealed to both sides to “exercise the utmost self-restraint”, which conflicts with the Supreme Leader’s previous inferred characterization of the Indian government as a “Zionist regime”. Back in November 2010, he implored all Muslims “to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime”, so it’s odd to see the Iranian government moderate the Ayatollah’s approach by addressing the Kashmiri protesters in the same call for self-restraint as they gave to the “Zionist regime” in New Delhi. The Iranian elite is clearly divided into competitively opposing “moderate” and “conservative” factions like the author explained in a previous research article for the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, and the former’s larger role over foreign affairs might be what’s to blame for the confusing message presently coming out of Tehran on this issue. It might also be the reason why Iran hasn’t voiced any reservations about Modi’s blatant promotion of Baloch separatism in Pakistan, despite this obviously having violent insinuations since there’s no way that Islamabad would let the Indian-encouraged separatist province secede without a fight.

If one objectively evaluates Iran’s reaction to both of these issues – Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Balochistan – it’s rational to conclude that Tehran is the one exercising self-restraint in not speaking out against two very important issues that are very close to its national interests. Iran has staked a lot of its reputation on supporting Muslims abroad, and the fact that it’s reacting more mildly to Indian security servicemen killing Muslim Kashmiri protesters than it did to the Saudis and Bahrainis doing the same to their own just a few years ago makes it seem like some sort of unpublicized understanding has been reached between the New Delhi and the “moderates”, with the latter not having been so powerful back then around the time when the Gulf Monarchies were killing the Shiite protesters. The situation in Kashmir is even more scandalous because it has shades of non-Muslims killing Muslims, so it’s hard to comprehend why Iran is visibly more lenient towards India indisputably doing this in 2016 than it was when confronted with the 1990s Western mainstream media myth that the Serbs were allegedly on a killing spree in Bosnia, which itself was a lie and was actually sparked by suspected Iranian agent and future Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic with the assistance of Tehran’s mujahedeen andweapons. Additionally, the fact that Iran is nonresponsive to Modi’s obvious public encouragement in supporting Pakistani Baloch separatism in spite of the clear and pressing danger that this poses to Sistan and Baluchistan Province suggests that some type of deal had to tacitly be made, whether with the Iranian establishment as a whole or the conniving “moderates” that have usurped power in key institutions.


Much more in the source below.
Sources : http://katehon.com/article/indias-geopolitical-hate-pakistan-sabotaging-north-south-corridor
Indian sponsored terrorism in the region is the major cause of instability in South Asia.

I hope at some point in time these people wake up and realize that neighboring countries can not have endless patience and at some point in time are bound to fight back.

Then all those low level insurgencies running in India might get a whole new meaning.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Indians!
Dreams never come true...
Modi is just merging the Bolochistan and Kashmir issue to be same. He never knew there are 6 Indian states supposed to be get separated from India.
Indian sponsored terrorism in the region is the major cause of instability in South Asia.

I hope at some point in time these people wake up and realize that neighboring countries can not have endless patience and at some point in time are bound to fight back.

Then all those low level insurgencies running in India might get a whole new meaning.

Wake up and smell the coffee, Indians!
Pakistan support for taliban makes a mockery of all your claims of terrorism
Pakistan support for taliban makes a mockery of all your claims of terrorism

India has been financing/training/arming Mukti Bahini, LTTE, BLA, TTP etc for more than half century.

India is the country who unleashed the evil of suicide bombings in the region.

This terrorist nation must be stopped, before the whole region goes up in flames...
The main information of the first post is about the destabilization since several decades of Pakistan by India, and you just noticed the north / south corridor's point.

No one has explained how this road corridors will work if they are toll collectors all the way

Maritime trade has worked thanks to the royal Navy and us navy

India has been financing/training/arming Mukti Bahini, LTTE, BLA, TTP etc for more than half century.

India is the country who unleashed the evil of suicide bombings in the region.

This terrorist nation must be stopped, before the whole region goes up in flames...
Yawn yawn
India is Fine with status quo

No it is no more status quo.

We have bled enough by Indian sponsored terrorism. It is time to tell the world what double game this India is playing.

So that next time India pulls the victim card again, they must know it is the case of chickens coming back home to roost...
No it is no more status quo.

We have bled enough by Indian sponsored terrorism. It is time to tell the world what double game this India is playing.

So that next time India pulls the victim card again, they must know it is the case of chickens coming back home to roost...
all the mess in Afghanistan is your doing
While CPEC is massively over-hyped and a false miracle cure for Pakistan's ailments, nevertheless there are some headaches which it will cause which are worth noting:

1. People of Balochistan have no stake in these projects, and their colonization by Punjab will only intensify.
2. While India should have no problem with the development of Gilgit-Baltistan, but CPEC will only serve as a pretext for Chinese military presence.
3. Same goes for Gwadar - China wants it as a naval base and that's nothing to be happy about.
4. It will temporarily feed into Pakistani delusions that they are not internationally isolated and that their economy can be sustained while simultaneously following the "war of thousand cuts" - again something not desirable for India.

I have ZERO belief, unlike many Indian members here, that an economically viable Pakistan is good for us. Of course, neither should Pakistan be allowed to totally collapse - that would be an even bigger headache.

There is a reason China follows a particularly vexatious policy towards India - it tries to calibrate actions so that Pakistan can always be used to trouble India, and yet never acts in a manner whereby there is outright war. Just enough to retard India's growth, but not enough for all-out war which will burn everything.

India needs to fine tune a similar policy with Afghanistan, Balochistan, KPK/FATA, Karachi and AJK/GB as lynchpin.
Nop sir, it's US and SU created mess.
you went along for the ride for a few peanuts

While CPEC is massively over-hyped and a false miracle cure for Pakistan's ailments, nevertheless there are some headaches which it will cause which are worth noting:

1. People of Balochistan have no stake in these projects, and their colonization by Punjab will only intensify.
2. While India should have no problem with the development of Gilgit-Baltistan, but CPEC will only serve as a pretext for Chinese military presence.
3. Same goes for Gwadar - China wants it as a naval base and that's nothing to be happy about.
4. It will temporarily feed into Pakistani delusions that they are not internationally isolated and that their economy can be sustained while simultaneously following the "war of thousand cuts" - again something not desirable for India.

I have ZERO belief, unlike many Indian members here, that an economically viable Pakistan is good for us. Of course, neither should Pakistan be allowed to totally collapse - that would be an even bigger headache.

There is a reason China follows a particularly vexatious policy towards India - it tries to calibrate actions so that Pakistan can always be used to trouble India, and yet never acts in a manner whereby there is outright war. Just enough to retard India's growth, but not enough for all-out war which will burn everything.

India needs to fine tune a similar policy with Afghanistan, Balochistan, KPK/FATA, Karachi and AJK/GB as lynchpin.

Most of CPEC funds are for power generation projects
It is amusing that they would channel an economic corridor through water parched place where literacy is low.
they have a city of 24 million people with basic infrastructure. it is not like the streets of karachi are paved in gold. they could use a transport corridor

Gwadar is a cover for a chinese naval base
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