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India’s future may lie more with Russia and China than with the US, writes RN Bhaskar

Who attacked whom in 1969..and on whose soil?

I want to remind you for all the bluster between the US and Russia our soldiers haven't actually taken potshots at each other near the borders.

This is why our armies don't carry any secret boiling vendettas.
I don't know what happened in 1969. What I know is, USA occupied more than 1/2 of Mexico territory.
Russia and China aren't going to win this as there are ~14,000 Indian expats working in Russia, a minuscule number in China, and MILLIONS in the US.

We have already won the soft power war. China and Russia are likely not viewed as friendly as you think to "Indian contributors". Remember some of them are CEO's of US companies...please show that stat in Russia or Chinese companies where they are likely treated as "unequals". I'm quite sure that doesn't go unnoticed.

You can yap all you want about some smokescreen slave mentality but who is really treating them as a low class slave when it comes to the reality of the real world?
This is also India's curse, brain drain is real. I have worked with so many young Indian/Bangladeshe migrant workers in Canada. Essentially value of Indian rupee will be tied to remittance from the "west" + Indian gov't relentless money printing.

Chinese diaspora is like 55 million and India has 20 million, and both has very little influence at home country. So I be cautious use your view of soft power war as a forgone conclusion.

Here's a lesson for India to gain some goodwill and some facts about WWII that changed CCP's fortunes and really propelled China + US alliance in 1970.

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Well whether you like them or hate them but one thing is very clear that India follows its own independent policies and cares for its people. Unlike the Slave Besharams of Pakistani establishment specially those sitting in the GHQ, who can sell their own mothers for a few US dollars.
Well whether you like them or hate them but one thing is very clear that India follows its own independent policies and cares for its people. Unlike the Slave Besharams of Pakistani establishment specially those sitting in the GHQ, who can sell their own mothers for a few US dollars.

Indians are back stabbers. US, EU, Russsia, China and no one trusts them.
I don't know what happened in 1969. What I know is, USA occupied more than 1/2 of Mexico territory.

Too bad as Beijing almost got nuked during it..but only due to the US telling Russia that it was taking things too far so they backed off the ICBM missile strike…saving your *** once again.

This is also India's curse, brain drain is real. I have worked with so many young Indian/Bangladeshe migrant workers in Canada. Essentially value of Indian rupee will be tied to remittance from the "west" + Indian gov't relentless money printing.

Chinese diaspora is like 55 million and India has 20 million, and both has very little influence at home country. So I be cautious use your view of soft power war as a forgone conclusion.

Here's a lesson for India to gain some goodwill and some facts about WWII that changed CCP's fortunes and really propelled China + US alliance in 1970.

Hard to argue/cry about the West treating India badly compared to their “friends” Russia and China when the US can simply have Indian CEOs of some of the most powerful companies on the planet say otherwise.
Hard to argue/cry about the West treating India badly compared to their “friends” Russia and China when the US can simply have Indian CEOs of some of the most powerful companies on the planet say otherwise.

You have a wrong understanding of the Indians. Indians never complain about the West. They are slaves of the West and worship the West.




Too bad as Beijing almost got nuked during it..but only due to the US telling Russia that it was taking things too far so they backed off the ICBM missile strike…saving your *** once again.

China and Soviet Union's conflict in 1969 was more about ideology than border dispute. Border conflict was the result of hostiles between two countries. I don't think Soviet Union dared to nuke China. China was very close to having long distance nuke delivery technology by then.
Replace India with Iran. What we need is SCO with out India.
Unless Putin is your poodle and Xi has habit of saying yes to everything you ask such a idea is absurd. The world does not listen to a country where nobody pays tax, is ran by chors and exports nothing of value other than Islamic radicals.

Even if all this sickness is sold as 'Islamic Republic'.

They are slaves of the West and worship the West.
Grab a mirror. The blunt truth is Pakistan is slave of the West. Not Indians. Wy you think Russians, Chinese and Iranians have respect for India?

Pakistan is a slave of America, a playground for Oily Arabs. They both now and then throw a bone to the dog. IMF loans on behalf of US. Oil deferred payments by Saudia.
Unless Putin is your poodle and Xi has habit of saying yes to everything you ask such a idea is absurd. The world does not listen to a country where nobody pays tax, is ran by chors and exports nothing of value other than Islamic radicals.

Even if all this sickness is sold as 'Islamic Republic'.

Grab a mirror. The blunt truth is Pakistan is slave of the West. Not Indians. Wy you think Russians, Chinese and Iranians have respect for India?

Pakistan is a slave of America, a playground for Oily Arabs. They both now and then throw a bone to the dog. IMF loans on behalf of US. Oil deferred payments by Saudia.

You are out of touch with the reality. Russia supports Pakistan over India.

Explained: Why India is not invited to Russia-led crucial 'Troika' meet on Afghanistan in Qatar​

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By CNBCTV18.com | Aug 10, 2021, 01:38 PM IST (Updated)
While Russia has repeatedly said that India is being informed of all developments of the Afghan peace talks, New Delhi has been receiving repeated snubs when it comes to invitations to crucial meetings. Moreover, the meeting will be attended by Pakistan, China and the US.
Explained: Why India is not invited to Russia-led crucial 'Troika' meet on Afghanistan in Qatar

India has not been invited to a crucial Russia-sponsored meeting to discuss the political situation in Afghanistan, despite decades of strategic and military ties between Moscow and New Delhi. Convened by Russia, the Troika meeting — to be held in Qatar — will be attended by Pakistan, China, and the United States. Earlier, the Troika meetings were held in Moscow on March 18 and in Doha on April 30.
The meeting comes in the backdrop of the ongoing offensive by Pakistan-backed Taliban militia in Afghanistan. The militia has already taken control of several cities and is reportedly advancing towards Kabul, the seat of the internationally-backed Unity government under President Ashraf Ghani.

Why the snub?

While Russia has repeatedly said that India is being informed of all developments in Afghan peace talks, New Delhi has been receiving repeated snubs when it comes to crucial meetings on Afghanistan, a country where New Delhi has huge strategic and economic stakes.
According to political experts, Russian and Indian views on the solution to the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan do not converge. While India is against the establishment of any regime by force and backs President Ghani, Moscow believes the Taliban will counter the Islamic State and sees Ghani as nothing more than a US proxy.
Russia's coordination with Pakistan irks India
Over the past few months, several discussions have been held between Moscow and Islamabad over Afghanistan as both the governments back Taliban. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Pakistan in April also did not go down well with the Indian side.
Russia on India's role in Afghanistan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, while speaking in Tashkent last month, said that Moscow will continue to work with India and other countries which can influence the situation in Afghanistan. This triggered speculation that India may be included in the upcoming ‘extended Trioka’ meeting. However, that didn't happen.
Besides, a statement by Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special presidential envoy for Afghanistan, has irked New Delhi. Kabulov, who also oversees relations with India, said, Russia only sees a role for India in “Afghanistan’s post-conflict development” as the country has no influence with the Taliban. He added, "Only countries that have an unequivocal influence on both sides (of the conflict in Afghanistan) participate."
India's reaction
Given the ties between the two nations, India hasn’t issued an official statement over Russia's repeated snubs. When asked, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, “Our two countries share a special and privileged strategic partnership. We engage with Russia on a regular basis on Afghanistan.”
Situation in Afghanistan
Since the United States began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan on May 1, the Taliban has been making rapid advances across the country by resorting to widespread violence. The regime has expanded to cities like Kandahar, Herat, and Lashkargah.
Meanwhile, India has also been calling upon all sections of the political spectrum in Afghanistan to work together. New Delhi has already invested nearly US $3 billion in aid and reconstruction activities in the war-torn country.
You are out of touch with the reality. Russia supports Pakistan over India.

Explained: Why India is not invited to Russia-led crucial 'Troika' meet on Afghanistan in Qatar​

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By CNBCTV18.com | Aug 10, 2021, 01:38 PM IST (Updated)
While Russia has repeatedly said that India is being informed of all developments of the Afghan peace talks, New Delhi has been receiving repeated snubs when it comes to invitations to crucial meetings. Moreover, the meeting will be attended by Pakistan, China and the US.
Explained: Why India is not invited to Russia-led crucial 'Troika' meet on Afghanistan in Qatar'Troika' meet on Afghanistan in Qatar

India has not been invited to a crucial Russia-sponsored meeting to discuss the political situation in Afghanistan, despite decades of strategic and military ties between Moscow and New Delhi. Convened by Russia, the Troika meeting — to be held in Qatar — will be attended by Pakistan, China, and the United States. Earlier, the Troika meetings were held in Moscow on March 18 and in Doha on April 30.
The meeting comes in the backdrop of the ongoing offensive by Pakistan-backed Taliban militia in Afghanistan. The militia has already taken control of several cities and is reportedly advancing towards Kabul, the seat of the internationally-backed Unity government under President Ashraf Ghani.

Why the snub?

While Russia has repeatedly said that India is being informed of all developments in Afghan peace talks, New Delhi has been receiving repeated snubs when it comes to crucial meetings on Afghanistan, a country where New Delhi has huge strategic and economic stakes.
According to political experts, Russian and Indian views on the solution to the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan do not converge. While India is against the establishment of any regime by force and backs President Ghani, Moscow believes the Taliban will counter the Islamic State and sees Ghani as nothing more than a US proxy.
Russia's coordination with Pakistan irks India
Over the past few months, several discussions have been held between Moscow and Islamabad over Afghanistan as both the governments back Taliban. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Pakistan in April also did not go down well with the Indian side.
Russia on India's role in Afghanistan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, while speaking in Tashkent last month, said that Moscow will continue to work with India and other countries which can influence the situation in Afghanistan. This triggered speculation that India may be included in the upcoming ‘extended Trioka’ meeting. However, that didn't happen.
Besides, a statement by Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special presidential envoy for Afghanistan, has irked New Delhi. Kabulov, who also oversees relations with India, said, Russia only sees a role for India in “Afghanistan’s post-conflict development” as the country has no influence with the Taliban. He added, "Only countries that have an unequivocal influence on both sides (of the conflict in Afghanistan) participate."
India's reaction
Given the ties between the two nations, India hasn’t issued an official statement over Russia's repeated snubs. When asked, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, “Our two countries share a special and privileged strategic partnership. We engage with Russia on a regular basis on Afghanistan.”
Situation in Afghanistan
Since the United States began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan on May 1, the Taliban has been making rapid advances across the country by resorting to widespread violence. The regime has expanded to cities like Kandahar, Herat, and Lashkargah.
Meanwhile, India has also been calling upon all sections of the political spectrum in Afghanistan to work together. New Delhi has already invested nearly US $3 billion in aid and reconstruction activities in the war-torn country.
Yes, India and Russia's interests not converging with regards to Afghanistan equates to Pak-Russia alliance. :cheesy:
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