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India's Electronic Voting machines are Vulnerable to Fraud.!!!

To speculate it is easy. The thing is to meaningfully topple a score in a country size of India you need a loooot of boots on ground doing the dirty work. @egodoc222 has already visited the scenario.

No matter what country you are, it boils down to basic mathematics. We can easily assume that these sensitive machines are running a custom flavor of AES or SHA-1 algos. Or something even better. Now the cost of decoding anything with a key size greater than 103 is out of this world [ Source: Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online, for free., Do not tell me its a fanboy creation. Some very serious people came up with this], forget about it if its greater than 256. I am not saying its un crackable, I am saying that cracking it, within a brief period of time, being un tractable while doing so (i,e Doing it without raising suspicion) and doing it to a good nos of EVMs to make a change, is pretty much impossible.

The only way this can be done is if some one breaks into each and every counting booths when these EVM's are present (i,e Last 2 days), plugs each and every or a sizable amount of EVMs to a HyperComputer, Override the inbuilt safe gaurds, Change the poll results, reseal the EVMs , erase all evidence of any wrong, doing this while being undetected by the hordes of security guarding them.And all of the above within a time frame of few hrs. Not to forget the cost penalty the country/organization/individual will face while undertaking this kind of operation. If not Impossible it's improbable .

Edit: 1 more estmation:-

The average cost for electricity in the US is $0.12 per kWh. For a single server I'll use 3741 kWh annually as an estimate. That would be about $450 per year for one machine.

Let's say you can do 1014 decryptions per second. That is 3.15∗1021 decrypts per year for one machine. You need to do (on average) 2255 decryptions in a year, so you would need 22553.15∗1021≈1.84∗1055 machines. To figure your cost you would multiply that by $450 and get about$8∗1057 or 8 octodecillion dollars. World GDP is about 63∗1012, so brute-forcing a 256-bit key would cost about 1044 times the world GDP.

You can follow similar math to get the cost of brute forcing a 128-bit key.

NOTE: I am completely ignoring hardware costs, maintenance, etc. The estimate above is for electricity only. We can take a hint from the NSA on this. You'd be a lot better off hiring a few thousand mathematicians and have them work on breaking the cipher as opposed to trying to brute-force it.

Now let me give you perspective. Obama has increased DARPA's budge to counter the growing Chinese capabilitites. Specifically, there were a few areas they noted.

u mean to say all the evms are stolen and reprogrammed???
wat u are nw ashamed to be called as aap supporter...bcos ur party shattered u hopes and managed to attain worst possible results
ps: if u r certain that evms are stolen years ago..or whaterver...
why didnt u post this earlier....??
why now???
i pity u aaptards....ur party let u down
..and made fools out of you...don't get depressed good times are ahead

What are you a retard? Did I say Im an AAP supporter? Where and when? I think all of India supported AAP initially and the Lok pal movement. I rather support them than Rahul and Sonia.

You are pretty clueless....you should read fool
Now let me give you perspective. Obama has increased DARPA's budge to counter the growing Chinese capabilitites. Specifically, there were a few areas they noted.

What are you a retard? Did I say Im an AAP supporter? Where and when? I think all of India supported AAP initially and the Lok pal movement. I rather support them than Rahul and Sonia.

You are pretty clueless....you should read fool
cool down aaptard....i know it hurts you that ur party made fool out of u....
that doesn't mean u post conspiracy theories...
to satisfy your ego...
learn to back up your claims.... which in this case proving that all evms are hacked manually in all 543 constituencies...withou breaking up sealed doors... with 24 hrs security....at a single time...

ps: u didnt answer my previous question...if u know it before... why post it then....why....why now?after results...?
cool down aaptard....i know it hurts you that ur party made fool out of u....
that doesn't mean u post conspiracy theories...
to satisfy your ego...
learn to back up your claims.... which in this case proving that all evms are hacked manually in all 543 constituencies...withou breaking up sealed doors... with 24 hrs security....at a single time...

ps: u didnt answer my previous question...if u know it before... why post it then....why....why now?after results...?

Suck it turd...our avatar uses the term ego..... Like I said read dimwit....you obviously have no clue what we are up against... go give comfort to rahul faggot

cool down aaptard....i know it hurts you that ur party made fool out of u....
that doesn't mean u post conspiracy theories...
to satisfy your ego...
learn to back up your claims.... which in this case proving that all evms are hacked manually in all 543 constituencies...withou breaking up sealed doors... with 24 hrs security....at a single time...

ps: u didnt answer my previous question...if u know it before... why post it then....why....why now?after results...?

You must have reading comprehension.....or you dont know English. Which is it? If EVM's are so great why aren't developed nation using it? Think
Suck it turd...our avatar uses the term ego..... Like I said read dimwit....you obviously have no clue what we are up against... go give comfort to rahul faggot

You must have reading comprehension.....or you dont know English. Which is it? If EVM's are so great why aren't developed nation using it? Think
dumb head....bcos we have 830 million voters....is there any other developed country has that many voters....???

you still didnt answer my previous question why now??
dumb head....bcos we have 830 million voters....is there any other developed country has that many voters....???

you still didnt answer my previous question why now??

Dumb bitch....I dont give a fuk how many voters we have. If its not fool prood,dont jump to use it. When we have rampant corruption, its a no brainer.

You accue me of supporting AAP. And you expect me to answer your questions.....yeah right!Kiss my @$$
Here you go dummy

Tamper-proof? Scientists show EVMs can be hacked - The Times of India

How secure are the EVMs? - Rediff.com India News

The problem with EVMs - The Hindu

dumb pimp!!!
go **** your crazywals @ss!!!
go sit on a block of ice....looks like ur leaders fucked your @ss tooo deep!!!
dumb headed moron!!!
dont waste bandwidth with ur bull sH!t!!!
now don't ask me wats bandwidth b!tch...
clearly u dont know sh!t abt computers let alone hacking....dumb fk


You clearly cant google information yourself. You clearly are a brainwashed idiot. You have nothing of substance to add to this debate. Read the article. Googl Hari Prasad. Where is he now?

Dumb Fk...clearly cant grasp, India lacks the tech to do what other countries can do. DICK
Yes there is a reason why paper ballots are still used in technologically advanced societies like USA, UK, Germany , France etc. The paper ballot is a genuine proof of a vote. If electronic machines were so reliable then these countries would have been the first to make use of them. I fear the extreme polaristation in indian society might have made hindu fanatic polling staff to engineer the results in the favor of Modi. It seems like todays results are electronically engineered. If it would have been ballot papers , it would be very difficult to change the results. So RSS and modi lovers have rigged the elections 2014 in india due to vulnerabilities of electronic voting machines. I smell a big conspiracy behind Modi's extraordinary success. The opposition parties in india should refuse to accept these electronically rigged elections in india.
you proved yourself dumb again!!!
did in any of posts did i say they cant be hacked?
i simply asked u hw can u hack it on a large scale when their not connected to network...
u mean to say that....all 543 constituencies evm are hacked manually....breaching 3 layer security.... at once....
dumb pimp!!!
did you even pass 5th grade....or do you have learning disabilities???
ps: looked into your previous posts....ehich pretty much somes up that u r a diehard apptard...with burning @ss...
and wat u r nw ashamed to be called as aaptard...
nw that u godly leader ate dust?? get a life dude!!!


one more question.... did u even vote??
you proved yourself dumb again!!!
did in any of posts did i say they cant be hacked?
i simply asked u hw can u hack it on a large scale when their not connected to network...
u mean to say that....all 543 constituencies evm are hacked manually....breaching 3 layer security.... at once....
dumb pimp!!!
did you even pass 5th grade....or do you have learning disabilities???
ps: looked into your previous posts....ehich pretty much somes up that u r a diehard apptard...with burning @ss...
and wat u r nw ashamed to be called as aaptard...
nw that u godly leader ate dust?? get a life dude!!!


one more question.... did u even vote??

You come off a Congress troll. What are upset your King Rahul lost! Sucker get lost. You ignored all the points I made. I proved it has been done and can be done. Do you understand to win election you do not need to rig every machine you clueless dimwit. Rigging a few key constituencies can make a big difference. IDIOT>

you proved yourself dumb again!!!
did in any of posts did i say they cant be hacked?
i simply asked u hw can u hack it on a large scale when their not connected to network...
u mean to say that....all 543 constituencies evm are hacked manually....breaching 3 layer security.... at once....
dumb pimp!!!
did you even pass 5th grade....or do you have learning disabilities???
ps: looked into your previous posts....ehich pretty much somes up that u r a diehard apptard...with burning @ss...
and wat u r nw ashamed to be called as aaptard...
nw that u godly leader ate dust?? get a life dude!!!


one more question.... did u even vote??

I posted the EVM issues yrs ago. Clueless dumwits liek yourself dismissed it then......so suk on it now
You come off a Congress troll. What are upset your King Rahul lost! Sucker get lost. You ignored all the points I made. I proved it has been done and can be done. Do you understand to win election you do not need to rig every machine you clueless dimwit. Rigging a few key constituencies can make a big difference. IDIOT>

I posted the EVM issues yrs ago. Clueless dumwits liek yourself dismissed it then......so suk on it now
don't take this too hard!!!! its not ur fault that u can't comprehend basic English.... its common with morons like u....sry special people like u....
i get it that u are dejected that ur leader betrayed u....promised u the moon...but landed u in a pile of sh!t....but that doesn't mean u should lose ur sanity...right?
be a good boy read my above post... try to comprehend....and come up with a sane reply....it might take u day or two to acheive this task but u can do it...yes u can!!!
don't take this too hard!!!! its not ur fault that u can't comprehend basic English.... its common with morons like u....sry special people like u....
i get it that u are dejected that ur leader betrayed u....promised u the moon...but landed u in a pile of sh!t....but that doesn't mean u should lose ur sanity...right?
be a good boy read my above post... try to comprehend....and come up with a sane reply....it might take u day or two to acheive this task but u can do it...yes u can!!!

Like I said nothing of substance to add to this thread. I voted for Modi you dick. He was the only viable candidate we had you clueless moron.

Back to the EVMs....its been proven it can be hacked got it? Can you comprehend? Stop changing your answers now that you got your *** handed to you. AGAIN.

Im out. My point has been proven. Don;t be upset Rahul lost. Maybe he can rig the votes next time.
Yes there is a reason why paper ballots are still used in technologically advanced societies like USA, UK, Germany , France etc. The paper ballot is a genuine proof of a vote. If electronic machines were so reliable then these countries would have been the first to make use of them.

You might have a better idea and even reevaluate your post after reading this Voting machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I fear the extreme polaristation in indian society might have made hindu fanatic polling staff to engineer the results in the favor of Modi. It seems like todays results are electronically engineered. If it would have been ballot papers , it would be very difficult to change the results. So RSS and modi lovers have rigged the elections 2014 in india due to vulnerabilities of electronic voting machines. I smell a big conspiracy behind Modi's extraordinary success. The opposition parties in india should refuse to accept these electronically rigged elections in india.

Being a non-indian, you are welcome to draw any conclusion you want to, it stands void anyway.
You might have a better idea and even reevaluate your post after reading this Voting machine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ah dont take them serioulsy, they just wanna satisfy their ego saying BJP rigged the polls.... After all they dont understand the Power of Election commision
Like I said nothing of substance to add to this thread. I voted for Modi you dick. He was the only viable candidate we had you clueless moron.

Back to the EVMs....its been proven it can be hacked got it? Can you comprehend? Stop changing your answers now that you got your *** handed to you. AGAIN.

Im out. My point has been proven. Don;t be upset Rahul lost. Maybe he can rig the votes next time.
you are out already???
i told u its not childs play!!!
better be careful in future when u post someting above ur intellectual abilities...
sorry that your party posted miserable!!!
hope it would make a constructive opposition... though it got only four seats!
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