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India’s economy to contract 9.6% in FY21, steeper than 3.2% shrinkage projected earlier: World Bank

not to worry mitrrunnn Modi g will feed you bs and expand his 56 inch boobies 9% to make you pheeel good about shrinking economy!
The farmer suicides have less to do with climate change and more to do with India being an extremely capitalist society. There is no Nature's entity called 'Earth Climate Change Office' which forces Indian farmers to commit suicide. Rather it is the micro-credit lenders, banks and informal private lenders who harass the farmers to the point of suicide. Farmers in India have small land holdings and the lenders charge high interest which the farmer isn't simply able to repay.

Firstly, just between 1995 and 2015 there have been more than 300,000 farmer suicides in India between. Casually shrugging that away with use of fancy capitalist numbers should not be done.

Secondly, most suicides in India happen because of India's socio-economic structure being extremely capitalist. This is as true for a student as for a farmer as also for a white collar professional.

I'm more interested in seeing how tractor sales correlate with increased productivity, incomes and living standards.

For the most part, it seems India and Pakistan have similarly low levels of yields.


I'm more interested in seeing how tractor sales correlate with increased productivity, incomes and living standards.

For the most part, it seems India and Pakistan have similarly low levels of yields.

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India is not producing to its potential because it is stifled by India's regressive govt interference and policies. Farmers are not allowed to sell their produce wherever and to whoever. They have to sell at the nearest market yard for whatever price is set at those markets by middlemen. I bet with the reforms initiated this year, their will be a production boom in this country as is reflected in buoyancy in the tractor sales growing 35% year year on year. India will dominate in farm exports in coming years. It might sound a bit exaggarated but time will prove my point.
India is not producing to its potential because it is stifled by India's regressive govt policies. Farmers are not allowed to sell their produce wherever and to whoever. They have to sell at the nearest market yard for whatever price is at those markets by middlemen. I bet with the reforms initiated this year, their will be production boom in this country as is reflected in buoyancy in the tractor sales growing 35% year year on year. India will dominate in farm exports in coming years. It might sound a bit exaggarated but time will prove my point.
The list of excuses from both nations is pretty long. There is a long list of complaints you'll get from the Pakistani side as well about government policies (or lack of) that prevent Pakistan from reaching its full agricultural productivity potential.

The goal behind my post was to point out that cherry picking random statistics such as 'high tractor sales' is not the proper way of analyzing agricultural productivity and prosperity in the rural, farming regions in either country. It is one factor, absolutely, but on its own doesn't mean much.
I'm more interested in seeing how tractor sales correlate with increased productivity, incomes and living standards.

For the most part, it seems India and Pakistan have similarly low levels of yields.

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I agree with you.

And I see from the figures that India's staggering 261+ million farm workers have not been able to remove hunger deaths and malnutrition in India.
The list of excuses from both nations is pretty long. There is a long list of complaints you'll get from the Pakistani side as well about government policies (or lack of) that prevent Pakistan from reaching its full agricultural productivity potential.

The goal behind my post was to point out that cherry picking random statistics such as 'high tractor sales' is not the proper way of analyzing agricultural productivity and prosperity in the rural, farming regions in either country. It is one factor, absolutely, but on its own doesn't mean much.
The point I was making was different. India did make the necessary reforms recently and do not have any more excuses for such sorry level of productivity.
The point I was making was different. India did make the necessary reforms recently and do not have any more excuses for such sorry level of productivity.
Gotcha, I guess we'll see how effective they are going forward. If successful, hopefully the GoP can implement some of those reforms that it may not have considered.
Pakistan has larger percentage of population living on agriculture. lol.

But restricting myself to tractors. Tractors are not used to long distance travel, no geographical size doesn't matter. India has 8 times the arable land compared to Pakistan but sells 40 times more tractors. I don't know but any standards you are no where close to India to be taken in the same breath.

Buddy .... Pakistan has had two decades of War on Terror on its door step, not india. Pakistan lost over 75000 lives fighting terrorists, not india. Pakistan lost over $150 billion to its economy because of WoT, not india. Pakistan has suffered, being ruled by corrupt, traitors, swine-b@$tards as leaders who have looted and plundered Pakistan's wealth, over the past decade .... not india.

So you can talk about tractors till the cows come home. Doesn't mean squat diddly when you argue your case, comparing your country to Pakistan. Fact of the matter is that you can't. And that's why my assessment of indians living in a parallel dimension, seems vindicated.

Now go back to the drawing board, scratch your head a little bit more and try again!!
It does not matter since the Fraudster Indians will simply manipulate and change the numbers of their GDP and will show a growth rate of 20%. :lol: :lol: :lol: There is a reason why these people are number-1 in the world for frauds. :lol:
Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected in September 2019 stood at Rs 91,916 crore

Goods and Services Tax (GST) collected in September 2020 stood at Rs. 95,480 crore

Yet people are claiming Economy is Shrinking

How did the Tax collection INCREASE when the actual goods and services DECREASED ? :cheesy:

I guess your own central bank is lying as well. World bank is just reporting stats provided by India. If India is quoting 9.5% then it is much much worse than quoted figures.
India’s GDP could contract between 9 and 12 per cent in the current year

October 18, 2020 15:02 IST

RBI sees economy shrinking 9.5% Read more at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/rbi-sees-economy-shrinking-9-5-this-fiscal-announces-fresh-measures-to-arrest-the-downtrend/articleshow/78567518.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Their own central bank is quoting the same. These Indians are hopeless Idiots.
9 to 12% is a reasonable estimate. If they can't contain the virus and overtakes US, lolol. Then good luck India.
9 to 12% is a reasonable estimate. If they can't contain the virus and overtakes US, lolol. Then good luck India.

The fact that Indian RBI quickly endorsed world bank figure is very fishy. Things seem much much worse and they are probably fudging the data. Agriculture output data in itself is suspicious considering locusts destroyed lots of crops and all countries affected saw a significant decline in agri output. India didnt even bother to tackle the locusts aggressively and still suffering from it.
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