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India's Demographic Challenge ( STRATFOR Analysis )

No problem mate If Population Increases we will pour some concrete in Indian ocean and will create cities :cheers:
No problem mate If Population Increases we will pour some concrete in Indian ocean and will create cities :cheers:

No really, this topic is very interesting to me..Because Erdogan asked from people to have at least 3 kids here in Turkey...And many people criticized him for this statement..So i wonder, is it good or bad thing for a country to have such big population? I am interested in Indian and Chinese opinions about this issue
"Analysis" my backside! There is 0 balance in this piece. It is just focusing on the negatives and doesn't mention there are already plans and policies being implemented to address most of the above issues.

Vested/bias interests methinks!

Post somewhere else, this has no buinsness being in the INDIAN DEFENCE section.

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar please relocate this thread.
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No really, this topic is very interesting to me..Because Erdogan asked from people to have at least 3 kids here in Turkey...And many people criticized him for this statement..So i wonder, is it good or bad thing for a country to have such big population? I am interested in Indian and Chinese opinions about this issue

We in India do family planning and each family will have max 2 kids. Family planning also contributes to better education and facilities from parents to children.

In India we have lot of work force, we have highest pool of engineers, doctor and software professional which contributed to the growth of our economy.

In the coming decade the Youth of India will play a greater role in GDP growth of India.
No really, this topic is very interesting to me..Because Erdogan asked from people to have at least 3 kids here in Turkey...And many people criticized him for this statement..So i wonder, is it good or bad thing for a country to have such big population? I am interested in Indian and Chinese opinions about this issue

A young demographic like India has can either be a great asset or a massive liabilty. As it is right now it seems India will utilise this demographic advantage it has and will use it to further boost the economy.

You have to walk a fine line though as our freinds in China are now finding and will realise even more in the future when their demographics work agaisnt them. One also must not engage in short term gains for long term pain.
Its full of jack$hit.He says the central Govt is too weak,In fact its the other way around.Central Govt holds too much power.
No really, this topic is very interesting to me..Because Erdogan asked from people to have at least 3 kids here in Turkey...And many people criticized him for this statement..So i wonder, is it good or bad thing for a country to have such big population? I am interested in Indian and Chinese opinions about this issue

simple..if u have enough youth for enough time to pull ur country out of all the problems and make it a developed nation then its an asset..BUT this transformation must be done before the youth turns older and become a liability..also enough planning is to be done in order to look after the old like insurances etc..india can usse its demographic dividend up to 4 decades..it can create miracles if used well
I dont think we are well placed to harness the entire demographic dividend. This will only happen if manufacturing ramps up massively, meaning the economy grows at around 9% to harness the new labour pool. It seems unlikely that we will grow at 9%.

So , we would be able to absorb some of the pool, not all. Thus both a boon and a bane at the same time.

However, if we can find opportunities for these trained people abroad, that would also be a long term investment. After all, Indians are amongst the most hardworking and educated people abroad. They slowly become powerful people in their own right - heads of corporations or key positions in foreign govts. They then yield a different kind of benefit to India.
India is ranked 33rd and Pakistan 39th among the most overcrowded nations of the world by Overpopulation Index published by the Optimum Population Trust based in the United Kingdom. The index measures overcrowding based on the size of the population and the resources available to sustain it.

India has a dependency percentage of 51.6 per cent on other nations and an ecological footprint of 0.77. The index calculates that India is overpopulated by 594.32 million people. Pakistan has a dependency percentage of 49.9 per cent on other nations and an ecological footprint of 0.75. The index calculates that Pakistan is overpopulated by 80 million people. Pakistan is less crowded than China (ranked 29), India (ranked 33) and the US (ranked 35), according to the index. Singapore is the most overcrowded and Bukina Faso the least on a list of 77 nations assessed by the Optimum Population Trust.

Haq's Musings: India's Rising Population and Depleting Resources

Superfreakonomics authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have argued that if women could choose their birthplace, India might not be a wise choice for any of them to be born. They say that those lucky enough not to be aborted as fetuses face inequality and cruelty at every turn because of the low social status given to Indian women.

The latest UN data proves Levitt and Dubner right. An Indian girl aged 1-5 years is 75% more likely to die than an Indian boy, making India the most deadly place for newborn baby girls, according to data released by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA). The data for 150 countries over 40 years shows that India and China are the only two countries in the world where female infant mortality is higher than male infant mortality.

Haq's Musings: UN Finds India Most Deadly For Little Girls
India is ranked 33rd and Pakistan 39th among the most overcrowded nations of the world by Overpopulation Index published by the Optimum Population Trust based in the United Kingdom. The index measures overcrowding based on the size of the population and the resources available to sustain it.

India has a dependency percentage of 51.6 per cent on other nations and an ecological footprint of 0.77. The index calculates that India is overpopulated by 594.32 million people. Pakistan has a dependency percentage of 49.9 per cent on other nations and an ecological footprint of 0.75. The index calculates that Pakistan is overpopulated by 80 million people. Pakistan is less crowded than China (ranked 29), India (ranked 33) and the US (ranked 35), according to the index. Singapore is the most overcrowded and Bukina Faso the least on a list of 77 nations assessed by the Optimum Population Trust.

Haq's Musings: India's Rising Population and Depleting Resources

Don't forget Pakistan's also has highest population growth rate in South Asia.So you are no better either.So worry about yourself.

Superfreakonomics authors Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have argued that if women could choose their birthplace, India might not be a wise choice for any of them to be born. They say that those lucky enough not to be aborted as fetuses face inequality and cruelty at every turn because of the low social status given to Indian women.

The latest UN data proves Levitt and Dubner right. An Indian girl aged 1-5 years is 75% more likely to die than an Indian boy, making India the most deadly place for newborn baby girls, according to data released by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA). The data for 150 countries over 40 years shows that India and China are the only two countries in the world where female infant mortality is higher than male infant mortality.

Haq's Musings: UN Finds India Most Deadly For Little Girls

Pakistan is more deadly palce for a newborn children than India.And Pakistan's sex ratio as a whole is almost same as that of India.So what does that make you.

Pakistan Sex ratio - Demographics

Infant mortality rate by country - Thematic Map - World
Don't forget Pakistan's also has highest population growth rate in South Asia.So you are no better either.So worry about yourself.

Pakistan is more deadly palce for a newborn children than India.And Pakistan's sex ratio as a whole is almost same as that of India.So what does that make you.

Pakistan Sex ratio - Demographics

Infant mortality rate by country - Thematic Map - World

Pakistan's population density (228 per sq Km)is about 60% of India's (382 per sq m).

As to the gender ratio, look carefully at the data in the link you've provided.

Here it is for India:

Sex ratio: at birth: 1.12 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.13 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.9 male(s)/female
total population: 1.08 male(s)/female (2011 est.)

And for Pakistan:

Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.89 male(s)/female
total population: 1.06 male(s)/female (2011 est.)

Any body who thinks the male-female ratios are the same in India and Pakistan is really mathematically and intellectually challenged!


The land of former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi is killing its daughters by the millions. Economically resurgent India is witnessing a rapid unfolding of a female genocide in the making across all castes and classes, including the upper caste rich and the educated. The situation is particularly alarming among upper-caste Hindus in some of the urban areas of Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, specially in parts of Punjab, where there are only 300 girls for every 1,000 boys, according to Laura Turquet, ActionAid's women's rights policy official.

Haq's Musings: Female Genocide Unfolding in India
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