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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure


Jan 17, 2007
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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure
Lawmakers’ Report Says DRDO Falls Far Short of Goals


India is at most halfway to its goal of producing 70 percent of the military’s weapons, and lawmakers blame the state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
Five years after launching an indigenization plan, domestic plants supply only 30 percent to 35 percent of the military’s needs, forcing the military to import far more arms than planned, according to a March 16 report by members of the parliament’s Defence Committee.
“The Committee are not happy to be informed” of this, said the 148-page report, the committee’s fourteenth in a series about the lab. “This gives an impression to the Committee that the country is still largely dependent on imports of defense products and the DRDO, even after 48 years of its formation, has not been able to achieve its targeted mission of self-reliance in defense production.”
Defense News obtained a copy of the report.
And that’s just the latest blast at the state-owned defense lab, whose sluggish pace is blamed for slowing the development of weapons, running up their costs and hurting military readiness.
One Indian Army official blamed DRDO for failing to catalyze indigenous production even of low-tech goods such as rifles, bulletproof jackets and winter-weather clothing.
Now the Indian Defence Ministry wants to revamp the 49-year-old DRDO. A new eight-member committee will recommend changes to the lab by year’s end, Defence Minister A.K. Antony told the Indian Parliament March 22. The group will be led by P. Rama Rao, a former secretary at the Department of Science and Technology.
The other members are Ajit Bhavnani, retired air marshal and former Air Force vice chief; C. S. Cheema, retired Army lieutenant general and former director-general of artillery; A.K. Ghosh, former financial adviser at the Defence Ministry; T.P. Ghoshal of Jadavpur University; Pravesh Jaitly, retired vice admiral and the Nayv’s former chief of materials; Satish Kaura, chairman of the Samtel Group of Industries, based here; and Krishnadas Nair, former chairman of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL).
Defense analyst Nitin Mehta said the committee might cool tempers but is unlikely to alter the bureaucracy or galvanize private-sector arms development. That will come only after the private sector stops teaming up with major overseas defense companies.
DRDO has as many as 439 projects worth $3.7 billion, and its 50 laboratories, mostly in the south of India, have more than 33,000 personnel.
The report noted that 32 years after DRDO began work on the Arjun tank, only 15 of the 124 tanks have been delivered by the Heavy Vehicle Factory in Avadhi.
Among DRDO’s key projects, most of them delayed by 10 to 15 years, are:
• The Integrated Guided Missile Program. Launched in the 1980s, it includes theater missiles, the Nag anti-tank missile and the Quick Reaction Missile.
• A ballistic missile effort that includes the 3,000-kilometer Agni-3 program.
• Advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
• Indian Air Force Airborne Warning and Control System program.
• Indian Navy nuclear submarine.
• Light Combat Aircraft.
• Medium Combat Aircraft.
• Anti-ballistic missile project.
• Communications for the C4I program and air defense.

DRDO officials declined to comment because the Parliament is still in session.
A DRDO scientist said the delays are mostly due to poor coordination between the DRDO and the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force, which often change their requirements.
Over the past five years, India has imported arms and defense gear worth $12.9 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in 1998 through 2001, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh, a retired Indian Army brigadier.
In 2005, India’s defense imports totaled $5.4 billion, topping Saudi Arabia’s $3.4 billion and China’s $2.8 billion, Singh said. In 2006, the country imported $1.5 billion in arms and defense gear from Israel alone.

Source: DefenseNews.com
That is a bullshit article, when did Agni 3 become 15yrs old,
MCA is not even funded by the government.
c4I is done by israeli's
LCA is under ADA
There was a similar report from a former V-Chief of Army Staff of India stating same facts and mentioning the failures of DRDO, delays and havy dependence of imports of military needs. (I would try to search it and post).

His concern was that in such state of affairs, when DRDO have failed in many projects, India is totally dependent on imports and in case of any conflict such imports can be delayed or stopped which would cause big damage.
DRDO has indeed failed on many projects, but the Armed Forces are to be blamed equally for this. They keep changing the GSR's every other time. There have been some spectacular sucesses as well by DRDO.

Personally i think that some amount of accountability is needed in DRDO. Apart from that the pay scale of scientists needs to be increased drastically to retain the best talent. India has VERY VERY talented scientists and a very vast pool as well because of good education, but the private sector is sucking them up.

India does not pay her national heroes :(.
BATMAN, your post did not help or contribute in this disucussion. Rather it was a flame bait. Please dont try to pull this kinda stuff.

An insight of the problems would be more helpful if you can manage that.
Over the past five years, India has imported arms and defense gear worth $12.9 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in 1998 through 2001, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh, a retired Indian Army brigadier.
In 2005, India’s defense imports totaled $5.4 billion, topping Saudi Arabia’s $3.4 billion and China’s $2.8 billion, Singh said. In 2006, the country imported $1.5 billion in arms and defense gear from Israel alone

It is realy too much spendings for a third world's developing country.

Rather then increasing saleries and pumping in more money in DRDO and defence imports India needs to look in to her foreign policy.

If they can stop the expension and super power dreams, it would stop arm race in entire region, I mean, look, 800 million people living under $ 2 a day and this huge spending on arms, realy dont make any sense.

And Batman,

You are right its hopeless, but if you look around the entire region only few countries have been able to get hands on a reliable deomestic production, Pakistan, turkey, Iran are to certain extent sef sufficient in defence needs, but still need high tec to import.
Over the past five years, India has imported arms and defense gear worth $12.9 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in 1998 through 2001, said defense analyst Mahindra Singh, a retired Indian Army brigadier.
In 2005, India’s defense imports totaled $5.4 billion, topping Saudi Arabia’s $3.4 billion and China’s $2.8 billion, Singh said. In 2006, the country imported $1.5 billion in arms and defense gear from Israel alone

It is realy too much spendings for a third world's developing country.

Rather then increasing saleries and pumping in more money in DRDO and defence imports India needs to look in to her foreign policy.

If they can stop the expension and super power dreams, it would stop arm race in entire region, I mean, look, 800 million people living under $ 2 a day and this huge spending on arms, realy dont make any sense.

India has to arm herself because of unstable neighbours. If India has the money, she has a right to spend it. We must pour more money in DRDO, increase salaries and benifits to Army personnel and scientists.

Foreign policy may work out, or it may not work out. But it has to be made ensured that India remains the biggest military and economic power in South Asia. For that any amount of military expenditure is justified according to me. It is not wrong to wish to be a super power, especially if one has the potential. No doubt Sri Lanka, or Malaysia dont want to be super powers, for they cannot achieve it.
With the way the economy is growing in India and the way the number of poor are reducing, i think they can spend the money.
You may be right, but I look at it in different angle.

Internal security is something which gurantees safe borders, not arms, SU is an example, with tons of arms it collapsed.

India have also a lot of internal unrest, neighbouring China and Pakistan have reduced the poverty level to 18-22%, but in India it is still around 32% (govt estimates) while independent organisation estimate it higher.

The result is before you, maoist are gaining power day by day, now holding 14 states, and using poor people as tool.

But this is your money and you are batter to decide where to spend, here we can only share openions.
India has to arm herself because of unstable neighbours. If India has the money, she has a right to spend it. We must pour more money in DRDO, increase salaries and benifits to Army personnel and scientists.

Foreign policy may work out, or it may not work out. But it has to be made ensured that India remains the biggest military and economic power in South Asia. For that any amount of military expenditure is justified according to me. It is not wrong to wish to be a super power, especially if one has the potential. No doubt Sri Lanka, or Malaysia dont want to be super powers, for they cannot achieve it.
With the way the economy is growing in India and the way the number of poor are reducing, i think they can spend the money.

wait a minute...u have 800 million people living on less than $2 per day (thats 80% of ur polulation), 77% people dont have access to improved sanitation, and u r saying that the military expenditure is justified! stop dreaming. u may make ur country the biggest power in the reigion but at the end of the day ur own ppl who have been neglected will rise and overthrow ur superpower.
You may be right, but I look at it in different angle.

Internal security is something which gurantees safe borders, not arms, SU is an example, with tons of arms it collapsed.

India have also a lot of internal unrest, neighbouring China and Pakistan have reduced the poverty level to 18-22%, but in India it is still around 32% (govt estimates) while independent organisation estimate it higher.

The result is before you, maoist are gaining power day by day, now holding 14 states, and using poor people as tool.

But this is your money and you are batter to decide where to spend, here we can only share openions.

Actually please check the Indian Economy thread, a couple of pages back, its written clearly that poverty in India has been reduced to 22%.

There is a difference with Soviet Union. India is a democracy, people throw out governments at successive intervals if they are not satisfied with their performance. Overthrowing etc comes into play in Communist states, dictatorships or banana republics. Democracy is very deeply entrenched in the psyche here.
BS or not,I guess too much purchase will doubtless engross the budget set for R&D. and meanwhile changeful requirements from the user may also enlarge the RDC itself.

LCA looks so cool especially on its craftwork or material tech,but you keep expecting it to be super and super in every past decade,as the concept of super refreshes itself every single year. Now it's still fighting with time before turning into an ultimate space fighter.

ps. similar reports also seen at Indian website.
Actually please check the Indian Economy thread, a couple of pages back, its written clearly that poverty in India has been reduced to 22%.

There is a difference with Soviet Union. India is a democracy, people throw out governments at successive intervals if they are not satisfied with their performance. Overthrowing etc comes into play in Communist states, dictatorships or banana republics. Democracy is very deeply entrenched in the psyche here.

India is a so called democracy. Where u boast about your economy its mainly runned by investments from the west dont hyped up about that.
India is a so called democracy. Where u boast about your economy its mainly runned by investments from the west dont hyped up about that.

Thats exactly the characteristics of a good economy, thankyou very much:tup:

Though you should also know, we have VERY successful Indian companies who are acquiring western companies also. Check the Indian economy thread in detail.
BS or not,I guess too much purchase will doubtless engross the budget set for R&D. and meanwhile changeful requirements from the user may also enlarge the RDC itself.

LCA looks so cool especially on its craftwork or material tech,but you keep expecting it to be super and super in every past decade,as the concept of super refreshes itself every single year. Now it's still fighting with time.

Dont take it wrongly but the LCA looks like another Arjun tank disaster.
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