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India's BJP leader's Taiwan posters near Chinese embassy will further sour ties: analysts


Sep 13, 2020
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India's BJP leader's Taiwan posters near Chinese embassy will further sour ties: analysts
By Liu Caiyu Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/10 16:21:16


China India Photo:VCG
Hundreds of posters celebrating the "national day" of Taiwan island hung outside China's Embassy to India in New Delhi will only exasperate already soured China-India ties, Chinese experts warned Saturday, urging India's ruling party to give up its irrational behavior and to realize it is playing with fire.

Local media reports said hundreds of posters wishing China's Taiwan island "a happy national day" were hung along streets in front of the embassy. Wording on the posters show they were arranged by Delhi BJP leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga.

The move came as Indian media advocated and supported the Taiwan island celebrating a "national day" and a spokesperson for the Indian foreign ministry defended India's media's right to publish its own views even if they don't respect the one-China policy.

The Chinese embassy on October 7 emailed India mainstream media urging them not to break with the long-time position of the Indian government's support of the one-China policy, which is viewed as a foundation for diplomatic relations.

India's provocation on the Taiwan question will cause an "irreversible" impact on China-India ties, Chinese analysts said.

Zhao Gancheng, director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, said "India is playing with fire by challenging the one-China policy."

Through inciting anti-China sentiments domestically for the sake of its own interests on the Taiwan question and to rally support over border tensions, the Indian government is pushing away China as a good neighbor, Zhao said, noting India should not be surprised if consequences including plunging economic and people-to-people exchanges.

Chinese analysts pointed out that although the Indian government still openly adheres to the one-China policy, it often shrugs off the media coverage calling for breaks with the policy in the name of "freedom of the press."

The nationalist BJP has been unscrupulously provoking the Taiwan question under the surface of India-China ties, and has crossed China's bottom line as it plays the Taiwan card thinking it is a bargaining chip in dealing with China, Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Saturday.

This provocation will not bring any good to India, and will only fuel soured bilateral tensions and even damage the established strategic partnership of the two countries, Hu said.

India has taken almost no action to deescalate tensions after the five-point consensus was reached last month in Moscow, and has instead reinforced its military deployment in the region. This has forced the Chinese military to prepare to handle any situation along the border, Chinese experts said earlier.

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When an actual fight came, Indian military got humiliated and lost territory to China.
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Indians are naturally so petty . Even GOI don't touch these issue which don't concens them.
Indians are naturally so petty . Even GOI don't touch these issue which don't concens them.

What else can India do after the dignity of India was stripped away by yet another humiliating defeat at the hands of China?
They can’t win against China, they are far too weak. They are powerless against China. Powerless.
I have noticed the entire Indian SM is full of greetings for Taiwan with tacit approval of the Indian regime. Suddenly the Indians have found great love for the Han Chinese living in Taiwan and HK.
China is least bothered by Indians on this only USA & EU matter on taiwan issue.
Things were cooling down, now they picked the wrong card. I was hoping India would do something this stupid. Now lets see what happens.

Completely agree, India has to understand the sensitivities of China. India is merely playing in the hands of US.

On the other hand China should know that India can never be trusted, that country is full of hatred and poverty.

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