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India's 'Beijing Killer' Missile test successful.

I already shown your the logical evident that all your military projects are all foreigner sucess, what make this Agni-5 exception? it seem to me it's genetic that you indians can only assemble of what foreigner did and put a nice paint jobs. wow look at this Indian 30% paint job achievement


Go and first read Peoples Republic of China Foreign Ministry Archives based documents ....than trolling here !!!

Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives

Soviet russia’s contribution to China’s nuclear programme from 1954-1957
Soviets helped China build research reactor and cyclotron in China , co-operatvie uranius mining and processing , estblishment of Eastern atomic energy institute

Nuclear weapon programme 1957-1960
Soviets assisted China in establishment of Uranium enrichment , plutonium processing , warhead design and production and missile technology


Based on PRCFMA – PRC Foreign Ministry Archives
When will Indian navy mount Agni5 on It's own indigenous SSBM? Any information?
it's matter when cat try to pretend to be a tiger :D

Go and read history of your own country than meddling with affairs of other countries .....

As China had launched a crash programme to master the entire spectrum of nuclear and missile technology in the shortest period of time, it desperately needed Soviet assistance. Mao Zedong, who described China as "poor and blank", considered Soviet military and scientific help as a temporary expedient. Soviet knowledge and assistance, if cleverly circumscribed, could accelerate China's developmental process.

Source: Soviet Contribution to Chinese Nuclear Programme Ibid., p.42.
How about some poof that Agni 5 is so Indigenious....since this thread is about it :omghaha:, I can only give Indian credit for assembly and paint job...that's my best offer. :smokin:

say whatever you want. you are just an "ego in human form".:closed:

When will Indian navy mount Agni5 on It's own indigenous SSBM? Any information?

in follows on arihant class submarines.
we never hide any foreign assistance in any defence items. we had many defence items manufactured with foreign help and it doesn't mean all the defence items of india is made with foreign help. INS vikrant is designed with the help of Italian designers. some are JV with foreign countries. a large number are indigenously designed, developed and produced.

lol tell me which high tech military project was done indigeniously?
@nuclearpak @Oscar @WebMaster : Please clean up the thread before one Chinese troll derails it completely and renders it meaningless. The news is important, and merits serious discussion. Pages and pages of trolling just do not help at all.
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Go and read history of your own country than meddling with affairs of other countries .....

As China had launched a crash programme to master the entire spectrum of nuclear and missile technology in the shortest period of time, it desperately needed Soviet assistance. Mao Zedong, who described China as "poor and blank", considered Soviet military and scientific help as a temporary expedient. Soviet knowledge and assistance, if cleverly circumscribed, could accelerate China's developmental process.

Source: Soviet Contribution to Chinese Nuclear Programme Ibid., p.42.

What's matter? no more prove for your claim that Agni-5 is Indigenious? divert the thread is not helping your cause. :lol:
How about some poof that Agni 5 is so Indigenious....since this thread is about it :omghaha:, I can only give Indian credit for assembly and paint job...that's my best offer. :smokin:

Since this thread is about Indian Agni programme .... why don't you post material to prove that india's Agni programme is not indigenous .....

I have just proved how you guys are hypcrites .....

You have no right to point towards India's missile programme when your own programme was based on Beg ,Borrow and steal ....

The material and sources I provided proves the shere incompetence even in mere copying ....

You guys received everything ready-made on silver platter and yet it took decades for you to digest this technology ....

" Between 1955 and 1958 six accords were signed relating to Soviet assistance in the development of China's science, industry, and weapons programmes. These included joint surveys of Chinese uranium ores, supply of a nuclear reactor and a cyclotron, and aid in building China's nuclear research facilities and industries. The New Defence Technical Accord of October 15, 1957, however, was unusual in the history of the nuclear age; the Soviet Union promised to supply China with blueprints for, and a working prototype of, an atomic bomb and missiles, as well as related data."

Source : Lewis and Litai, op. cit.,-" China Build the Bomb" - p. 41. Stanford University Press

@nuclearpak @Oscar @WebMaster : Please clean up the thread before one Chinese troll derails it completely and renders it meaningless. The news is important, and merits serious discussion. Pages and pages of trolling just do not help at all.

I will stop here . I am not interested in feeding this troll . I was just showing him mirror !!!

I am not interested in derailing this important thread .....
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What's matter? no more prove for your claim that Agni-5 is Indigenious? divert the thread is not helping your cause. :lol:

drdo and MoD says it is indigenous, so it will be considered indigenous until it is proved otherwise.
@nuclearpak @Oscar @WebMaster : Please clean up the thread before one Chinese troll derails it completely and renders it meaningless. The news is important, and merits serious discussion. Pages and pages of trolling just do not help at all.

what ever I said is relate to Agni-5, I didn't highjack the thread...you Indians are just so hopeless to take credit the glorious sucess of foreigners that had contribute to this Agni 5 test.

It's still not to late to confess and admit your shame as others project such Brahmo, LCA, ViKi, Vkrant...and even your 5.56 mm bullet story :omghaha:
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