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India's Ayni Military base in Tajikistan is Russia-Locked


Oct 18, 2012
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Moscow has been unrelenting in its stand that it doesn¡¯t want foreign powers to deployfighter aircraft in its backyardand a former territory.
India is very serious on the Ayni air base project to gain astrategic foothold in Central Asia.
Ayni is the much-spoken word in Indo-Russian strategic engagement. The Ayni air base in Tajikistan happens tobe India¡¯s first and only foreign military base. And yet,this base is not fully operational for the simple reason that an air base cannot be operational without deployment of fighter aircraft,something that is unlikely to happen without Russia¡¯s green signal. India¡¯s Ayni dream is Russia-locked.
The issue will inevitably figure during the highest Indo-Russian engagement when Russian President Vladimir Putin holds talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. It is another matter that the issue is unlikely to find a mention in the publicised talking points between the two sides, like it has seldom been.
Ayni is going to be among the high points of discussions between India and Russia at their 13 th annual summit in New Delhi in December.
India has spent $70 million between2002 and 2010 to renovate the Ayni base. India has extended the Ayni runway to 3,200 metres and installed state-of-the-art navigational and air defence equipment there. And yet, India has not been able to make Ayni truly amilitary base that fits to the classic definition of an air base.
All these years the Indians have run into the Russian wallas Moscow has been unrelenting in its stand that it doesn¡¯t want foreign powers to deploy fighter aircraft in itsbackyard and a former territory. The Russians have thus far steadfastly refused to grant this favour to its age-old strategic partner ¨C India.
Ayni Air Force Base, also known as Gissar Air Base, is a military air base in Tajikistan, just 10 km west ofthe capital Dushanbe, which served as a major military base of the Soviet Union in the Cold War era. India wadedin the Tajikistan strategic matrix after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, though it took India a good one decade to do so.
But that happened when Russia was weak ¨C militarily, politically and economically. This scenario is no longer applicable with the now resurgent Russia.
India is very serious on the Ayni air base project to gain astrategic foothold in Central Asia and improve its C3I (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence) network to fortifyits operations in Afghanistan and keep a close eye on Pakistan.
Ayni is located just 10 km west of the Tajik capital Dushanbe and had served as a major military base of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The Russian ¡°Net¡± has prevailed that was reflected in an on-record statement by Tajik foreign minister Hamrohan Zarifi in January 2011 who ruled out deployment of Indian or American forces at Ayni. Zarifi¡¯s statement coincided with Tajikistan officially launching negotiations with Russia to discuss possible deployment of Russian militaryat Ayni.
India¡¯s military presence in Tajikistan, be it in Ayni or in Farkhor, would give India the much-needed depth and range in tackling Pakistan¡¯s threats to its interest in Afghanistan. It would also prove to be a geo-strategic game-changer and give a larger role in South Asia, the implications of which would inevitably go far beyond the Indo-Pakistan sub-text.
The importance of Tajikistan for India cannot be overstated. Tajikistan¡¯s importance in the new great game that is likely to unfold inCentral and South Asia after the withdrawal of the US led NATO troops from Afghanistanin 2014 is well known to the strategic establishments of the region. New equations will inevitably emerge after the drawdown of the American forces in Afghanistan. The regional powers will be playing this game to establish a foothold in Afghanistan either in association with the Karzai regime or with the Taliban. The neighbouring countries of Afghanistan, like Tajikistan, will be playing a pivotal role in the regional geopolitics.
And then Russia is upset when India looks elsewhere for friends and arms?? They treat India as little more than a customer not a "friend" as they are so quick to maintain.
Continued from above,
It is in this context that the September 3-4, 2012 India visit by Tajik president Rahmon should be viewed.
During this visit, Rahmon, equally concerned with the possible shape of things to emerge in the post 2014 Afghanistan, discussed with his Indian interlocutors the various possibilities of jointly fighting the Taliban menace.
Tajikistan looks upon Taliban as a threat to its own interests as well as its secular fabric.
Russia, Iran and India had collaborated significantly before the 9/11 attacks on the US soil. At that point India was running a military hospitalon the Tajik territory close to the Afghan border to serve the injured Northern Alliance militia. In today¡¯s circumstances, however, it is doubtful if the similar trilateral synergy is still there. Quite evidently, it is not.
Iran is the X factor in this context. A ray of hope for India is that since the Iranians are now keen notonly to allow India to work on the Chahbahar port but also make investments in the Chabahar project may well indicate that Iran may extend a helping hand to India in Tajikistan as well.
Rahmon¡¯s India visit acquires an added significance as the Indians have become more ambitious and are no longer content with the role of merely running a hospital inside the Tajik area bordering Afghanistan. Instead, India is now envisaging a bigger security role for itself in Tajikistan.
It is not without significance that during Rahmon¡¯s recent India visit, India and Tajikistan discussed strategies to tackle the post 2014 security challenges and reaffirmed that the issue of restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan was inseparably linked with regional security.
But the big picture is that the Ayni air base in Tajikistan holds the key to the long-term Indian strategic interests. In 2006, India was poised to announce that the Ayni base had become operational, but it was not to be. The base is still dormant without any fighter jets.
If India wants to have a strategic presence in Tajikistan, which is just 16 kilometres from ****************** Kashmir, it will have to have Russia on board. There is nothing to suggest on the ground that India¡¯s Tajikistan riddle is going to be solved anytime soon, possibly not even during Putin¡¯s India visit.
And then Russia is upset when India looks elsewhere for friends and arms?? They treat India as little more than a customer not a "friend" as they are so quick to maintain.

There are limits in friendship. Apparently you cannot go and sleep with your friends wife - same implies here.:flame::flame::flame:
There are limits in friendship. Apparently you cannot go and sleep with your friends wife - same implies here.:flame::flame::flame:

Had to happen some day ! Why would the Kremlin want/allow Indians in their backyard while they are inching closer to the US ? :azn:
This would be a tremendous victory for Indian diplomats, if they can make this happen.

On another note, why not operate a joint base with Russia? With the similarity in equipment, it would be a win-win situation for both, and a good cost cutting measure.

We could both base flankers there, and have common maintenance, spare and overhaul facilities. Train with each other without the incurring the huge costs we usually bear for foreign exercises. And innumerable other strategic and operational benefits.
This will happen. Both India and tajakistan are independent countries and Russia has no authority on this. Indian diplomats have to press through it.
This will happen. Both India and tajakistan are independent countries and Russia has no authority on this. Indian siplomats have to press through it.

Yes they are , but unfortunately Central Asia is a landlocked region which means that you have to negotiate with Russia to get it done ...

Who told u india is close to U.S? No body needs certificate from you.

Some actions are speaking louder than words :azn: ... Did I order you to take a certificate from me ? :lol:
This will happen. Both India and tajakistan are independent countries and Russia has no authority on this. Indian siplomats have to press through it.

Won't happen if Russians really don't want it to happen. We simply don't have enough clout militarily or diplomatically to muscle our way into Russia's backyard with a military base. Russia can put a lot more pressure on central Asian countries than India can. Our diplomacy's triumph would be if we can get the Russians to agree, by convincing them that we don't pose any kind of threat to their interests, or even better, that it can work out to be in Russia's interest too.

Israel and India are independent countries, but USA can still block a sale of radars to India from Israel by pressurizing them. If the US can prevent us from getting a few radars from israel, Russia can definitely pressurize Tajikistan about a military base.
Yes they are , but unfortunately Central Asia is a landlocked region which means that you have to negotiate with Russia to get it done ...

Some actions are speaking louder than words :azn: ... Did I order you to take a certificate from me ? :lol:

If Russia likes it hard then we will push through it. Russian views are only considered because they are a friendly nation, other wise by internation law India only needs to negociate with Tajak. This is not a serious issue. A few meetings with Russian diplomats on the table will solve the issue.
Won't happen if Russians really don't want it to happen. We simply don't have enough clout militarily or diplomatically to muscle our way into Russia's backyard with a military base. Russia can put a lot more pressure on central Asian countries than India can. Our diplomacy's triumph would be if we can get the Russians to agree, by convincing them that we don't pose any kind of threat to their interests, or even better, that it can work out to be in Russia's interest too.

Israel and India are independent countries, but USA can still block a sale of radars to India from Israel by pressurizing them. If the US can prevent us from getting a few radars from israel, Russia can definitely pressurize Tajikistan about a military base.

Well then we have to make Russians agree. It can also be a collaborative effort. India should have no problem to share a base with russians, although this will piss the Americans off. :lol:
If Russia likes it hard then we will push through it. Russian views are only considered because they are a friendly nation, other wise by internation law India only needs to negociate with Tajak. This is not a serious issue. A few meetings with Russian diplomats on the table will solve the issue.

Do you share a common boundary with Tajikistan ? :no: ... Does Tajikistan has access to sea ? :no: ... Will Pakistan or China ever allow you to station your aircraft in Dushanbe from their territory ? :no: ...
Russia upset on india due to nuke deal been blocked, MMRCA and also russia loosing to america on future weapons being sold to india.... Our aircraft carrier been delibratly delayed.... India should warn russia.... Target Goa where russian mafia's selling drugs and small childrens for sex.... Russians in Goa thinks it belongs to them.... When i went there they kept looking at me as if am a stranger.... Goa my birth town.... India should get tough on Russia.... We indians dont earn money to fill russian pockets....
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