@Two Nope the fundamental struggle is not about "tradition" but rather about "The Scientific Method".....If the Han Revival system doesnot inculcate a type of thinking in children that opposes "The Scientific Method" then Yes tradition is good and may be beneficial in terms of imparting a sense of racial pride in youth (which is also absolutely important)
But if Chinese when going back to tradition again start promoting "chi" based martial arts OR "chi" based medical philosophies then I am afraid they are rushing headlong back into the pre-modern era
I hope there is a modicum of scientific belief among the Chinese..for example what do you think happens to you when you die? I think most Chinese belief that they stop existing after death...is that true? if that is true that is an excellent excellent starting point to build a highly scientific society not unlike say Japan or Scandanavia ..I personally think after death I will return to the state I was in before I was born-Absolutely Nothing
Now the problem with India is India's tradition mean the following things:
1) Belief that Astrologers and Indian Astrology can correctly predict the life course of an individual
2) That the Indian Pantheon of Gods take an active interest in the fate of individual Indian Lives and would change them for the better, if you pray to them or worship them ----------------this is so comical if Indian Gods love India or Indian people so much, why didnot they stop the repeated invasions from the Steppes and Central Asia from 200 BC to 1761 AD
3) That Indian Yogis and Holy men hold immense hold immense spiritual power on the basis of their celibacy,spiritual asceticism, meditation, mantra chanting
4) They can use this spiritual powers to show magical superpowers, bless people with money, bend time and the nature of reality, change the fortune of a person, group of people or even whole nations
5) These Yogis can routinely break the laws of physics, levitate, go without food and water forever
6) Yogis donot defecate and even if they do their excreta magically fly off in the air to heaven ...It is basically wandering vagabond Yogis who popularized open defecation in India
7) Indians have a Deathly Belief in Ghosts and bad omens, it debilitates them
There should be a massive rational mindset inculcation campaign
The Large Hadron Collider as well as the Standard Model of Particle Physics just rules out any existence of Ghosts or the Soul (that survives death)
when you have this sort of insane traditional beliefs, it cannot ever be good..and regarding Han revival be always vigilant about creeping non-scientific mindset and intrusion of magical thinking
else all the gains you guys have made would quickly vanish into the air..But I feel as long as 90% of Chinese believe that they stop existing at death--------nobody can shake the scientific foundations of China