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Featured India’s Ajit Doval leaves the SCO meeting after seeing Kashmir map behind Pakistani delegation.

U said it urself, it will be shanghai uncooperative organization, isnt that a reason enough? Its not a child's play and thats why dumb, stupid, immature and childish nation should be kicked out. If the other members realize india is only a member to fracture the organization then ull be kicked. Seriously are u ppl born stupid or is stupidity later transferred to u from home n society?

Shanghai Non-Cooperation Organization, please get your terms right.
And India isnt bound to co-operate on any issue or matter that doesn't benefit it. In this case, Pakistan and any agenda that benefits Pakistan, unless its on mutually beneficial terms.
So no, we are well within our right to make a statement by actions or words, and we are not bound to follow anyone's agenda, especially Pakistan or China.
Besides, India is there because of our close relationship with Russia and amicable ones to the CAR. So our benefit lies in co-operating with them. This action is targetted at Pakistan. Not sure why others should care.
Leave the SCO and let go of a chance to derail and veto any developments that may benefit Pakistan? Never!
We will be there, lock, stock and barrel and we will troll. Ukhad lo jo ukhadna hai lolol

Better start calling this the Shanghai Non-Cooperation Organization moving forward lol
So India has it all figured out how to incapacitate SCO. What are poor powerless countries like China, Russia (founding members) and rest of central asian members going to do now? They are all at your mercy now :unsure:
The map was put there to irritate the Indians and they got irritated - mission accomplished. As an added benefit now all the SCO members know that Kashmir is an issue - Thank you Doval for walking out. Remember what the “S” stands for in SCO and its is not Smirnoff, it’s Shanghai. Cry to mama or papa, figure it out who is mama and who is papa USA or Russia (aka) USSR? Old habits die hard.
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Excellent move by Pakistan. We should bring Kashmir ob every forum, forcing India to run away.

How long will India run away from elephant in the room???? Kashmir haunts India. Keep it that way.

India boycotting SCO meeting is India's loss.
So India has it all figured out how to incapacitate SCO. What are poor powerless countries like China, Russia (founding members) and rest of central asian members going to do now? They are all at your mercy now :unsure:

Just as the UNSC provides for protecting interests (political) of some countries, India too shall use its veto where needed for its benefit in the SCO.
Nothing different than what China has done to India anecdotally.
The point is, Pakistan wouldn't and couldn't be a part of SCO without Russsian demand for India having a seat on the table. Now its for you guys to figure out how to skirt India (and in essence Russian) veto.
Have at it. We will do what is best for us, as you should do in your interest.

Let's see who pulls what, but India is here to stay.
Next meeting, Pakistan will surely not have that map in the background.

Pakistani politicizing every forum. It killed SAARC with its constant Kashmir rhetoric. Now they are turning to SCO. This leaves a bad taste for other participants who are not bothered about our issues.
Maybe India will back down with this imaginary attote uug that is already a disaster policy.
Next meeting, Pakistan will surely not have that map in the background.

Pakistani politicizing every forum. It killed SAARC with its constant Kashmir rhetoric. Now they are turning to SCO. This leaves a bad taste for other participants who are not bothered about our issues.

Sorry to say india made SAARC to slave other nothing gained from saarc now no country in SAARC stands with india kashmir is bigger than SAARC
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(Bloomberg) -- India left a meeting of national security advisers of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to protest a map presented by rival Pakistan.
The South Asian nation exited the virtual meeting hosted by Russia after Pakistan’s national security adviser, Moeed Yusuf, “deliberately projected a fictitious map that Pakistan has recently been propagating,” foreign ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said in a statement. “This was in blatant disregard to the advisory by the host against it and in violation of the norms of the meeting.”
In a tweet Yusuf said he’d highlighted “unilateral and illegal actions” in the disputed Kashmir territory that were “a threat to regional peace and prosperity.”
Pakistan’s cabinet had in August approved a new political map that claims control over the entire region of Jammu and Kashmir including areas governed by India. The map also claims the Himalayan Siachen glacier where the two armies have permanent bases and marks an area where China and India have boundary disputes as an ‘Undefined Frontier.’
India had in November released a map that had claimed parts of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.
The next meeting of SCO security advisers is scheduled for Sept. 17.
©2020 Bloomberg L.P.
Pakistan responded in the same language that India was doing for a long time with Pakistan's Map on google and everywhere.
Pakistan Demonstrating the best diplomacy in the world forum on its new map, Pakistan chewed India up. nice Job.
Pakistan Zindabad.
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Pakistan responded in the same language that India was doing for a long time with Pakistan's Map on google and everywhere.
Pakistan Demonstrating the best diplomacy in the world forum on its new map, Pakistan chewed India up. nice Job.

Today India defeated from four side.

Don't trust this nation A knife in the armpit and a ram ram in the mouth. Check how they look innocent but forgot it all about their atrocities in Kashimir.

Pakistan Zindabad
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