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India’s aircraft carrier & nuclear subs deployment a ‘no-nonsense’ message to China, not Pakistan?


May 28, 2017
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INS Vikramaditya, Indian Navy's aircraft carrier. © Reuters / Shailesh Andrade

China is using Pakistan as a tool to contain India, so the redeployment of an aircraft carrier, warships and nuclear-powered submarines to North Arabian Sea is a clear signal to Beijing, rather than Islamabad, analysts told RT.
Despite the heated tensions around the Kashmir region, “India does not base its defense preparedness on what Pakistan does or does not do,” Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, former Indian envoy to Pakistan, said. The country is much more concerned about “what China does to contain Indian influence in the Indian Ocean,” he told RT.

Pakistan is an instrument used by China to contain India through supplies of weapons, missiles and even nuclear weapon designs.

“Pakistan, by itself, does not worry us. We can more than match and manage Pakistan,” he reiterated.

Indian military journalist, Shiv Aroor, also said that the naval forces of the two neighbors “aren’t near peers in terms of numbers, strength or capability — Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t operate nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers.”

However, “if maritime hostilities [between India and Pakistan] ever did break out in whatever form, China would almost definitely be in the mix,” he warned, acknowledging that such scenario would be a problem for New Delhi.

China has a significantly larger navy than India’s, with a much more robust submarine force.

As for the deployment of Indian naval assets, it is “about as no-nonsense a message, as you can send,” he said, adding, however, that “war is realistically and hopefully a very remote possibility in the circumstances.”

Dozens of Indian warships, including the INS ‘Vikramaditya’ aircraft carrier and several nuclear-powered submarines, were withdrawn from maritime exercises and sent close to Pakistani territorial waters on Monday.

In the meantime, Aroor said, deploying a naval group this powerful to “deny area – or in extreme events, create blockades across crucial shipping channels” isn’t entirely “off the table.”

“Nobody thought India would conduct air strikes inside Pakistani territory,” the journalist added. “That line has been crossed… The ball in most ways is in Pakistan’s court now.”

The Indian Defense Ministry explained that the move was intended “to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain.” It indicated that the flare-up between the two countries, which began after a suicide attack on Indian troops by a Pakistani-based terror group in February and led to shellings and even aerial engagements in the border area, is far from over.

India’s relations with its other major neighbor, China, are also rather strained, as the two of the world’s most populous countries and fastest growing major economies are bound to compete. In 2017, skirmishes between Chinese and Indian troops broke out over China’s road construction in the disputed Doklam plateau in the Himalayas, but a major escalation was avoided.


INS Vikramaditya, Indian Navy's aircraft carrier. © Reuters / Shailesh Andrade

China is using Pakistan as a tool to contain India, so the redeployment of an aircraft carrier, warships and nuclear-powered submarines to North Arabian Sea is a clear signal to Beijing, rather than Islamabad, analysts told RT.
Despite the heated tensions around the Kashmir region, “India does not base its defense preparedness on what Pakistan does or does not do,” Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, former Indian envoy to Pakistan, said. The country is much more concerned about “what China does to contain Indian influence in the Indian Ocean,” he told RT.

Pakistan is an instrument used by China to contain India through supplies of weapons, missiles and even nuclear weapon designs.

“Pakistan, by itself, does not worry us. We can more than match and manage Pakistan,” he reiterated.

Indian military journalist, Shiv Aroor, also said that the naval forces of the two neighbors “aren’t near peers in terms of numbers, strength or capability — Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t operate nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers.”

However, “if maritime hostilities [between India and Pakistan] ever did break out in whatever form, China would almost definitely be in the mix,” he warned, acknowledging that such scenario would be a problem for New Delhi.

China has a significantly larger navy than India’s, with a much more robust submarine force.

As for the deployment of Indian naval assets, it is “about as no-nonsense a message, as you can send,” he said, adding, however, that “war is realistically and hopefully a very remote possibility in the circumstances.”

Dozens of Indian warships, including the INS ‘Vikramaditya’ aircraft carrier and several nuclear-powered submarines, were withdrawn from maritime exercises and sent close to Pakistani territorial waters on Monday.

In the meantime, Aroor said, deploying a naval group this powerful to “deny area – or in extreme events, create blockades across crucial shipping channels” isn’t entirely “off the table.”

“Nobody thought India would conduct air strikes inside Pakistani territory,” the journalist added. “That line has been crossed… The ball in most ways is in Pakistan’s court now.”

The Indian Defense Ministry explained that the move was intended “to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain.” It indicated that the flare-up between the two countries, which began after a suicide attack on Indian troops by a Pakistani-based terror group in February and led to shellings and even aerial engagements in the border area, is far from over.

India’s relations with its other major neighbor, China, are also rather strained, as the two of the world’s most populous countries and fastest growing major economies are bound to compete. In 2017, skirmishes between Chinese and Indian troops broke out over China’s road construction in the disputed Doklam plateau in the Himalayas, but a major escalation was avoided.

BC we need to **** this aroor up. This one guy has saved india from total embarrassment on 27th. Was behind the invention of F-16 drama. Propaganda parrot
“Pakistan, by itself, does not worry us. We can more than match and manage Pakistan,” he reiterated.

From the day an extremist hindu opens his eyes to this world, he starts planning to destroy Pakistan in his imaginations.

Their day begins and ends about how to sponsor more terrorism in Pakistan.

Their elections are fought not on economic or development issues, but on who can teach Pakistan a "lesson" by imaginary SirGKal strikes.

The central policy of their govt is to "isolate and contain" Pakistan mostly by going full victim.

And then they come here and tell us "Pakistan by itself does not worry us". :lol:

What a pathetic losers we have as our neighbors!
The elephant shows its shupa powa to the dragon by deploying its navy ships further and further away from China :lol:
That rate soon they will be in more near to western coast of US saying"""We are sending hard message to china ""
It seems more like India is busy huffing and puffing pre-warpre if there is a playstation game going on. Fully announcing the broad location of their AC and subs.

Well done chumps, the grandpa AC should be an easy picking if war breaks out.

INS Vikramaditya, Indian Navy's aircraft carrier. © Reuters / Shailesh Andrade

China is using Pakistan as a tool to contain India, so the redeployment of an aircraft carrier, warships and nuclear-powered submarines to North Arabian Sea is a clear signal to Beijing, rather than Islamabad, analysts told RT.
Despite the heated tensions around the Kashmir region, “India does not base its defense preparedness on what Pakistan does or does not do,” Gopalaswami Parthasarathy, former Indian envoy to Pakistan, said. The country is much more concerned about “what China does to contain Indian influence in the Indian Ocean,” he told RT.

Pakistan is an instrument used by China to contain India through supplies of weapons, missiles and even nuclear weapon designs.

“Pakistan, by itself, does not worry us. We can more than match and manage Pakistan,” he reiterated.

Indian military journalist, Shiv Aroor, also said that the naval forces of the two neighbors “aren’t near peers in terms of numbers, strength or capability — Pakistan, for instance, doesn’t operate nuclear submarines or aircraft carriers.”

However, “if maritime hostilities [between India and Pakistan] ever did break out in whatever form, China would almost definitely be in the mix,” he warned, acknowledging that such scenario would be a problem for New Delhi.

China has a significantly larger navy than India’s, with a much more robust submarine force.

As for the deployment of Indian naval assets, it is “about as no-nonsense a message, as you can send,” he said, adding, however, that “war is realistically and hopefully a very remote possibility in the circumstances.”

Dozens of Indian warships, including the INS ‘Vikramaditya’ aircraft carrier and several nuclear-powered submarines, were withdrawn from maritime exercises and sent close to Pakistani territorial waters on Monday.

In the meantime, Aroor said, deploying a naval group this powerful to “deny area – or in extreme events, create blockades across crucial shipping channels” isn’t entirely “off the table.”

“Nobody thought India would conduct air strikes inside Pakistani territory,” the journalist added. “That line has been crossed… The ball in most ways is in Pakistan’s court now.”

The Indian Defense Ministry explained that the move was intended “to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain.” It indicated that the flare-up between the two countries, which began after a suicide attack on Indian troops by a Pakistani-based terror group in February and led to shellings and even aerial engagements in the border area, is far from over.

India’s relations with its other major neighbor, China, are also rather strained, as the two of the world’s most populous countries and fastest growing major economies are bound to compete. In 2017, skirmishes between Chinese and Indian troops broke out over China’s road construction in the disputed Doklam plateau in the Himalayas, but a major escalation was avoided.


india got battered and humiliated by the 7× smaller Pakistan on Feb. 27th 2019, to the point were the indians are now FAR TOO weak and powerless to do anything about it yet this indian is dreaming of taking on China...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
india got battered and humiliated by the 7× smaller Pakistan on Feb. 27th 2019, to the point were the indians are now FAR TOO weak and powerless to do anything about it yet this indian is dreaming of taking on China...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indians got bitch slapped by Pakistan. So their excuse....”Indian military is created to counter China, not Pakistan”

I thought India is all bragging and nothing else. I was wrong. India is even better at excuses vs bragging.
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