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India’s air defence upgrades are eroding Pakistan’s offensive capability

su 30 is different story but When it comes to S 400 it's different story... of course they do.. even china is critical to such sensitive tech to pakistan... just because we are going to buy xyz your friends not going to share sensitive info.. china bought them to study and develop similar products but not to share it to you..

Everyone Please welcome self appointed China-Pakistan Relationship Expert!

From now on he decides what China shares with Pak.
Everyone Please welcome self appointed China-Pakistan Relationship Expert!

From now on he decides what China shares with Pak.

Am not self appointed expert .. but I don't live in delusion.. just because you have positive relationship between china and pakistan doesn't mean they will share sensitive tech... there are certain limitations...
Am not self appointed expert .. but I don't live in delusion.. just because you have positive relationship between china and pakistan doesn't mean they will share sensitive tech... there are certain limitations...
Your 00 has been rescinded lol
i think it will increase the possibility of nuclear war if balance is disturbed between two sides,our govt has wasted oppurtunity of invading iok after india imposed curfew and now we will have to pay price of that mistake,rafale+s400 is serious threat when our economy is much weaker to bear high defense budget
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Hello everyone.

Here is a bit of imagination and loud-thinking from a non-professional, non-technical enthusiast so I invite your opinion on the logical and wargaming aspects.

I came across this image and had a few thoughts around its possible usage. Such an offensive glide-bomb with excessively high glide time and a moderate flying (intentively slow) speed will make enemy air-defense exhaust its surface to air missile batteries.

Such systems can be deployed in bulk by a high flying C-130 and the drone-bombs can deploy their wings post dropping. They should be able to travel some 500-600 KM on their internal fuel/gliding so those could be released staying safe from the enemy reach. 10-20 of these smart bombs can be released simultaneously and would start their journey towards pre-fed targets.

Once deployed, they will be detected by the enemy radars and their exitance in the air will create a panic on the enemy side as they are coming (slowly) and known to attack valuable installations on the enemy side. The enemy will try to take them out using A2A missiles or air-defense batteries, we know they'd be taken out and if they survive, they'd cause considerable loss to the enemy. So the enemy cannot afford to not neutralize them.

They should be inexpensive to create/deploy and will end up engaging the enemy at critical moments in time and make them use their defensive assets without a loss to your pilots/aircraft/strategic instruments of war.

What are your thoughts?

Hello everyone.

Here is a bit of imagination and loud-thinking from a non-professional, non-technical enthusiast so I invite your opinion on the logical and wargaming aspects.

I came across this image and had a few thoughts around its possible usage. Such an offensive glide-bomb with excessively high glide time and a moderate flying (intentively slow) speed will make enemy air-defense exhaust its surface to air missile batteries.

Such systems can be deployed in bulk by a high flying C-130 and the drone-bombs can deploy their wings post dropping. They should be able to travel some 500-600 KM on their internal fuel/gliding so those could be released staying safe from the enemy reach. 10-20 of these smart bombs can be released simultaneously and would start their journey towards pre-fed targets.

Once deployed, they will be detected by the enemy radars and their exitance in the air will create a panic on the enemy side as they are coming (slowly) and known to attack valuable installations on the enemy side. The enemy will try to take them out using A2A missiles or air-defense batteries, we know they'd be taken out and if they survive, they'd cause considerable loss to the enemy. So the enemy cannot afford to not neutralize them.

They should be inexpensive to create/deploy and will end up engaging the enemy at critical moments in time and make them use their defensive assets without a loss to your pilots/aircraft/strategic instruments of war.

What are your thoughts?

Good idea.

Cheap dumb decoy drones with high rcs as of f16/jf17 can also be used to waste enemy's precious missiles.
Am not self appointed expert .. but I don't live in delusion.. just because you have positive relationship between china and pakistan doesn't mean they will share sensitive tech... there are certain limitations...
Sure, But who decides what the Limitations are? China? Or you? How do you know what limits our friendship has?
Everyone Please welcome self appointed China-Pakistan Relationship Expert!

From now on he decides what China shares with Pak.
China might not, but Turkey will...

The Turkish F-16s have already stated testing S-400 systems. Turkey is developing an EW pod for F-16s. Pak has got F-16s too. And, a number of PAF pilots hang around in Turkey at any given time...
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