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'Indians' tortured, buried alive in Saudi Arabia: Report

He practiced mongolian shamanism.

ofcourse ... all thanks to AOE II

I never said that godlessness exclusively causes these things like you were trying to dump things on religiosity. Let me say that I have the utmost contempt for organized religions.

None of the societies you mentioned are free of violence or crime.

I said Gengiz Khan was not a muslim during his killing period.

Whether during killing or sleeping or eating or praying or any other period... Chengis Khan had nothing to do with Islam
Religion wasn't the primary cause for the violence and misery in the world.
The base and petty desires of man, his lust for power, blood and money and the animalistic hatred inside him are the root of all the crimes in the world.
Now support it with information and specifics. All you will bring up are underdeveloped African nations. For Muslim countries today you don't understand their issues, they're for the most part unrelated to religion regardless of what you want to make of it.
Please tell me, where did I mention a single African nation? Please point out to me. I cannot indulge in a discussion with people who lie and misrepresent the other person's points.

Yes, most issues are unrelated to religion - glad that you got the point. You were the one who started off blaiming irreligiosity for the issue in question. Since you have now recanted on that, and since you have misrepresented my point, I find it unnecessary to continue.
Whatever the reason for their prosperity, the fact is that they value human rights, and have peaceful societies with low rates of crime. That was the point. And the issue in question is crime and human rights.

Nonsense again. UAE has far less crime than Europe. Likewise India has far less crime and has more freedom than any European country. Most of the other Human Rights stuff is nonsense to begin with and mostly a political tool to beat up third world countries with.
Please tell me, where did I mention a single African nation? Please point out to me. I cannot indulge in a discussion with people who lie and misrepresent the other person's points.

Yes, most issues are unrelated to religion - glad that you got the point. You were the one who started off blaiming irreligiosity for the issue in question. Since you have now recanted on that, and since you have misrepresented my point, I find it unnecessary to continue.

I said I suspect you will, if you believe in your point then please go ahead and support it with specifics. To you I'm not sure what 'Godliness' even means. Define that first too, please.
Nonsense again. UAE has far less crime than Europe. Likewise India has far less crime and has more freedom than any European country. Most of the other Human Rights stuff is nonsense to begin with and mostly a political tool to beat up third world countries with.

Rest in Peace...That is a horrific Incident...

Sexual Harassment is a crime in itself but let the state deal with such persons in these conditions,No one should be allowed to take law in their Hands...
Whether during killing or sleeping or eating or praying or any other period... Chengis Khan had nothing to do with Islam

Islam also gained the notice of the Mongols, after Genghis Khan had conquered Afghanistan. In 1222 he, on his way back to Mongolia, visited Bukhara inTransoxiana. It was believed he inquired about Islam, and subsequently approved of Muslim tenets except the Hajj, considering it unnecessary. Nevertheless, he continued his worship of Tengri as his ancestors had done

It has.

World map of Prison population rate (per 100,000 of national population) by Country - TargetMap
I said I suspect you will, if you believe in your point then please go ahead and support it with specifics. To you I'm not sure what 'Godliness' even means. Define that first too, please.
Godliness = belief in god. Simple.

As to your question, I already pointed out that godless countries like iceland, norway, denmark, germany, south korea etc have far lower rates of crime than most god bothering ones. So if godlessness was the reaasson for these crimes, like you originally asserted, then these countries should face far more of these issues than god bothering ones.
As a nation grows and prospers people will be more educated thereby they will be able to see through the mind controlling schemes of religion thereby become godless...
the degree of belief in the population is more of a result of these factors.. more violence then we can deduce that education level is less, govt is less prosperous,people are ignorant and more religious

Godliness and godlessness does not cause or prevent violence ...
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