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Indian’s Invention Might Just Be The Next Big Thing In Tech


May 5, 2010
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Forget Apple, Microsoft & Google, This Indian’s Invention Might Just Be The Next Big Thing In Tech

We've become so used to technology that it takes something truly spectacular to make us sit up & notice. Well, guess what? It's here.

And it's called Fin. It's a tiny ring you can wear on your thumb and control pretty much every smart device you own including your phone, music player, camera and gaming systems.

This really is the closest thing to the technology you see on Ironman or any other Hollywood flick.

And, lastly, let's take pride in the fact that this invention belongs to none other than a young 23 year old Indian by the name of Rohildev N hailing from Kerala.

Forget Apple, Microsoft & Google, This Indian’s Invention Might Just Be The Next Big Thing In Tech | ScoopWhoop
He was able to do it by public funding, initally the funding was for 100k usd when they hit the target in less time they increased the time and got 200k usd from funding all those who funded it wanted that device. :D
Dayum, awesome these guys have already outdated the smartwatch. Keep up the good work guys. Guess private players for example Samsung, apple, etc will soon approach these guys for offers ;) Proud of these geeks.

Yeah right, guess that's why people have crowned these guys with fund worth $200k. Learn to appreciate good things, that's all I wanna say.

Looks terrible, absolutely appaling.
great job!! Indian brains are behind many inventions around the world, it's time we do it for ourselves. :-)
Rohildev from Kerala is creator of this uniquevention called Fin and it could revolutionize the way we interact with technology. His crowd funding initiative for his project was an overwhelming success and managed to rise over $200,000 USD from over 2000 people to fine tune and develop this amazing invention.

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