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Indians in Europe...

Gypsies say a lot of things. It's amazing that you would present something that was told to you by a gypsie on a public forum and label it as truth. Speaks more about your naivete then anyone's IQ.

Dude, in a nutshell, rule #1. Never trust a gypsie.
rule#2. Never do business with a gypsie.
rule #3. Never sleep with a gypsy girl if it's not for money. If it's out of love for her, she will get crazy ideas about how you two meeting is destiny and then you will have troubles with her brothers, saying you have to marry her since you "ruined" her for everyone else.

Dude , not every roma is walking on street and begging . This guy is a masters in mechanical engineering.

And there are studies to prove it . Study made by Pompeu Fabra University, the Romani people migrated from northwest India 1,500 years ago.

I guess you have good experience sleeping around Gypsies. :lol::enjoy:

saying you have to marry her since you "ruined" her for everyone else.
this is not only the case with Gypsy girls but everywhere. I know that from my 6 years living here in EU. You name it be it Denmark , Latvia , poland , etc
Specially in Asia :lol:

So don't Judge my naivete , though i am naive :partay:
Dude , not every roma is walking on street and begging . This guy is a masters in mechanical engineering.

And there are studies to prove it . Study made by Pompeu Fabra University, the Romani people migrated from northwest India 1,500 years ago.

I guess you have good experience sleeping around Gypsies. :lol::enjoy:

Well this is not only the case with Gypsy girls but everywhere. I know that from my 6 years living here in EU. You name it be it Denmark , Latvia , poland , etc
Specially in Asia :lol:

So don't Judge my naivete , though i am naive :partay:

You met one positive exception and you wanna talk about stuff i've seen with my own eyes. This is what it all boils down to, and since you're an anonymous guy passing information from another anonymous guy, a gypsie at that, i think, i'll rather go with my judgement.
The OP is soon joining the hall of fame with members like windjammer in trolling.

Oh he was something else, wasn't he? Maybe the work load at the shop where he works as a shop assistant has increased a lot, so time for trolling and acting as a PAF expert.
Look at this Punjabi thinking he's light skinned lol. Rajasthanis are lighter than Poonjabis like you.:woot:
Mate my English is fine, it's some American nerd who talks about aeroplane models that can't read English. No wonder Americans hate you.

You where saying that some Europeans hate Muslims and I gave your the reason. It burns.:flame:

This mad geek is holding lots of anger from when he was bullied in high school lol.:rofl:

Learn to read English my Poooonjabi friend so go sing your Bhangra shit and get ruled by almost everyone.:sarcastic:

Haha yea and Africa is the pinnicle of human civilization. rajastanis are dark as hell and have the most retarded primitive culture in India. No wonder your a BIMARU state. Your people are so savage when the Mughals took over India you gifted them your daughters! Haha does an animal such as your people have no pride? The rajastani and the african are collectively called habshis.
Modern day gypsies have as much to do with India as Native Americans do with Asia. Racist trolls should come up with better material.

Haha yea and Africa is the pinnicle of human civilization. rajastanis are dark as hell and have the most retarded primitive culture in India. No wonder your a BIMARU state. Your people are so savage when the Mughals took over India you gifted them your daughters! Haha does an animal such as your people have no pride? The rajastani and the african are collectively called habshis.

Rajasthanis are very beautiful people. They are dark because of the climate but have very robust feaures and interesting culture. To remind you we are all Indians. We should not fight between ourselves, especially not on a Pakistani site. Both Africans and Rajasthanis are good people. We should refrain from racism.
They left because of the invasion of Mahmud Ghaznavi in North-West.

This bs has been disproven already by latest genetic tests. they left more then 1000 years ago and belong to lowest caste of hindus. Nomadic group, they are believed to be related with other famous hindu castes like thugs and changers.

Because their culture is the anthesis of education.Just as this article states ,altough with bias,during communist times they were given housing,work and their children forced to school.And no,they didn't live in ghettos during communist times,they lived dispersed among the rest of the population.That was the communist way,everybody was equal.

When communism fell most of them quit their jobs or went unemployed just as many romanians but they didn't look for other jobs and reverted to their traditions:stealing,begging,etc.They turned their houses into pig stokes (literally!) and the non gypsies were forced to flee because they don't like living alongside "foreigners" only amongst their "clans".We have now an ongoing investigation in the city of Timisoara where gypsies practically forced an entire neighborhood of romanians to flee with terror tactics:"signs on doors-romanians out! neighborhood for gypsies only!,beatings,feces on doors,etc".Even the rich ones with somptuous villas have horses indoors and are filthy.This is who they are.

Lol,you think muslims have it bad ? Better check the anti romanian hysteria because we're lumped in together with these scum.

Funny thing,before EU accession we were called racists for failing to integrate them,now Western Europe bangs its head against the wall and still can't solve the gypsie puzzle.

I can feel pain of Romanians, where i live Romanians are associated with gypsy. And lets not kid ourselves, Gyspy can not be compared to anyother inmigrant group, its their way if life which is completly different to anyother imigrant group. And i dont see it changing any time soon.
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Lol, everyone in the continent have ruled Punjabis, it's so funny how submissive you slaves are.
Rajasthani Rajputs held out the Muslims for 500 years while Punjabi slaves just got raped and fucked. Punjab is like the whore of South Asia! You didn't even put up a resistance like us! 5 out of 36 Rajasthani clans gave away there daughters so yeah let's associate them with all Rajasthanis. Dumb Poonjabi.

When you talk about dark Rajasthanis then it's the tribal bhils your talking about. Rajasthan Rajputs look like this:


I just put this stupid Poooonjabi kunjar in his place.

Lol, everyone in the continent have ruled Punjabis, it's so funny how submissive you slaves are.
Rajasthani Rajputs held out the Muslims for 500 years while Punjabi slaves just got raped and fucked. Punjab is like the whore of South Asia! You didn't even put up a resistance like us! 5 out of 36 Rajasthani clans gave away there daughters so yeah let's associate them with all Rajasthanis. Dumb Poonjabi.

When you talk about dark Rajasthanis then it's the tribal bhils your talking about. Rajasthan Rajputs look like this:


I just put this stupid Poooonjabi kunjar in his place.

First of rajasthanis are darkest people, if these 2 are your best exemple then i got shocking news for you. These two will be comsidered dark people in Punjab. And by putting up fight you mean punjabis didnt gave away their daughters and instead would rather be ruled then making deals with enemy by giving away ghar ki izzat.

Punjabis are not beghairat koum like you, thats why mughals f you so many times.

Modern day gypsies have as much to do with India as Native Americans do with Asia. Racist trolls should come up with better material.

Rajasthanis are very beautiful people. They are dark because of the climate but have very robust feaures and interesting culture. To remind you we are all Indians. We should not fight between ourselves, especially not on a Pakistani site. Both Africans and Rajasthanis are good people. We should refrain from racism.


75% of Rajasthanis are lowest caste and even their upper caste are dark looking. Light skinned when compared to lowest caste rajasthani? Yes but otherwise ? Lol dont kid yourself. Their feutures has been dilluted by mixing, no longer worthy of rajput title. Rajchammar will be better fit.
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Lol, everyone in the continent have ruled Punjabis, it's so funny how submissive you slaves are.
Rajasthani Rajputs held out the Muslims for 500 years while Punjabi slaves just got raped and fucked. Punjab is like the whore of South Asia! You didn't even put up a resistance like us! 5 out of 36 Rajasthani clans gave away there daughters so yeah let's associate them with all Rajasthanis. Dumb Poonjabi.

When you talk about dark Rajasthanis then it's the tribal bhils your talking about. Rajasthan Rajputs look like this:


I just put this stupid Poooonjabi kunjar in his place.

Look at how ugly you jauhar people are. Dark skin and HUGE pig noses. Haha what a shameful existence to be a BIMARU. My servants in India dress in the exact same manner, I guess yindooo rajputs are all dalits.
This bs has been disproven already by latest genetic tests. they left more then 1000 years ago and belong to lowest caste of hindus. Nomadic group, they are believed to be related with other famous hindu castes like thugs and changers.

You mean genes can tell about people being thugs thousand years back. :wacko:
First of rajasthanis are darkest people, if these 2 are your best exemple then i got shocking news for you. These two will be comsidered dark people in Punjab. And by putting up fight you mean punjabis didnt gave away their daughters and instead would rather be ruled then making deals with enemy by giving away ghar ki izzat.

Punjabis are not beghairat koum like you, thats why mughals f you so many times.


75% of Rajasthanis are lowest caste and even their upper caste are dark looking. Light skinned when compared to lowest caste rajasthani? Yes but otherwise ? Lol dont kid yourself. Their feutures has been dilluted by mixing, no longer worthy of rajput title. Rajchammar will be better fit.
Look at this angry Punjabi kunjar!:rofl:
If thse are considred dark in Poonjab then you people are Nordics. No wonder every country has put their dicks in you kunjars. You are all so insecure, I feel for you. I'm sorry that your Mother worked in a harem against her will, i really am but Punjabis are world wide known rape victims, its fact. Please point out there features and how it's low caste? Go on Chamar.:rofl:
Oh and Rajasthani Jatt is more Caucasian then Poonjabi Jatt.:laughcry::sarcastic:
Google Drive
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You mean genes can tell about people being thugs thousand years back. :wacko:

Yes. Criminals can be identified by having a larger then normal presence of "thug" gene. :agree:
Look at this angry Punjabi kunjar!:rofl:
If thse are considred dark in Poonjab then you people are Nordics. No wonder every country has put their dicks in you kunjars. You are all so insecure, I feel for you. I'm sorry that your Mother worked in a harem against her will, i really am but Punjabis are world wide known rape victims, its fact. Please point out there features and how it's low caste? Go on Chamar.:rofl:
Oh and Rajasthani Jatt is more Caucasian then Poonjabi Jatt.:laughcry::sarcastic:
Google Drive

OMG, plese don't tell me your a raghead? HAHA, you people are the lowest form of Indian, your women are the biggest whores it's so funny. Here in the UK ever man has stuck there dick in sardar saabs daughter.:wave:

BIMARU education at it's finest. In your false religion you worship SHIVA's LING. No wonder yindoos here go for Africans, as the monkey man himself was dark as night too. Darkies like you have massive projection going on, nobody respects us? We are the only ethnicity from India that is respected. Everyone else is considered a dirty, smelly, hand-eating weasel. Look at how you shivlingers are treated in America. "raja"sthan has done nothing for humanity, while you dark shiva's were sacrificing each other we were writing the satire vedas.
Yes. Criminals can be identified by having a larger then normal presence of "thug" gene. :agree:

How very 21st century of you .

BIMARU education at it's finest. In your false religion you worship SHIVA's LING. No wonder yindoos here go for Africans, as the monkey man himself was dark as night too. Darkies like you have massive projection going on, nobody respects us? We are the only ethnicity from India that is respected. Everyone else is considered a dirty, smelly, hand-eating weasel. Look at how you shivlingers are treated in America. "raja"sthan has done nothing for humanity, while you dark shiva's were sacrificing each other we were writing the satire vedas.

don't fall for flame bait .
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