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Indians in Europe...

France and Italy,both crying about the Gypsy problems they have.

Why do they cry ? They should give us "romanian racists" a lesson in integrating them.I'm very curious on the outcome and see where we were wrong.

In UK, there was panic that loads of Romanians would flood here in New Years and only 21 ended up arriving.

In the UK papers like the Daily Mail went to gypsie ghetto villages and then stated "This is how all Romanians live!":angry:

This small group of people sure seem to be a headache for you guys :D

Unfortunaley they are.
In the UK papers like the Daily Mail went to gypsie ghetto villages and then stated "This is how all Romanians live!":angry:
I wouldn't worry, no one takes Daily Mail seriously. Although it has very funny stories.
Because their culture is the anthesis of education.Just as this article states ,altough with bias,during communist times they were given housing,work and their children forced to school.And no,they didn't live in ghettos during communist times,they lived dispersed among the rest of the population.That was the communist way,everybody was equal.

When communism fell most of them quit their jobs or went unemployed just as many romanians but they didn't look for other jobs and reverted to their traditions:stealing,begging,etc.They turned their houses into pig stokes (literally!) and the non gypsies were forced to flee because they don't like living alongside "foreigners" only amongst their "clans".We have now an ongoing investigation in the city of Timisoara where gypsies practically forced an entire neighborhood of romanians to flee with terror tactics:"signs on doors-romanians out! neighborhood for gypsies only!,beatings,feces on doors,etc".Even the rich ones with somptuous villas have horses indoors and are filthy.This is who they are.

Lol,you think muslims have it bad ? Better check the anti romanian hysteria because we're lumped in together with these scum.

Funny thing,before EU accession we were called racists for failing to integrate them,now Western Europe bangs its head against the wall and still can't solve the gypsie puzzle.

holy moly!

Dude, how many of them are there in total? Like in entire Europe..what is the number of Gypsies? Any data about their fertility rates etc?

That's BS, Muslims cause there own problems which have nothing to do with gypsies. Other immigrant groups don't have any blame associated with them.


I have seen people lumping gypsies and Muslims/immigrants together.

Other communities also face bigotry in Western Europe.

Stop pretending like only Muslims are hated by likes of Neo-Nazis and you "low-iq, shit skinned, smelly indians" are loved by racists!

What a fart.

I have seen people lumping gypsies and Muslims/immigrants together.

Other communities also face bigotry in Western Europe.

Stop pretending like only Muslims are hated by likes of Neo-Nazis and you "low-iq, shit skinned, smelly indians" are loved by racists!

What a fart.
I'm Indian lmao. I'm born and raised here and I see how it is. Certain sections of the Muslim community advocate extremism and rape children. Not all, but some do.

British Indians aren't perfect and a minority are involved in crime but you are acting like Muslims are some perfect innocent community.:rofl:
And by the way there are no big gypsy community in UK. You don't know shit.
holy moly!

Dude, how many of them are there in total? Like in entire Europe..what is the number of Gypsies? Any data about their fertility rates etc?

Some 12 million in Europe.

Officially 670.000 in Romania -2011 census(total pop of Romania-20 mil).Most opinions put them at 1 million though with the pessimist ones even at 2 million at the most( not very likely if you ask me,seeing the streets around here and across the whole country)-.

According to a study they will become the majority in 60 years if current fertilty rates stay this way,gypsies-4, Romanians -1.3children.Disease takes a big toll on many though.

Their fertility rate is very much the same across Europe.
I'm Indian lmao. I'm born and raised here and I see how it is.

Don't tell me you are a Sikh or something....LOL

I hope you aren't a Sikh.

Certain sections of the Muslim community advocate extremism and rape children. Not all, but some do.


Yeah, some sections of Muslim community "advocate raping children"...offcourse, they give flyers to people "advocating" --"Hey, please rape a child" ...what an utter idiot.
British Indians aren't perfect and a minority are involved in crime but you are acting like Muslims are some perfect innocent community.:rofl:

No one said anything about innocence of Muslim community. I did not even talk to your ugly face. You quoted me and brought Muslims in. **** off.

And by the way there are no big gypsy community in UK. You don't know shit.

Retardo, I already know that.
Don't tell me you are a Sikh or something....LOL

I hope you aren't a Sikh.


Yeah, some sections of Muslim community "advocate raping children"...offcourse, they give flyers to people "advocating" --"Hey, please rape a child" ...what an utter idiot.

No one said anything about innocence of Muslim community. I did not even talk to your ugly face. You quoted me and brought Muslims in. **** off.

Retardo, I already know that.
Lol, I'm Rajasthani Hindu descent. Not that it has anything to do with this retard.
Any educated person can look up on the internet that some groups of Muslims are going around and grooming children you absolute cretin.:rofl:
It's even headline news in UK.
Yeah, some Pakistani nerd in the USA can see my face.:cuckoo:
And you where the idiot who started saying that Muslims where innocent and being grouped with Gypsies and I expose your BS and you cry.:laughcry:
Lol, I'm Rajasthani Hindu descent. Not that it has anything to do with this retard.
Any educated person can look up on the internet that some groups of Muslims are going around and grooming children you absolute cretin.:rofl:

Retarded hindu, yes it happens. But those are criminals..not "some Muslim groups advocating for child rape." Learn to write comprehensible English, you dark-hairy-ugly hindu.
And you where the idiot who started saying that Muslims where innocent and being grouped with Gypsies

Idiot, I didn't talk to you. Secondly, I didn't say Muslims are innocent. I said that many a times, some Europeans lump Immigrants/Muslims with Gypsies and vent their hate. Get basic fucking comprehension skills, you lonely *** weirdo.
and I expose your BS and you cry.:laughcry:

Yeah, you "exposed" by BS...LMAO!!! :lol:

Only made a fool out of yourself. Now shut the **** up and do your rajastani dance or something.
Retarded hindu, yes it happens. But those are criminals..not "some Muslim groups advocating for child rape." Learn to write comprehensible English, you dark-hairy-ugly hindu.

Idiot, I didn't talk to you. Secondly, I didn't say Muslims are innocent. I said that many a times, some Europeans lump Immigrants/Muslims with Gypsies and vent their hate. Get basic fucking comprehension skills, you lonely *** weirdo.

Yeah, you "exposed" by BS...LMAO!!! :lol:

Only made a fool out of yourself. Now shut the **** up and do your rajastani dance or something.
Look at this Punjabi thinking he's light skinned lol. Rajasthanis are lighter than Poonjabis like you.:woot:
Mate my English is fine, it's some American nerd who talks about aeroplane models that can't read English. No wonder Americans hate you.

You where saying that some Europeans hate Muslims and I gave your the reason. It burns.:flame:

This mad geek is holding lots of anger from when he was bullied in high school lol.:rofl:

Learn to read English my Poooonjabi friend so go sing your Bhangra shit and get ruled by almost everyone.:sarcastic:
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So, is this a tacit approval of the fact that India existed a 1000 years ago? Coz it's been at least a 1000 years since they moved out of the subcontinent.

Yaar once i was talking to this roma guy he was telling me they migrated maybe 1500 to 2000 years ago.

:cheesy: But still these High IQ morons :lol: labeling them Indians :crazy:

66 saal phele jo aazaad hue Paksitani , wo tho hume apna maante nahi :D ye Roma kaaise maane ge.
Yaar once i was talking to this roma guy he was telling me they migrated maybe 1500 to 2000 years ago.

:cheesy: But still these High IQ morons :lol: labeling them Indians :crazy:

Gypsies say a lot of things. It's amazing that you would present something that was told to you by a gypsie on a public forum and label it as truth. Speaks more about your naivete then anyone's IQ.

Dude, in a nutshell, rule #1. Never trust a gypsie.
rule#2. Never do business with a gypsie.
rule #3. Never sleep with a gypsy girl if it's not for money. If it's out of love for her, she will get crazy ideas about how you two meeting is destiny and then you will have troubles with her brothers, saying you have to marry her since you "ruined" her for everyone else.
Still most of them look like East Europeans,

I don't know which East Europeans you are talking about -- they don[t look Slavic to me at all. They look very South Asian, as you would expect.
I don't know which East Europeans you are talking about -- they don[t look Slavic to me at all. They look very South Asian, as you would expect.

Only few of them look South Asians, most of them don't show much resemblances with South Asians.
Gypsies dont even look like Indians any more. Only some of them are brown majority are white from European blood either through rape/mixing/weather what ever but Gypsies arent Indians. Bad attempt at trolling
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