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Indians day dreaming of China break up

Indians have too many dreams.

Other such Korea and Japan have a more possible break up map for China. But only low educated delusional Indian can't even have a correct wet dream...Look at those funny tiny A,B,C,D state in the middle. :omghaha: Those area in China only have small or middle size cites...or even the worst...Mountain areas with super low population. Delusional Indian think empty land can be independent...
They were probably inspired by 2500 years ago map.
Nehru dreamt of taking area from China and lost 38000 sq km. Modi and his dallas thought they got Galwan and lost Hot springs, Gogra and depsang. Now these bhakts want many countries in China, wait and watch what happens next to their delusions.
Powerful countries with communism have always broken up in several parts.....

They reach their pick of power and prosperity but in the end they fall down like a castle of cards......

Look at USSR, they reached their pick and then split and whooping 11 new countries came out of it.....

Look at Yugoslavia..... They had also reached to a position where even NATO took them very seriously..... They were very powerful in their prime.... Today look at them....

Democratic countries always live much longer life compared to this communist model countries.....

I'm not saying china will go this way but I am just sharing a history.....
India should have progressed before since it has common law and capitalism banking system left by the British. However India did not done it. It was control by a small ex-maharaja clan until China grow 5 times of their size, delusion, jealousy and stinking mouth disease kicks in. So what democracy country when most of people are still living in poor. Remember whether the cat is black or white if it catches mice, it is a good cat. Many democratic countries envies China achievement till today. How about India? Still living in own imagination paradigm ? India biggest challenge is the mentality of its intellectual people. Blowing trumpet, beating it own chest in its own world. Even the most people cast a vote, and yet they don't understand the country system right? Just travel 20km away Delhi you see camels, elephant, goat, cat, dog , and asked if they understand their country system, bet 50-80 % don't even know. Big country like India can better under communism. Communism can help to get ride all the caste system, give all equal opportunity to all. As the country progress then they can have second thought to evolve from there

Just saying no hard feeling.

Maybe someone born in a Brahmin family never ever travel. Please travel to none urban area in India, don't have to be far , just 25 km out Delhi , the road don't even have road signage. There is once I travelled with the Germans in India. They said India is not even a country and I asked why they said the road don't even have road sign, so it is a land only and not a country. And I replied then Deutschland is also a land not a country. They became silent. Hahahaha. I drop by many sugarcane plantations , brick making factories where kids as young 8 years working.

I am Just joking no hard feeling.
Actually there is no need to dream something negative about India, in reality its already a shithole with full of piss drinkers n dung eaters … even if u dream something about India, it couldn’t be worst than what actually the current state of India in the real world 🤣
:cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

Look how delusional these Indians are, Hindutva don't even have a unified language but borrow colonial master's tongue

China has been a country for 2000 years already with the same language and culture, while current day form India is a British made artifact, doesn't exist until about 150 years ago. But Bhakts dreaming of breaking up of China :cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

is manchurian a dish from manchuria??
:cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

Look how delusional these Indians are, Hindutva don't even have a unified language but borrow colonial master's tongue

China has been a country for 2000 years already with the same language and culture, while current day form India is a British made artifact, doesn't exist until about 150 years ago. But Bhakts dreaming of breaking up of China :cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

Don’t their hands ever get tired from the excessive jerking off?
is manchurian a dish from manchuria??

The worst the south indian Tamil Nadu , feel that the north Indian is not Indian but invader from the north once upon a time.

And north Indian think the south indian is not indian because they only speak Tamil and English only.
I grow up in Malaysia so I could speak a little Tamil, when I was in Bangalore where many Tamilian came to work there were very confused and shocked, however the Kartanaka Indian the local don't like them as they are darker. I explained to them cannot be like this very bad thoughts all from the same country. Worst they told me that Indian in Malaysia, Singapore and in Bali are all from the lowest caste. Since then I learned India caste system had brought more bad than good to the country.
:cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

Look how delusional these Indians are, Hindutva don't even have a unified language but borrow colonial master's tongue

China has been a country for 2000 years already with the same language and culture, while current day form India is a British made artifact, doesn't exist until about 150 years ago. But Bhakts dreaming of breaking up of China :cheesy: :rofl::rofl:

LOL these Indians have also created such maps of Pakistan.
if mullas can dream on winning europe by population jehad , if terrorists can dream about jehad on india by ghazwa hind , others can also dream break down jehad on china ... :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
and if Modi gs methane can feed safroni babooons with supa powa aspirations.....

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