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Indian worker of US Firm Worker Calls For Rape, Trafficking Of Kashmiri Women, Loses Job


Mar 23, 2017
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Ashish Kaul's tweets are a representation of a greater disgusting mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays
By Omair Kamran On Jun 1, 2020

A US-based company has suspended an Indian employee, Ashish Kaul, for his disgusting tweets about Kashmiri women. Development Dimensions International (DDI) suspended Kaul after his tweets calling for the rape and trafficking of Kashmiri women were circulated on social media.

Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir police also registered an FIR at Kothi Bagh police station against Kaul, over “abusive” and “offensive” tweets about Kashmiri Muslims that sparked widespread outrage.

The hate-monger’s views sparked outrage among Twitter users, and they were deleted shortly, but screenshots of the hate-speech were widely circulated online. His LinkedIn profile has also been suspended
Ashish spewed venom against Kashmiri women in a series of tweets saying:
“I love when Kashmiri Muslim women cry on roads-yeh masoom tha, begunah tha! Amarnath Cha thuss ya Aazadi- the proof is in the casualty chart of last 1 year, sorry 28 years! We are killing, maiming and raping you at will! Ha Haaa Cry aloud Aazadi.

The police also said they had asked Twitter for details and the location of the user to prosecute the case.


Ashish Kaul’s tweets reveal a mindset.
Ashish Kaul’s tweets are a representation of a bigger dangerous mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays. The obsession with capturing ‘fair-skinned Kashmiri women’ is deep-rooted in the doctrine.

Kashmir, according to Hindutvadis, has been ‘annexed’ and ‘conquered’ by India, after the abrogation of Article 370. Therefore, people who are native to the land have been ‘defeated’, as this incorporation was against their wishes and in contrast to the tendencies in the Valley to gain independence from India.
He is gonna go back use the American money to do that to Indians.

tsk tsk tsk
Look at him...an educated, urban, normal looking indian...and then look at his fantasies about raping Muslim women, forcing Muslims to sell their daughters etc.

THIS is representative of vast majority of indian hindus. A deep seated hatred of Islam/Muslims rooted in historical humiliations and civilization decimation inferior and weak Hindus faced at the hands of superior and infinitely more advanced civilization of Islam
All Indians are like him. This is the pure Hindu mindset. Any Indian saying otherwise is hiding behind a mask.
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Typical fat short Sanghi who was the default bullied kid in class. Of course he shows off his macho credentials by rejoicing in sexual crimes committed on women.
This whole educated middle class angle is nothing new when it comes to Hindutva. They were the pillar and support structure for the ideology to spread to everyone else. The lower income groups didn't really have much time for ideology, as daily life is a struggle. The middle classes had plenty of time to contemplate and think of India's future, hence what you see today. This was then spread to the lower income groups, Dalits etc.
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