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Indian worker of US Firm Worker Calls For Rape, Trafficking Of Kashmiri Women, Loses Job

Ashish Kaul's tweets are a representation of a greater disgusting mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays
By Omair Kamran On Jun 1, 2020

A US-based company has suspended an Indian employee, Ashish Kaul, for his disgusting tweets about Kashmiri women. Development Dimensions International (DDI) suspended Kaul after his tweets calling for the rape and trafficking of Kashmiri women were circulated on social media.

Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir police also registered an FIR at Kothi Bagh police station against Kaul, over “abusive” and “offensive” tweets about Kashmiri Muslims that sparked widespread outrage.

The hate-monger’s views sparked outrage among Twitter users, and they were deleted shortly, but screenshots of the hate-speech were widely circulated online. His LinkedIn profile has also been suspended
Ashish spewed venom against Kashmiri women in a series of tweets saying:
“I love when Kashmiri Muslim women cry on roads-yeh masoom tha, begunah tha! Amarnath Cha thuss ya Aazadi- the proof is in the casualty chart of last 1 year, sorry 28 years! We are killing, maiming and raping you at will! Ha Haaa Cry aloud Aazadi.

The police also said they had asked Twitter for details and the location of the user to prosecute the case.


Ashish Kaul’s tweets reveal a mindset.
Ashish Kaul’s tweets are a representation of a bigger dangerous mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays. The obsession with capturing ‘fair-skinned Kashmiri women’ is deep-rooted in the doctrine.

Kashmir, according to Hindutvadis, has been ‘annexed’ and ‘conquered’ by India, after the abrogation of Article 370. Therefore, people who are native to the land have been ‘defeated’, as this incorporation was against their wishes and in contrast to the tendencies in the Valley to gain independence from India.



A Joint Statement from DDI’s CEO Tacy Byham and President David Tessmann-Keys
PITTSBURGH (May 12, 2018)

On Friday, May 11, DDI was alerted to the fact that an employee who worked as a consultant in India had made statements on social media that condoned violence against members of the community in the Kashmir region.

We were shocked and saddened by the nature of these posts, which are in direct violation of our mission and values. As soon as we learned about the social media posts, we immediately suspended the employee and launched an investigation to determine the full scope of the issue. As of May 12, we have accepted the individual's resignation. This individual's opinions were his alone, and do not reflect the values of DDI.

At DDI, we are strong advocates for equality and diversity, and deeply believe in the value of peaceful resolution of conflict. As part of our mission to create better leaders around the world, we also believe we have a responsibility to serve our communities and make them better places to live and work. We hold ourselves and our employees to the highest standards of personal conduct, and refuse to tolerate violence and hate speech of any kind.

While we deeply regret this incident, we are moving forward as an organization with strengthened vigor to develop leaders that heal and support stronger workplaces and communities.
Indian Hindus are pathetic creatures. It does not matter how much educated or progressed they are. Their hate for Muslims and women is evident from the numbers of rape that happen every day in that pathetic country.
Not sure what the Indian fascination is with rape. Already they have made their country the rape capital of the world. Glad this scum got what he deserved.
Keep finding and reporting these guys - and they will get this dosage of reality. This must be done on a war footing for every word a NRI says since optics are everything.

On the flipside, I wouldn’t spare any Pakistani or Arab US resident I find badmouthing the US military or suggesting acts of terrorism - these people need to be called out.
Ashish Kaul's tweets are a representation of a greater disgusting mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays
By Omair Kamran On Jun 1, 2020

A US-based company has suspended an Indian employee, Ashish Kaul, for his disgusting tweets about Kashmiri women. Development Dimensions International (DDI) suspended Kaul after his tweets calling for the rape and trafficking of Kashmiri women were circulated on social media.

Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir police also registered an FIR at Kothi Bagh police station against Kaul, over “abusive” and “offensive” tweets about Kashmiri Muslims that sparked widespread outrage.

The hate-monger’s views sparked outrage among Twitter users, and they were deleted shortly, but screenshots of the hate-speech were widely circulated online. His LinkedIn profile has also been suspended
Ashish spewed venom against Kashmiri women in a series of tweets saying:
“I love when Kashmiri Muslim women cry on roads-yeh masoom tha, begunah tha! Amarnath Cha thuss ya Aazadi- the proof is in the casualty chart of last 1 year, sorry 28 years! We are killing, maiming and raping you at will! Ha Haaa Cry aloud Aazadi.

The police also said they had asked Twitter for details and the location of the user to prosecute the case.


Ashish Kaul’s tweets reveal a mindset.
Ashish Kaul’s tweets are a representation of a bigger dangerous mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays. The obsession with capturing ‘fair-skinned Kashmiri women’ is deep-rooted in the doctrine.

Kashmir, according to Hindutvadis, has been ‘annexed’ and ‘conquered’ by India, after the abrogation of Article 370. Therefore, people who are native to the land have been ‘defeated’, as this incorporation was against their wishes and in contrast to the tendencies in the Valley to gain independence from India.
He is probably a product of rape and knows nothing else...I would love him to meet a Pakistan and say that. Any pakistani...I know our people.

And all hindus are rapists and products of rape correct?
And all Muslims are Hindu haters and terrorists, correct?
I have observed this with both Pakistanis and Indian men. Sadistic fascination with rape and misogynistic vitriol. People need to do better.

Whats wrong with this country?

What's wrong with the mindset of Hindus?
But someone who could believe an animal is their God could possibly think and speak anything likewise. If they even had even little sense they would've dug in that how could an animal be their God and would've asked their parents too.
We should keep a tally of how many Indians have been fired so far

We would lose count by first day. :omghaha:

I have observed this with both Pakistanis and Indian men. Sadistic fascination with rape and misogynistic vitriol. People need to do better.

Dont you dare compare Pakistanis with Indians.

Americans aint no saints. Just pull up a just busted paper from your local store to see all the rapists/thugs/murderers.
A lot of Indians go crazy post on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.
Kaul means he is Kashmiri Pandit. So if Pakistanis claim all Kashmiris are Pakistanis, wouldn't that make him Pakistani?
Ashish Kaul's tweets are a representation of a greater disgusting mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays
By Omair Kamran On Jun 1, 2020

A US-based company has suspended an Indian employee, Ashish Kaul, for his disgusting tweets about Kashmiri women. Development Dimensions International (DDI) suspended Kaul after his tweets calling for the rape and trafficking of Kashmiri women were circulated on social media.

Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir police also registered an FIR at Kothi Bagh police station against Kaul, over “abusive” and “offensive” tweets about Kashmiri Muslims that sparked widespread outrage.

The hate-monger’s views sparked outrage among Twitter users, and they were deleted shortly, but screenshots of the hate-speech were widely circulated online. His LinkedIn profile has also been suspended
Ashish spewed venom against Kashmiri women in a series of tweets saying:
“I love when Kashmiri Muslim women cry on roads-yeh masoom tha, begunah tha! Amarnath Cha thuss ya Aazadi- the proof is in the casualty chart of last 1 year, sorry 28 years! We are killing, maiming and raping you at will! Ha Haaa Cry aloud Aazadi.

The police also said they had asked Twitter for details and the location of the user to prosecute the case.


Ashish Kaul’s tweets reveal a mindset.
Ashish Kaul’s tweets are a representation of a bigger dangerous mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays. The obsession with capturing ‘fair-skinned Kashmiri women’ is deep-rooted in the doctrine.

Kashmir, according to Hindutvadis, has been ‘annexed’ and ‘conquered’ by India, after the abrogation of Article 370. Therefore, people who are native to the land have been ‘defeated’, as this incorporation was against their wishes and in contrast to the tendencies in the Valley to gain independence from India.

I would like to Rss hindu deny this.. claiming it just a "terrorist" campaign in kashmir.

Look at him...an educated, urban, normal looking indian...and then look at his fantasies about raping Muslim women, forcing Muslims to sell their daughters etc.

THIS is representative of vast majority of indian hindus. A deep seated hatred of Islam/Muslims rooted in historical humiliations and civilization decimation inferior and weak Hindus faced at the hands of superior and infinitely more advanced civilization of Islam

Arnab is also a normal indian

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